The Engineer 1864/07/08
1864 July 08th PDF
Main Subjects
- Andrew Barclay and Thomas Morton's Injecting and Ejecting Fluids, p 21.
- Bow Rudders, p 26.
- Editorial, p 25.
- Naval Warfare.
- Large Engines.
- Electric Tell-Tales, p 24. (Illustrated).
- Elias Howe's Sewing Machines, p 20. (Illustrated).
- Great Paraffine Oil Case, p 27.
- Henry Bessemer's Manufacture of Malleable Iron and Steel, p 17. (Illustrated).
- H. L. Emery's Machinery for Ginning and Cleaning Cotton, p 23 and 24. (Illustrated).
- Joseph Tangye's Portable Hydraulic Shearing and Rivetting Machines, p 20. (Illustrated).
- Kearsarge and the Alabama, p 27.
- Letters to the Editor, p 27.
- Permanent Way, p 23.
- Spherical Steam Generators, p 26.
- Walter Neilson's Axle Boxes, p 21. (Illustrated).