Rees, Mace Manufacturing Co

of 39a Welbeck Street, London, W1. Telephone: Mayfair 3758-9. Cables: "Resmace, London"
of Oulton Works, Lowestoft.
The company produced marine communications equipment for the Royal Navy.
1928 Patent - Radio receiving sets. (Not granted - Sealing Fee not paid).
1928 Patent - Radio circuits. (Not granted - as above).
1929 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of Portable Receivers, including Pentode 3-valve, Screened 5-valve, 5 and 8-valve Sets. Also short wave 3-valve Receiver for Empire Broadcasting. (Stand No. MM.42) [1]
1947 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of Portable Broadcast Receivers and Radio Gramophones for AC and DC Mains, (100 to 250 Volts) and Battery Operation. Broadcast and Sound Reproduction Apparatus for Marine Use and Factory Entertainment. (Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. C.1519) [2]
1949 Company liquidated.[3]
c.1950 The company was taken over by Pye and reformed as Rees Mace Marine. [4]