James Thornton and Son

Bradford Street, Birmingham.
Wholesale Ironmongers
1849 James Thornton and Sons - Directory: Listed as Hinge manufacturer
1849 James Thornton and Sons - Directory: Listed as manufacturers of railway equipment
1854 Dissolution of the Partnership between Samuel Thornton and Hill Thornton, at Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, under the firm of James Thornton and Sons,as Merchants, Factors, and Hinge Manufacturers. Samuel Thornton carried on alone the said trades, under the aforesaid firm.[1]
1872 Dissolution of the Partnership between Samuel Thornton and Falkland Samuel Thornton, carrying on business at Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, as Hinge Makers, Merchants, and General Factors, under the style or firm of James Thornton and Sons. Falkland Samuel Thornton carried on the said businesses [2]