Pedigree Petfoods
1934 Mars Confections acquired the whole of the share capital of Chappel Brothers Ltd, a small company in Manchester which canned meat offcuts for sale as pet food under the brand name 'Chappie'.
1939 The name of the company was changed to Chappie Ltd in 1939.
1951 The Petfoods activity was moved from Slough to Melton Mowbray.
1957 Because the company was marketing a range of products in addition to the original 'Chappie', the name was changed to Petfoods Ltd,
1972 The name was changed again to Pedigree Petfoods
1974 An additional factory was built at Peterborough which started operations in October 1974, manufacturing semi-moist products ('Bounce Minced Dinner' and 'Cupboard Love')
1975 the Mars Group was reorganised; Pedigree Petfoods Ltd became the Pedigree Petfoods Division of Mars Ltd.
See Pedigree Chum