Robert Mitchell
Robert Mitchell (1862-1928) of United Sugar Engineers
1928 Obituary [1]
ROBERT MITCHELL, managing director of Messrs. United Sugar Engineers, was well known as a sugar engineer of wide experience.
He received his early training at Owens College, Manchester, and was for a time works manager and then general manager for Messrs. A. and W. Smith and Company of Glasgow.
He was connected with the late Mr. W. Maxwell of Java, as London partner, and was engaged in the design and erection of many factories in different countries.
Later he became managing director of the Sugar Machinery Manufacturing Company of London, which erected for Messrs. W. Maxwell and Company large sulphitation and carbonatation factories in Java, and was also responsible for the design and erection of raw- and white-sugar factories in other cane-growing countries.
In 1922 he severed his connexion with this firm and founded the business of the United Sugar Engineers, with which he was associated until his death on 16th August 1928.
He became a Member of the Institution in 1907.