Strathern's Weldless Chains

of Gartsherrie
1900 Description of their manufacturing process.[1]
1902 "... a petition for the winding up of the... Company by the High Court of Justice was on the 3rd day of January, 1902, presented to the said Court by Alexander George Strathern, of Izeville Stepps, Scotland Works, Manager of the above named Company, and Joseph Mayers Davis, of 11, Clarendon-road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, General Manager of the above named Company..."[2]
Strathern went on to establish the Weldless Chains Ltd
See Also
Sources of Information
- ↑ The Engineer 1900/11/16 p497
- ↑ London Gazette 7 January 1902