Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Irish Engineering Co

From Graces Guide

The Irish Engineering Co of Seville Works, Seville Place, Dublin

1847 William Pare joined the members of an engineering firm in Liverpool, largely engaged in the construction of railway plant for home and foreign use, to establish extensive works in Dublin, under the style of The Irish Engineering Company, of which Pare became the managing partner[1]

1848 Patent 1471 to Benjamin Finch of the Seville Works, Dublin, for the invention of improvements in apparatus for supplying water to steam boilers [2]

1849 Partnership dissolved. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned, Henry Smith, William Pare, John Finch the younger, Edward Finch, and Thomas Willey, carrying on business at Dublin, under the firm of The Irish Engineering Company, is this day dissolved by the retirement of the said Henry Smith...'[3]

The company made a beam engine to drive a impressive scoop wheel at Drinagh, near Wexford. 36" bore, 6 ft stroke. The scoop wheel itself, 40 ft diameter and 10 ft wide, was built by Courtney, Stephens and Co. [4]

1851 'Novel Exports from Dublin — The large castings for the great bridge over the Wye, at Chepstow, for the South Wales Railway, are being executed by a firm in Dublin, which we believe is the first instance on record of castings of any magnitude being made in Dublin for works in England and Wales. The enterprising firm (the Irish Engineering Company, Seville Works), who are doing this work, have lately made in this city all the castings for the Brighton Railway Company required in the extension of their passenger terminus at London-bridge, and have exported to England during the last two years upwards of 800 tons of castings. — Dublin Express [5]

1853 Partnership between W. Pare, J. Finch (jun) and E. Finch, dissolved, so far as regards J. Finch (jun)[6]. Note: The Finch brothers were sons of John Finch who established the Liverpool foundry of Finch and Willey

1853 Advertising as Millwrights, Iron Founders, Manufacturers of Steam Engines and Boilers, and Iron Boat Builders [7]

1853 Exhibited a vertical, direct acting, portable, high pressure steam engine and boiler, complete, on one bed-plate at the Great Industrial Exhibition, Dublin, 1853

1856 Patent Sealed: Thomas Barnabas Daft, of the Irish Engineering Company, Seville Iron Works, Dublin, for improvements in the manufacture of metallic and other bedsteads, and articles of metallic and other furniture. Dated 26th March, 1856.[8]

1857 Advert: 'To Capitaiste, Engineers, and Ironfounders.-In Chancery. In the matter of Willim Pare and John Clement Pare, petitioners; Thomas Barnabas Daft, respondent; .... all that and those the LEASEHOLD PREMISES, comprising three plots of ground - situate in and near the North Strand, in the city of Dublin, now called "Seville Place," with the buildings thereon erected, known as the "Seville Ironworks," as the same are now in the occupation of the vendors, and are held under a lease dated 5th December, 1846, granted by William Deane and others to William Pare and others....[9]

1858 Patent 1054 To William Pare, of the Irish Engineering Company, Seville Ironworks, Dublin, for the invention of "improvements in metallic and other bedsteads, and other articles of furniture. [10]

1859 Advertisement: 'IRON CASTINGS.
invite attention to the superiority of their Castings in Iron, to the very large number and variety of highlv-finished models for every description of work which they possess, whilst the resources of their Foundry (the largest in Ireland) gives them facilities for executing orders with rapidity and economy, thus enabling them to offer advantages to Builders and others not to be obtained elsewhere.

1861 Advertisement: 'IRON BEDSTEAD MANUFACTORY. SEVILLE IRON WORKS, SEVILLE-PLACE. (Near the Drogheda Railway Terminus, Dublin.) Every description of Iron Bedsteads are here manufactured and here only the PATENT FAUCET JOINT BEDSTEAD, so much approved for its simplicity of construction, elegance, and strength. Attention of the Trade Is especially Invited to the new PATENT ENAMELLED IRON BEDSTEADS, specimens of which are now on view.'[12]

1863 Advertisement: 'IRON BEDSTEAD MANUFACTORY. SEVILLE IRON WORKS, SEVILLE-PLACE (Near the Drogheda Railway Terminus, Dublin.) The extensive and very superior stock of IRON BEDSTEADS. COTS, STRETCHERS, &c., is now offering for immediate sale at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES to effect a clearance for the Rolling Stock Company of Ireland who have purchased the premises.'[13]

1863 Advertisement: 'GENERAL ROLLING STOCK COMPANY (Limited), with which is united the ROLLING STOCK COMPANY of IRELAND (Limited).
Offices—92, Cannon-street, EC.
London Works. .... Railway Works, Goswell-street.
Dublin Works .... Seville Works, Dublin.
The Directors beg to announce that the BUSINESS of the Company has been REMOVED to the permanent offices, 92, CANNON-STREET, E C., and that they are now prepared to receive proposals for working on lease completed lines of Railway at fixed rates. They are also prepared to supply, either by way of lease, hiring, or sale, every description of rolling stock, engines, carriages, waggons, &c. The Company has on hand a large number of first-class waggons, constructed either for goods or coal. Terms can be had on application at the offices, addressed to J. HOWARD RUSSEL, Secretary.'[14]

See Also


Sources of Information

  1. [1] Letter from William Pare to J. M. Grant of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada 29th Jan 1861
  2. [2] The London Gazette 1848
  3. The London Gazette Publication date:14 December 1849 Issue:21049 Page:3835
  4. [3]Trans Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland, 1862 - 3, Vol VII, Part 1, p.102ff
  5. Sussex Advertiser - Tuesday 25th February 1851
  6. London Daily News - Wednesday 5th January 1853
  7. The Advocate: or, Irish Industrial Journal - Wednesday 20 April 1853
  8. Staffordshire Sentinel and Commercial & General Advertiser, 14 June 1856
  9. Manchester Times - Saturday 15 August 1857
  10. The London Gazette, May 28, 1858
  11. The Dublin Builder, 7 February 1859
  12. Freeman's Journal - Tuesday 6th August 1861
  13. Freeman's Journal - Saturday 31 January 1863
  14. London Evening Standard, 5 January 1863