Captain Herbert Ross Hooper (1864-1954) of Parker Pearson and Ross Hooper
Born the son of Rev. Robert Poole Hooper
Partnership with George Parker Pearson
1922 O.B.E., M.A. (Oxon.), M.Inst.C.E., Civil and Electrical Engineer, The Cottage, Shoreham-by-Sea. T. N.: Shoreham-by-Sea 70. b. 1864. With Sir John Wolfe Barry, Brereton and Brunel; Westwood and Bailey's, London, East Argentine Railways, Grand Trunk Railway, Canadian Pacific Railway; Construction Engineer to numerous electric railways and tramways in America and this country. Engineering Inspector, Ministry of Health. Chief Works: Bridge construction and design, Canadian Pacific Railway. War Services.—Division Office, Royal Engineers, Bedford; Staff Captain, Directorate of Fortification and Works, War Office.
1939 Consulting Civil Engr., Dallas Chambers, Chippenham, Wilts. Career: Rly. and port works in the Argentine; Grand Trunk Rly. and Bridge Engr., C.P.R.; Engr. on numerous elect. tramways; Eng Insp., Ministry of Health, for 19 years; 4 years R.E. service in Great War; consulting engr. since 1926.
1954 Obituary [1]