Gilbert Austin Clavey
Gilbert Austin Clavey (c1885-1940) of J. Stone and Co
1940 Obituary [1]
Mr. Gilbert Austin Clavey died on July 11, 1940, at the age of 55.
Except for the period from 1920 to 1929, when he acted as a consultant to various British and Continental companies in foundry matters, Mr. Clayey had been engaged for the whole of his professional life with J. Stone and Co., Ltd.
During his career he had occupied managerial positions in the marine-propeller departments, and later the light-alloy foundries also came under his care. More recently he took charge of Stone's northern offices at Manchester and Liverpool. At the time of his death he had been appointed to the management of new works at Manchester.
Mr. Clayey was a firm believer in the value of scientific method and technical control in the foundry. He was always ready to share with others the benefit of his wide experience in foundry work and marine engineering. He will be remembered with affection and respect by those who knew him.
Mr. Clayey was elected a member of the Institute of Metals in 1931. -A. J. M.