Stockall, Marples and Co
of 6, 8 and 10. Clerkenwell Road, London, EC1. Telephones; Clerkenwell 2781-5, Clock Manufacturers
1858 Business established by J. J. Stockall. See J. J. Stockall and Sons
At some point Thomas James Stockall was managing director of the J J Stockall company[1]
1908 R. M. Marples joined the business
1910 Meeting of the creditors of Stockall, Marples and Company Limited[2]
Before 1912: G. H. Gledhill and Sons took over the time recorder section of J. J. Stockall and Sons[3].
1912 Stockall, Marples and Co (1912) Ltd was incorporated as a Limited Company
1913 The Dey Time Register Co brought an action against the company and deposited funds in court as security for the defendants but these were still unclaimed in 1933[4]
1914 Directors: J. J. Stockall, junr., Edgar Smart, and H. Lacy Taverner. Specialities: Time Recorders, Turret and other English Clocks.
1947 Listed Exhibitor - British Industries Fair. Manufacturers of Fusee Types wall Clocks for Railways, Offices, Schools, etc. Time Recorders for Factories, Spring Driven or Synchronous Electric Type. Special Mechanism and gear cutting of every description. (Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. E.1763) [5]
1974 Company removed from the register of companies[6]