The Engineer 1879 Jan-Jun: Index: Miscellaneous

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1879 Jan-Jun: Index
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1879, 9
Aberdare Outfall Sewer, Mr. S. Harpur (Contracts Open), 444, 44G
Adiabatic Curves, 59 -
Air-compressing Machine, Messrs. A. Normandy, Stilwell, and Co., 353
Air Spaces between Shot and Charge, Effect of, 284
Aluminium Hydrate by Ammonia, &c., The Solution of 295
“Amazonense,” Trial Trip of the S.S., 292
American Foundry Practice, 225
American Inland Sea, Proposed, 415
American Iron Trade for 1878, 377
American Lock-out, An, 377
Anchor, Stockless, Mr. Smith, 219
Anglican Architecture, Style and Construction of, 383
Appointments, Admiralty Engineer, 62, 111, 123, 133, 170, 285, 300
Artificial Light, 446
Arbey, M. F., Planing and Trying-up Machine, Paris Exhibition, 237
Argand Gasburners, Waterloo-place, Mr. W. Sugg, 106
Arica and Tacna Railway, Peru, Roof of Carriage Shed, 259
Armour for Ships, 267
Armour to Resist Shot and Shell, On the Construction of, 51
Artillery Experiments, Herr v. Krupp’s, 397
Association Agricultural Engineers, 365
Association of the Foremen Engineers and Draughtsmen, The London
Anniversary Dinner, The Twenty-sixth, 206
Inaugural Address of the President, Mr. Joseph Newton, 45
Steam Engine of the Future, The, Mr. Henry Davey, 181
Association of Gas Managers, British, 421
Association, The London and Suburban Railway Officials’, 141
Association, The Manchester Steam Users, 235 Letters to the House of Commons Relative to Boiler Explosions, 243
Baking and Confectionery-making Machines, International Exhibition of, 22
Ballooning at the Royal Arsenal, Military, 431
Baltimore and Ohio Railway in 1844, Mud-digger Locomotive built for the, Mr. Ross Winans, 68
Band-sawing Machine, Messrs. Poly blank and Co., 171
Barnaby, Mr. N., On our Future Ironclads, 263, 267
Barometer, Standard Cistern Siphon, 170
Bars, Harbour (See Harbour)
Bars, Harbour (See Institution of Civil Engineers)
Basic Bricks, 404
Battery Cell, The Plush, 333
Bawtry Accident, The 246
Belgium, Mill Engines in, 222, 226, 229
Berdan, Gen., Range Finder, 212
Bernays, Mr. Joseph, Compound Engine, 96, 102
Berthon Folding Canoe, The, 333
Bessemer, Sir Henry, 415
Bessemer Ladles, Stoppers for, 243
Bessemer Steel, 243
Bird and Co., Messrs., 300
Black Drop, The, 7
Board of Trade, Action Against the, 377
Board of Trade Certificates for Third Engineers, 297
Board of Trade and Shipowners, The, 265
Board of Trade Surveys, 149, 167, 201
Board of Works, Surcharge against the Metropolitan,
Boiler and Engine Combined, Messrs. Deakin, Parker and Co., 248
Boiler Explosion, A Remarkable, 230, 450
Boiler, Bursting of an Old Steam, by Hydraulic Pressure, 177
Boiler, The Herreshoff, 259
Boiler Incrustations, 365, 411
Boiler Inspection, Steam, 318
Boiler, 1765, Smeaton’s Portable, Royal Agricultural Society Show, 459
Boiler, 40-horse power Water Tube, Paris Exhibition, 42
Boilers, Circulation in Water Tube, 447
Boiler Explosions, Multiple, 414
Boilers, Feed-water for Land, 65
Boilers with Forced Circulation, 140, 219, 273, 391
Boilers, Washing Out Locomotive, 2
Books Received, 105, 123, 177, 229, 247, 265, 377 433, 451
Bouch, Mr. T., Knightfcg of, 473
Bournemouth Drainage, Concrete Pipes, 175, 188, 243 391
Box-making Machinery,Tin, Paris Exhibition, Messrs. Bliss and Williams, 61
Brake, The Clark and Webb Chain, 260
Brahe Experiments, Automatic, 295
Brake Experiments upon the Lyons Railway, 307
Brake, Hydraulic, Great Eastern Railway, Mr. E. D. Barker, 409, 410
Brake Resistances, 17
Brake, Smith’s Vacuum, Experiments on the Northern Railway of France, 21
Brakes, Continuous, 6, 26, 44, 188, 214, 401, 404
Brakes, Inefficient Continuous, 141
Brakes, Hydraulic, Continuous, and Automatic, 411
Brakes, Parliament and Continuous, 191
Brakes, Railway, 172
Brakes, Railway Directors on, Continuous, 450
Bridge, Canal-street, Wolverhampton, 473
Bridge, I ver son-road, Harrow Extension, Metropolitan
Railway, 445, 453
Bridge over the Liffey, Swing, Mr. B. B. Stoney, 170, 174, 208, 213
