I. and W. Beardmore
of Parkhead Forge, Glasgow
1880 The partnership W. and I. Beardmore became I. and W. Beardmore when William Beardmore senior's wife left the partnership[1]. Isaac Beardmore was senior partner.
1886 On his uncle’s retirement, William Beardmore became the sole proprietor of the business which then became William Beardmore and Co
1886 Dissolution of the Copartnery Concern of J. and W. Beardmore, Parkhead Forge and Rolling Mills, Glasgow, at 31st December, 1886, by mutual consent of the subscribers, the sole Partners thereof. The subscriber William Beardmore will continue the business for his own behoof under the firm of William Beardmore and Company, and is authorized to collectthe debts and discharge the liabilities of the dissolved concern. Signed Isaac Beardmore, Wm. Beardmore[2]