Mac Fisheries was a retail chain of fishmongers
1917 William Lever (Baron Leverhulme) of Lever Brothers bought the Isle of Lewis, and the isles of North and South Harris in 1919.
He set up a company called MacFisheries
1919 Leverhulme saw the opportunity to sell fresh fish and opened the first MacFisheries shop (in England).
1920 MacFisheries acquired several food companies, notably T. Wall and Son, sausage makers, as part of Lever's intention to develop the fishing industry and improve the conditions of the crofter population of these isles[1].
1922 Established a restaurant subsidiary Delicura Ltd[2]
1922 MacFisheries was acquired by Lever Brothers.
A chain of fish shops was established by acquiring fishmongers throughout the country
1929 Became part of Unilever
1964 Set up MacMarkets, a supermarket operation
1970 Delicura Ltd was renamed Mac Mart Ltd
1979 Sold MacMarkets to International Stores
1980 The number of MacFisheries high street fresh fish shops had fallen to 55 (from a peak of 400); Unilever decided to close them because of change in the fish distribution to frozen fish; MacFisheries would continue its fish processing operation and wholesaling operations[3]
1985 MacFisheries operated a fish-processing plant at Fraserburgh. It was a wholly-owned subsidiary of Unilever which sold it to Clipper Seafoods of Aberdeen[4]
1986 The name of Mac Mart Ltd was changed to Mac Fisheries (B/gate) Ltd, fish merchants
1990 Mac Fisheries (B/gate) Ltd was a subsidiary of Geest plc.
1990 Geest merged its fish processing activities with those of Associated Fisheries as Macfish[5]