James McGregor (1878-1953)
James McGregor (1878-1953) D.S.O., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Struct.E., M.E.I.C. Chartered Civil and Structural Engineer.
Educated at Royal Technical College, Glasgow
Pupil and Assistant to Gilbert Thomson, M.A., M.Inst.C.E. and James Deas, C.E., Glasgow
Chief Assistant to C. C. Lindsay, M.Inst.C.E., Glasgow.
Resident and Assistant Divisional Engineer for the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Co., Canada
Supt. Engr. Canadian Government Railways., Ocean Terminals, Halifax, N.B.
WWI 1916-19, Major and Chief Engr., 3rd Bn. Can. Rly. Troops, France
Supt. Engr., Canadian National Railways
Chief Engr., Stewart and McDonnell, London
Chief Engr., Gold Coast Harbours (Takoradi and Accra)
Chief Engr., New Tyndrum-Ballachulish Road (Glencoe) Argyll
1933-4 Consulting Engr. Dock and Harbour Works, Eastern Canada.
Director, Modern Construction Co., Ltd., 86 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow.