John Edward Roberts
John Edward Roberts (1863- )
1922 F.R.S.A., Mar.E., Chief Engr., Ports and Lighthouses Administration, Port Said, Egyptian Govt., since 1918; b. 1863; s. of John Roberts (Wesleyan Minister). Ed. Privately and at Hartley Inst., Southampton. Training: Hartley Inst. B.O.T. Chief Eng. Cert., 1891. App. Mar. Eng. at Oswald, Mordaunt and Co., Southampton; then with Liverpool, Brazil and River Plate Steam Navigation Co., and P. and O. Steam Navigation Co.; joined Egyptian Govt. Service, 1895; Asst. Chief Engr., Floating Plant, Ports and Lighthouses Administration; Chief Engr. 18971918; Surveyor to Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Alexandria, 1905-18. Clubs: Union and Masonic, Alexandria; and Union, Port Said. Address: Ports and Lighthouses Administration, Port Said, Egypt.