Singer Manufacturing Co of New Jersey

of New York (1853)
of New Jersey (1873)
1811 Isaac Merritt Singer, founder of Singer, was born in Schaghiticoke, New York.
1850 Isaac built the first commercially successful sewing machine.
1851 Isaac Singer formed the I. M. Singer and Co with New York lawyer Edward Clark; the Singer sewing machine was offered for sale across the United States.[1]
1853 The company name was changed to Singer Manufacturing Co.
1853 Singer becomes the largest sewing machine company in USA.
1855 Singer was the largest sewing machine company in the world. The Singer sewing machine was awarded a first prize at the World Fair in Paris. The company expanded overseas, starting in Paris.
1856 A branch office is opened in Scotland.
1863 The company was incorporated as the Singer Manufacturing Company, holding 22 patents.
1867 The first factory outside of the U.S. was opened in Glasgow, Scotland.
1870 Sales reach over 170,000 machines in a single year. Sales and Distribution centers were opened in England. The Singer Red "S" girl trademark is introduced and becomes a well known trademark throughout the world.
1871 The Bridgton factory becomes the largest in Britain. Unit sales reach 180,000 this year.
1873 Opened factory in Elizabethport - the Singer Manufacturing Company became a New Jersey Corporation under a special charter.
1875 Isaac Singer died in Torquay, England at the age of 63.
1883 The largest sewing machine factory in the world was opened at Kilbowie in Scotland. At one point, this factory employed over 12,000 workers.
1891 First use of an electric motor to power a commercial sewing machine.
1904 Singer Sewing Machine Co became the sales and distribution division of Singer Manufacturing Co.
1905 Acquired Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing Co.
1905 Singer Manufacturing Co formed as a private company in Britain. The company was registered on 29 April, to acquire business as regards the United Kingdom of sewing machine manufacturers from the Singer Manufacturing Co of New Jersey. [2]
1913 Singer sales reached 3 million machines worldwide.
1914 The company employed a very large number of people; its name had become intimately associated with the history and development of the sewing machine in both its domestic and its industrial types. Specialities: sewing machines for family use and for all manufacturing purposes where stitching is employed. [3]
1929 Singer purchased the Standard Sewing Machine Company.
1960s Singer acquired Packard Bell Electronics, the General Precision Equipment Corporation, and other companies making electrical equipment and office machinery.
1961 Employ 3,924 persons with 470 branches in UK. Owned by International Securities Co of New Jersey. Manufacturers of wide range of sewing machines of both domestic and industrial use, makers of 3,000 catalogued types of machines. [4] [5]
1963 The company name is changed to The Singer Co.
The Singer Co diversified during the 1960's to become known as The Singer Corporation.[6]
2001 The company celebrates its 150th anniversary.
See Also
Sources of Information
- ↑ Wikipedia
- ↑ The Stock Exchange Year Book 1908
- ↑ 1914 Whitakers Red Book
- ↑ 1961 Guide to Key British Enterprises
- ↑ 1961 Dun and Bradstreet KBE
- ↑ Wikipedia