
Source Perrier SA, French bottler and distributor of sparkling mineral water
British agent: 45 and 47, Wigmore Street, London, W.
1962 Source Perrier gained an exclusive licence to distribute Pepsi-Cola in France[1]
1967 The confectionery part of the business (Menier, Lindt, Rozan, Caramels d'Isigny) was amalgamated with that of Cavenham Foods (Hollands, Carsons' and Parkinson's)[2] i.e. Cavenham Confectionery
1973 The JV Heinz-Perrier acquired Somicel, leading producer of mushroom spawn, including a majority stake in A. Darlington and Sons of Sussex[4]
1988 Sold a French aggregates company that it owned to Steetley[5]
1989 Put its soft drinks business up for sale[6]
1990 All bottles of the mineral water were with drawn from sale after discovery of trace amounts of benzene[7]
1990 Much of the soft drinks business was acquired by Cadbury Schweppes[8]
1992 Acquired by Nestle