Percy M. Bennett
Percy M. Bennett (1875-?) Wh. Ex., F.R.G.S., M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E.
1939 Consulting Engr., Whitehall Securities Ltd., 53 Parliament Street., Westminster, S.W.1.
Career: Manchester Tech. Sch.
1895-98 Apprent., F. H. Royce, Ltd.,
1898 John Holroyd, Ltd.
1898-01 Asst. Works Manager, C. A. Parsons and Co.
1901-02 Constr. Engr., Callender's Cable Co.
1902-14 in Mexico on Govmt. and Utility contracts.
1914-17 Asst. to Tech. Manager, Mexican Eagle Oil Co.
1917-19 M. of M., operation of special works for Mfture. of Trench Tel. Cable.
1928-30 Chile, for Whitehall, reconstr. Santiago and Valpariso. Elec. Schemes;
1928-30 Grid Scheme (Southern) for Callender's.
1930-38 Athens public lighting, etc. for Whitehall.