The Engineer 1874/07/24
1874 July 24th PDF
Main Subjects
- 1874 Royal Agricultural Show, p 69.
- F. Mote.
- T. P. Milford.
- James and Frederick Howard's Patent Water Tube Boiler,p 74 and 75. (Illustrated).
- Traction Engine Experiments at Bedford, p 81 83. (Illustrated).
- Editorial, p 79.
- Feed-Water Heaters.
- Sewage Standard.
- European Railways - W. Howard White, p 84.
- Greig and Eyth's Patent Plough and Sutherland Plough, p 74 and 82. (Illustrated).
- John Fowler and Co's 8 HP Traction Engine, p 74 and 78. (Illustrated).
- Iron and Coal of New South Wales, p 69.
- Letters to the Editor, p 80.
- Lynde's Improved Tramway, p 83.
- Military Balloon Experiments, p 81.
- Obituary - John Grantham, p 80.
- Railway Accidents, p 76.
- Semmering and Brenner Railways, p 85.
- Smelting of Argentiferous Lead Ores in Nevada, Utah and Montana - O. H. Hahn, p 76.
- South Staffordshire and East Worcestershire Institute of Mining Engineers, p 69.
- Steam Cultivation, p 83.
- Testing Strength of Ropes, p 80.
- Working Street Railways by Steam Power - By Leonard J. Todd, p 65 and 70. (Illustrated).