James Stuart Thomson
James Stuart Thomson (1878-1929)
1929 Obituary [1]
JAMES STUART THOMSON, manager of the Fife Electric Power Co., died on the 29th July, 1929.
Born in Montrose in 1878 of Scottish parents, he received his early education at Montrose Academy and, due to his parents' removal to London, his later education was gained at the City of London School.
He obtained his early training in electrical engineering in the station and mains departments of the London Electric Supply Corporation, and subsequently held positions in the electricity departments of Wimbledon Urban District Council and the Corporation of Newport (Mon.) and also with the South Wales Electrical Power Distribution Co.
In 1905 he was appointed manager of the Fife Electric Power Co. at the company's inception, and continued to hold this position up to the time of his death. He had a great love for his work and was imbued with a keen enthusiasm in the supply of electrical energy to the agricultural and rural areas.
He joined the Institution in 1909 as an Associate Member, and was transferred to full membership in 1926. He was chairman of the Dundee Sub-Centre of the Institution in 1925-26 and was also an enthusiastic member of the Local Committee for many years.
He was held in high esteem by his friends both in and outside the profession, and his kind and generous disposition gained for him the loyalty and high respect of his staff.
He is survived by his widow, two sons and two daughters.