Richards and Jones
of Cheapside, Birmingham
Richards was James Richards of James Richards and Co.
Listed as hot house and horticultural building constructors, metallic and copper sash manufacturers [1]
Tottenham House, Great Bedwyn Wilts: Attached to the rear of the southern quadrant wing is a conservatory of c 1828, with a barrel-vaulted roof supported by cast-iron columns, manufactured by Richards and Jones of Birmingham.[2]
1824 Advert: 'NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership between the undersigned Metallic Hothouse-makers, carried on at Birmingham in the firm "James Richards and Co." was this day dissolved by mutual consent. Witness our bands the 6th day of October, 1824,
RICHARDS and Co. take this opportunity in acknowledging with gratitude the liberal patronage which they have received from the Nobility, Gentry, and their Friends, since their commencement, and inform them that the trade will in future be carried on by and under the firm of "Richards and Jones," who respectfully solicit continuance of their favours.
Patentees and Manufacturers of every description of Horticultural Buildings, Shop Fronts and Metallic Sashes in general; Garden, Sky, and Fan-fights of all kinds, designed to any style, constructed upon the most improved principles, and on liberal terms.
Cheapside, Birmingham'[3]