Pullin Optical Co

of Phoenix Works, Great West Road, Brentford, Middx. Telephone: Ealing 0011. Cables: "Pullinco, London".
1939 R. B. Pullin and Co established a subsidiary company, Pullin Optical Co, at a new factory outside London[1] in response to many requests from official and outside sources that the company should involve itself in scientific optical business[2]
1947 of Solar Works, High Wycombe[3]
1947 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of Photographic Lenses, Film Strip and slide Projectors, X-ray Film Projectors, Projection Lenses, Photographic Enlarger, Photographic Rangefinder, Optical Prisms, Magnifiers, Focimeter for Spectacle Lens measurement. Aneroid Barometer. (Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. A.1118) [4]
1964 Merger of marketing function with Northgate (Cameras) Ltd[5]