North Central Finance

North Central Finance Ltd. of 120 Moorgate, Rotherham; 153 Preston Road, Brighton 6; 21 New Dover Road, Canterbury; Regents Park Road, London, N3.
1861 Established in Rotherham as North Central Wagon Co by a group of investors to let wagons to railway companies on a 'purchase lease' (that is, hire purchase).
1894 Incorporated as a joint stock company with limited liability, North Central Wagon Co Ltd
1928 Sir Connop Guthrie and Prudential Insurance Co bought all the ordinary capital in the company.
North Central acquired Lincoln Wagon and Engine Co (incorporated 1873) and its subsidiaries Southern Counties Car Finance Corporation and Consumer Credit Corporation. North Central also acquired other companies in the 1920s and 1930s.
1948 After the nationalisation of the railways the company became involved in the business of motor car hire purchase, changing its name to North Central Wagon and Finance Co Ltd.
1958 National Provincial Bank, North Central's own banker, bought the company's entire share capital.
1961 the company was renamed North Central Finance Ltd.
1970 became part of the newly-formed National Westminster Bank.
1971 North Central merged with Lombard Banking to form Lombard North Central Ltd.
See Also
Sources of Information
- [1] Nat West heritage