The Engineer 1868/09/18
Main Subjects
- Amount of Salt in Sea-Water, p 218.
- Bridge over the Spree, Berlin and Gorlitz Railway, p 218 and 222. (Illustrated).
- Changes of the Moon's Surface - Baron Von Nadler, p 217.
- Construction of Galvanometers for the Detection of Weak Electric Current - Frederick Henry Varley, p 227. (Illustrated).
- Dynamical Theory of Heat - Joseph Gill, p 219.
- Editorial, p 223.
- Men and Machines.
- Drainage at Bombay.
- Geared Marine Engines.
- Electricity and the Correlations of Electrical Force - By Desmond G. Fitzgerald, p 216.
- Harbour Work in Turkey, p 225.
- Iron and Steel from England to America, p 217.
- Manufacture of Sulphur from Alkali Waste in Great Britain - By Ludwig Mond, p 227.
- Mont Cenis Engines, p 215.
- Paddle Engines of the Tug-Boat Cobden - Simpson, Strickland and Co, p 219.(Illustrated).
- Railway Fetes in the Alps, p 226.
- Welch and Bourchier's New Patent Life-Preserving Apparatus, p 227. (Illustrated).