Henry Crabtree and Son
of Limekiln Lane Dye Works, Ardwick; and Bank Dye Works, Higher Openshaw, Manchester.
1888 Obituary: 'MR. HENRY CRABTREE. We place here with great regret the name of one whose decease will be regretted by a large circle of acquaintance to whom he was personally known, and by a still larger number of friends to the United Kingdom Alliance, who knew him through his long-continued and consistent support. We advert to the late Mr. Henry Hunt Crabtree, of Manchester, (better known amongst his friends as Henry Crabtree) who died last week at his residence, Burnage Lane.
He had been for some time past in failing health; indeed since the death of his wife some five years ago, he had gradually withdrawn from active life. Mr. Crabtree may be said to have been a self-made man, in the common acceptation of that term, and he always considered the strict observance of temperance principles, which has been one of the chief factors in his success. In 1837, being then about 22 years old, in conjunction with several others, working men like himself, he commenced a co-operative dyeing business in Manchester, taking on himself the department of obtaining orders for work. In this case, however, the co-operative system did not prove a success ; the partners, from one cause or another, fell off, and the concern was soon broken up.
After this, he took post, first under Messrs. J. and J. N. Worrall, dyers, of Salford; and subsequently with Messrs. William Gratrix and Co. Here, his industry, tact, and good business principles secured such acknowledgment, that some of his more intimate friends suggested that he should begin business on his own account. In 1852 he rented the Limekiln Lane Dye Works, of which he afterwards became the owner; and in which premises, with many extensions and improvements, he continued to carry on business till the time of his death.
At the commencement, five of his brothers were connected with him in the business, of whom the most prominent was John Crabtree, partner in the firm, a man of sterling worth, whose decease at the early ago of 30, was much lamented. Mr. Crabtree then associated with himself his son, Mr. William Henry Crabtree, and the title of the firm was changed to Henry Crabtree and Son.
From the first, Mr. Crabtree took a warm interest in the principles and practice of total abstinence. Being a man of a somewhat retiring disposition he seldom appeared in public as an advocate, but he was always ready, by money contributions and the influence of his own example, to help on in the good work. Amongst his own workpeoplo every encouragement was given to the observance of temperance. He was one of the guarantors of the £100,000 fund of the United Kingdom Alliance, a vice-president, a liberal donor, and a subscriber from the very commencement. He was also a staunch supporter of the Central Association for Stopping the Sale of Drink on Sunday, of the Band of Hope movement, and of temperance organisations of all kinds. A member of the Unitarian body, he was a liberal contributor to the church to which he belonged; but at tho same time his ready help was forthcoming in aid of many religious and charitable objects not connected with his own denomination. Amongst others, the Manchester branch of the Lifeboat Institution from the very beginning numbered him amongst its principal supporters. Mr. Crabtree was a Liberal in politics, but never took an active part in political affairs. The deceased gentleman leaves three children — William Henry, who married the daughter of Dr. Dowse, of Manchester; Charlotte, married to Mr. Edward Watts, of the firm of S. and J. Watts, Portland-street; and Elizabeth, married to Mr. H. B. Massie, of The Limes, Stoke-on-Trent.'ref>Alliance News - Saturday 21 January 1888</ref>
1891 Directory: Listed as dyers and finishers. More details
Acquired by the English Velvet and Cord Dyers Association.