The Engineer 1871/11/24
Main Subjects
- Chemical Society - By William Odling , p 367.
- Danks' Puddling Furnace, p 368.
- Editorial, p 363.
- The Megaera Court Martial.
- What Should a Road Locomotive Weigh - Ravee.
- Goods Tender, Paris, Lyons, and Medterranean Railway, continued from p 337, p 358 and p 362. (Illustrated).
- Griffin's Permanent Way - Featherstone Griffin, p 366.
- Gruner's Contributions to the Chemistry of the Blast Furnace, p 355.
- Heating Feed Water for Portable Engines, p 358. (Illustrated).
- Letters to the Editor, p 360.
- New Shipbuilding Establishent on the Clyde, p 360.
- Particulars of the Trip of the Ravee, p 357. (Listed).
- Proposed Bridge Over the Liimfjord, p 366. (Illustrated).
- Railway Communication with India (No. III), p 356.
- Recent Improvements in the Manufacture of Iron Rails, p 367.
- Reservoir Recorder for Southport Water Works, p 358.
- Sewage Farming, continued from p 332, p 367.