Pryke and Palmer

of Upper Thames Street, London
1881 Pryke and Palmer, 45 Upper Thames street. Door furniture.[1]
1898 Bicycles: 'Pryke & Palmer. This firm, of Upper Thames St., E.C., show a dozen well selected patterns, all fitted with the box crown, and boxed in crank, preventing oil leakage. The spring quadrant fitted to the ladies' machines shown is a smart line. This firm also exhibit a household requisite, a bicycle hoist, a live apparatus at a cheap figure, and which should catch on.'[2]
1900 Merchants and Manufacturers of Locks, Fastenings. Plumbers' and Engineers' Fittings of every description, Gas Fittings. Sanitary goods. Stoves. Chimney pieces. etc. Contractors to H.M. Government and public institutions at home and abroad. Send for Illustrated Catalogue.[3]
1908 William Robert Pryke and William Palmer, trading as Pryke and Palmer, of 40 and 41, Upper Thames-street, in the city of London, Ironmongers.[4]
1934 Serious fire at premises in Upper Thames street.[5]