M. T. Shaw, Head and Co
Building contractors, 141 Cannon St, London EC
Iron Bridge Builders
1867 Thomas Howard Head became a member of the firm of M. T. Shaw, Head and Co., engineers and contractors, their business being for the most part with architects and builders[1].
1867 Alteration of partnership between Thomas Howard Head, Charles Arthur Head and Thomas Wrightson on the retirement of Thomas Head[2]. In the same file is an undated draft agreement between T. H. Head and M. T. Shaw of 141 Cannon St.
1869 Matthew T. Shaw, Head and Co moved a boatsman's house in its entirety from Caversham Bridge, a distance of 8 feet[3].
1869 Matthew T. Shaw, Head and Co of Stockton-on-Tees made the lifts for the Tower Subway under the Thames[4]
1871 The partnership was dissolved
Also see Matthew T. Shaw and Co and Matthew Turner Shaw