Sutcliffe Brothers (Manchester)

Sutcliffe Brothers of Vulcan Works, Godley, and later of Park Works, Godley, near Manchester.
1868 Company established
1880 Exhibited Backer's water motors, used for sewing machines and printing presses, at the Industrial and Art Exhibition at Pomona[1]
1884 Sutcliffe Brothers' Telluric cement, containing flour, rope ends, hemp refuse, and clay, was one of the pipe insulating products tested for the National Smoke Abatement Institution.[2]
1887 Offered "Eclipse Waterproofing" for treating damp walls[3]
1888 Offered "Eclipse Rust Preventer"[4]
presumably subsequently Sutcliffe and Sutcliffe of Godley Works
1929 Sutcliffe Brothers and Bryce were acquired by Turner and Newall[5]
1932 Sutcliffe Brothers and Bryce were one of the subsidiaries of Turner and Newall that was grouped under Newalls Insulation Co in a reorganisation of the businesses involved in sale and installation of insulation[6]