Percy Muers
Percy Muers (1880-1963)
Born at Seaton
1922 Engr. Lt.-Commander R.N., M.I.Mar.E., M.I.N.A., F.C.M.S., Cons. Mar. Engr.; Proprietor of Jack and Muers, Cons. Engrs.; .b. 1879; s. of Henry F. Muers, of Northumberland. Ed. Trinity College, Harrogate. Training: London University. Extra First Class Hons., B.O.T. Cert. App. with Thomas Richardson and Sons, West Hartlepool; Engr. in P. and O. Line, Standard Oil Co., etc.; Asst. Works Mangr., Richardsons, Westgarth and Co., Ltd., West Hartlepool; Asst. Supt., Standard Oil Co. Steamers; late partner with C. P. M. Jack, in firm of Jack and Muers; introduced the first Cylindrical Oil Carrying Steamers, and supt. the building of 130,000 tons deadweight of these vessels, including 7 large vessels for H.M. Navy; granted Commission as Lt.-Commander, R.N., and served in H.M.S. " Barham," and afterwards on Staff, Admiral Tyne District, for repairs to H.M. Craft; introduced Submersible Mar. Oil Storages, etc. Address: 32, (Great St. Helens, E.C.3.
1963 Died at Adelaide, Australia