Harold Clarkson Fletcher
Harold Clarkson Fletcher (1869- )
1922 M.I.Mech.E., M.S.Af.I.E., Partner, Johnson and Fletcher, Engrs., Bulawayo; b. 1869; s. of Robert H. Fletcher, Erdington, Birmingham. Ed. King Edward's High School, Birmingham. Training: Mason College, Birmingham. Articled to Belliss and Morcom; on Eng. Staff of various Rand Groups; started Eng. business, Bulawayo, 1897; since then engaged in the design and erection of various important min. plants in Rhodesia; Cons. Mech. Engr. to Ayrshire Gold Mine and Railway Co., 1899-1903. Clubs: Bulawayo, Salisbury. Address: P.O. Box 224, Bulawayo, S. Rhodesia.