Thomas Sansom and Sons
of Eccleshall, Sheffield
1808 Thomas Sansom, plate worker at Norfolk Street, Sheffield, entered his mark at Sheffield Assay Office on December 22, 1808.
Later the business was continued as Thomas Sansom & Sons, in partnership with his sons Abraham, John and William Sansom.
1833 Partnership change. '...Partnership which hath subsisted between the undersigned, Thomas Sansom, William Sansom, Abraham Sansom, and John Sansom, in the trades and business of Merchants, Cutlers, Farmers, and Colliers, carried on at Sheffield, and in Eccleshall, near Sheffield, in Yorkshire, in the firm of Thomas Sansom and Sons, is and stands dissolved by mutual consent as from the 7th day of January last; the debts owing to and from the said Partnership are to be received and paid by the said Thomas, Abraham, and John Sansom...'[1]
1847/9 Assets taken over by Harrison Brothers and Howson