Hall and Hall

of Oldfield Works, Hampton, Middlesex. Telephone: Molesey 2180. Telegraphic Address: "Hallite, Hampton, Middlesex"
1892 Company founded.
Presumably connected with Hallite Douglas
1903 H. J. Hall founded a general merchandising business[1]
A partnership, Hall and Hall, later acquired the business, making motor gaskets and various engine packings of asbestos and rubberised fabrics
1921 Acquired factory at Hampton
1936 Private company incorporated - Hall and Hall Ltd
1937 Listed Exhibitor. Hallite High Steam Jointings. Hallite Steam and Hydraulic Packings. Copper and Asbestos Gaskets for Internal Combustion and Diesel Engines. Graphite and Manganese Products. Power Press Guards. Hallite Motor Jointing. (Stand No. D.224)
1937 Manufacturers of packing and jointing materials. "Hallite" Jointing. "H. & H." Copper and Asbestos Gaskets. "Petrolite" Oil and Petrol Resisting Fabric and Tubing.
1939 See Aircraft Industry Suppliers
WWII Hallite sealing devices, Hallprene diaphragms and mouldings
1959 Exited that part of the business supplying the motor trade because of the concentration of manufacturers
1961 Manufacturers of fluid seals, used at pressures up to 7,000 lbs per square inch, steam and hydraulic jointings and packings, synthetic rubber mouldings, extrusions and oil seals. 500 employees.
1964 Introduced moulding of plastics
1969 Hallite Holdings was incorporated as a public company - this was the name of the group which included Hall and Hall. The company was a leading producer of specialised seals for industry
1985 Sold Poppe Manufacturing to FKI Electricals[2]
1987 Acquired by Evered Holdings[3]