Stephens Belting Co

of 94 Snow Hill, Birmingham. Telephone: Central 8086 (3 lines). Telegraphic Address: "Stephanus, Birmingham"
Subsidiary of Ira Stephens Ltd
1937 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Belting for all purposes, including: Leather Balata**, "Nuflex" Patent Impregnated, Short Centre V Rope Drives. Transmission appliances, Tension Roller Drives, Pulleys, Conveyors, Rawhide Hammers and Mallets. Belt Drives in Motion. (Stand No. D.325)
1937 Belting manufacturers.
c.1939 Proprietor of Thor Hammer Co of Birmingham
1943 Patent - Improvements relating to power-transmission belts.
1946 Patent - Improvements relating to hammers.
1957 Associated company: Stephens Gaskets Ltd
1961 Associated company: Stephens Lubrication Ltd