Gabriel Riddle

of 172 Blackfriars Road, London
Lock Makers
1822 The mechanical pencil was invented by Sampson Mordan and Gabriel Riddle - the earliest Mordan pencils are hallmarked SMGR. Note: There is an opinion that the propelling pencil was invented by John Isaac Hawkins with Sampson Mordan and that Gabriel Riddle was a manufacturer.
1837 Partnership dissolved. '...Partnership heretofore subsisting between Sampson Mordan and Gabriel Riddle, under the firm of S. Mordan and Co., (by virtue of an indenture made in October 1823), and carrying on business as Mechanists and Manufacturers of Patent and other articles, at No. 22, Castle street, Finsbury, London, was, on the 20th of December last, dissolved, by the expiration of the term limited in the said indenture...'[1]
1837 Of 25 Paternoster Row
1839 Partnership dissolved. '...Jones Theodore, Gabriel Riddle, and Thomas Piper, patent wrought-iron wheel manufacturers, Lamb-st. Spitalfields, Debts by Ridle and Piper'[2]
1841 Manufacturer of superior articles including pens, pencils, ink holders, and locks on the Bramah and Barron patent principle[3]