Richard Meredith

Richard Meredith (21st May 1867 – 7th January 1957)
Born 1867 May 21st. Born the son of Sir James Creed Meredith and his wife Mary Jane Florence Hargrave. Nephew of H. J. B. Hargrave and a first cousin of H. H. Deane.
Educated at the Royal School, Armagh and Trinity College, Dublin.
Entered the Royal Indian Engineering College at Cooper's Hill.
Served in the Burmese Campaign, 1891 and at the relief of Chitral (medals and clasps).
WWI. Served in Mesopotamia. (source Register of the Royal School, Armagh, Belfast 1933).
Became Chief Engineer of the Indian Telegraph Department in 1916 and was awarded the CSI (1919) and the CIE.