John Singleton Green
John Singleton Green (1870-1923)
1923 Obituary [1]
JOHN SINGLETON GREEN was born in 1870, and served his articles with Mr. J. Whitaker, Architect and Surveyor of Bacup and Haslingden.
After working as pattern-maker and draughtsman at the works of Messrs. S. S. Stott and Co., he became in 1892 assistant engineer and surveyor to the Corporation of Haslingden, subsequently being promoted Borough Engineer and Surveyor.
In 1918 he was appointed Borough Engineer and Surveyor of Hythe, Kent, and held this position until his death which took place on 28th March 1923, at the age of fifty-three.
He became an Associate Member of this Institution in 1899 and a Member in 1911.