Horace Campbell Hall
Horace Campbell Hall (1884- )
1922 F.O M.Met., M.Inst.Met., F.C.S., Chief Metallurgist to Rolls Royce, Ltd.; b. 1884; s. of H. E. Hall. Ed. Summerfield School, Sheffield; The College, Caterham, Surrey; Training: Northampton Tech. School, Sheffield University. Sc. Ex. Schp., Associate in Metallurgy, Sheffield University. Career: Under Prof. Arnold (Sheffield University), Research in connection with the Metallography of Steels; C. Chemist to the G. W. Colliery Co., Pontypridd, Coke Oven and By-product Plant; C. Metallurgist and Analyst to the Bengal Iron and Steel Co., 1910-15; C. Metallurgist Rolls Royce, Ltd., since 1915. Club: Rolls Royce. Address: Derby.
1939 M.Met., F.I.C., M.I.A.E. Chief Metallurgist, Rolls Royce, Ltd., Derby. Private Address: Kulti, Littleover, Derby. Career: Educ.: Caterham, Sheffield Univ. Bengal Iron and Steel Co.