George Edward Fleming
George Edward Fleming ( -1926)
1926 Obituary [1]
GEORGE EDWARD FLEMING was on a visit to London to the head office of Messrs. Dewrance & Co. after the Christmas holidays of 1925, and whilst at the office had a sudden seizure from which he never recovered, and he passed away on January 4, 1926.
After a period with Mather & Pratt he joined the firm of Dewrance & Co. in December 1892, and for about six years carried out many scientific experiments, especially in connection with anti-friction metals and lubricants.
In 1898 he was appointed the Scottish representative of the firm, and opened the office at 79 West Regent Street, Glasgow, which position he filled with honour until his death.
During the Great War Mr. Fleming spent most of his time at the London works, where his services in connection with Army and Navy supplies were of great value. His many years' residence in Scotland were marked by the wide circle of friends in the engineering and shipbuilding world that he gathered round him by his ability and his genial and straightforward manner.
Mr. Fleming was elected a Member of the Institute on September 17, 1921.