J. and E. Headly

of Eagle Foundry, Market Hill, Cambridge
Maker of stationary engines at Exchange Ironworks [1]in Cambridge.[2]
1824 Company formed by Robert Headly an Ironmonger and Pattern maker.
1839 Robert Headly, ironmonger and iron and brass founder, Market Hill, Cambridge[3].
1843 Robert Headly leave the business. '...the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, Robert Headly, James Ind Headly, and Edward Ind Headly, in the business of Ironmongers and Ironfounders, carried on at Cambridge, in the county of Cambridge, and at Royston, in the county of Hertford, under the style or firm of Headly and Sons, was this day dissolved, by mutual consent, so fair as concerns the said Robert Headly; and that all debts due to and from the said copartnership will be received and paid by the said James Ind Headley and Edward Ind Headly, by whom the business will in future be carried on...'[4]
1846 Factory moved to Mill Road following a fire
c.1850 J. and E. Headly steam pumping engine for land drainage at Stitches Farm, Wimblington.
1851 J. and E. Headley (sic) engineers and ironfounders, Eagle Foundry, Mill Road[5].
Erected a beam engine at Stow Bridge Pumping Station.
1852 Partnership dissolved. James went into partnership with John Manning, trading as Headly and Manning at the Eagle Foundry.