Hall and Stells

of Park Works, Keighley, machinery for working wool.
Spindle reducing and finishing machines.
formerly Hall, Ramsden and Stell
1882 Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, Nathan Stell and William Stell, both of Keighley, in the county of York, carrying on business at Keighley aforesaid, as Worsted Machine Makers and Iron and Brass Founders, under the style or firm of Hall and Stells, has been dissolved, as from the 25th day of March, 1862, by mutual consent; and that all debts due to and from the said partnership will be received and paid by the said William Stell, who alone will henceforth continue the said business on his own account under the style or firm of Hall and Stells...'[1]
1927 See Aberconway for information on the company and its history
1931 Merged with Prince Smith and Son as Prince-Smith and Stells