Joseph Beaumont Brew
Joseph Beaumont Brew (1855-1927) of Fawcett, Preston and Co
1928 Obituary [1]
JOSEPH BEAUMONT BREW was for twenty-seven years works manager for Messrs. Fawcett, Preston and Company of Liverpool, and held this position at the time of his retirement in 1924, having spent in all forty-three years in the firm's service.
He was born at Everton in 1855 and served a five years' apprenticeship with Messrs. John Jones and Company, engineers and shipbuilders.
He then entered the service of Messrs. Alfred Holt and Company as a junior engineer, and twelve months later became assistant to the superintendent engineer of the Dublin Steam Packet Company.
He joined Messrs. Fawcett, Preston and Company as marine draughtsman.
Ten years later he took charge of the firm's outside work until his appointment as works manager.
Under his charge the engines of the gunboats H.M.S. "Bramble" and H.M.S. "Britomart", - as well as many other ships, were designed, constructed, installed, and tested.
Mr. Brew was also responsible for the construction of pumping machinery, and more recently, sugar machinery.
He became a Member of the Institution in 1909, and his death occurred on 27th August 1927.