Bridges, Albert and Battersea, 73
Bridges, Composite Steel, 353
Bridges, Movable, 195
British Association, The
Nitric Acid ; its Reproduction from the Lower Oxides of Nitrogen, B. C. Molloy, 31
Bridge over the Douro at Oporto, 40, 57, 58, 75, 76,93, 95, 131,183
Brudges, A Seaport Town, 6
Building Bye-laws, Index to the, 434
Bulkhead Doors, Mr. C. R. Simey, 453
Bulkhead Doors, Water-tight, 473
Buoys, Gas Illuminated, Messrs. Pintscb, Pischon, and Co., 289, 299
Burner, Vortex, Mr. Boulton, 170
Burntisland Docks, 468
Cable Towing on Canals, 101
Calais-Douvres, The, 94
Caledonian Railway Bridge over Glasgow Harbour ;
Official Inspection, 447
Canal, Inter-oceanic, 383, 413
Canal Street Bridge, Wolverhampton, 473
Canals, On, 182
Canals, Towing on, 29, 65, 101
Canoe, The Berthon Folding, 333
Carbon Moulds ? 209
Chemical Industry, A New, 162
Civil Engineers (See Institution of Civil Engineers)
Clanny Lamp, The, 341
Clapper Stay, 243
Claridge, Mr. J. C., Saw for Cutting Hot Iron, 201, 211
Clark, Failure of Mr. Edwin, 261
Cleopatra’s Needle, 26
Cooper’s Hill College, 472
Cleveland Iron Trade and the Durham Strike, 298
Clock Dials, Self-luminous, 119
“Clyde,” Wreck of the Troopship, 415
Coal, Australian, 255
Coal in Russia, 256
Coal Trade, The, 282
Coal Trade, South Yorkshire, 394
Cog, Durable Wood, Messrs. G. and W. Bertram, 258
Collieries, Proposed Closing of the Whole of the. 338
433 ’
Collieries in South Yorkshire and Derbyshire, Closing
Colliery Property, Depreciation of the Value of, 318
Competition, Foreign, 114, 172
Concrete Pipes, 188, 175, 243, 279, 295, 391
Condenser and Feed-water Heater, Messrs. Robertson and Henderson, 171
Condenser, Injection, Mr. H. W. Bulkley, 332
Contracts Open :
Aberdare Outfall Sewer, Mr. S. Harpur, 444, 446
Darenth Valley Main Sewerage Works, 313, 340
Hanley Sewerage Pumping Machinery, 312
Hoy lake and West Kirby Sewerage, 428
Southport Promenade Extension, 313
County Surveyorships, Ireland, 183, 214
Corrugated Press Plates and Pressure Gauges 191
Coupling, Central Buffer, Mr. E. H. Stone 170
Coupling, Pipe, Mr. Smith, 388 ’
Coupling, Railway Wagon, Mr. G. Fenwick 117
Cowper, Mr., Electric Lighting Apparatus, 160
Curves, Adiabatic, 59
Cyclones, On the Inclination of the Axis of 235
401 ’
Daltonism (see also p. 63), 114
Dams, Construction of Timber, 125
Darenth Valley Main Sewerage Works, 313, o40
eJSpeller. The, 123. 124, 144, 154, 172.
Denton, Mr. J. Bailey, on Sewage, 111
Dephosphorisation of Iron, 273, 295
Derby Waterworks, Meeting of the Proprietors of the, 218
Dew, Mist, and Fog, 235
Dewsbury District, Sanitary Condition of the, <0, ill
Diploma of Honours, 279 f .
Dioptric Apparatus in Lighthouses for the Electric
Light, 299
I Directory, 1879, City of London, 194 .
Directory, 1879, Street’s Indian and Colonial, 199
Discharging Mineral and Grain Cargoes, 168
Dock Gates (Institution of Civil Engineers), 428
Dock, Poplar, New West India Graving, Mr. Donald
8. Baynes, 392, 395
Dock for Silloth, New, 383
Dock at Swansea, New, 4r2 _
Douro, Bridge over the, 40, 57, 58, 75, 76, 93, 95, lol, 183
Drainage of Lake Fucino, 256
Drainage, Problem in House, 101, 172,188
Drawing Instruments, New, 453
Dredger (See Hopper Dredger)
Driffield, Drainage of, 89
Driver, Timmin’s Patent, Mr. J. Nelson, 258
Dublin Harbour Works, 235
Dublin Harbour by Artificial Scour, Improvement of the Bar of, 428
Durham Coal Trade, The, 104
Dynamite, The Action of, 214
Dynamo-electric Machines, The Law of Current in, 91
Edison’s, Mr., Electro-magnetic Machine and Electric
Lamp, 113
Edison’s Induction Balance, 284
Edison’s Induction Experiments, 242, 284
Edison’s Inventions, Mr., 224
Edison Light, The, 159
Edison’s, Mr., Regulator for the Electric Light, 96
Edison’s, Mr., Telephone Receiver, 213
Electric Lamp, Mr. Higgins, 385
Electric Lamp, Herr von Krupp, 167,177
Electric Lamp, The Sawyer-Man, 5
Electric Lamp, Mr. Wilde, 385
Electric Lamp for Surgical Operations, Mr. Balmanno
Squire, 230
Electric Light, 30, 225, 406
Electric Light, Cost of the, 177, 214
Electric Light, Cost of the Holborn, 210
Electric Light, The Edison, 113, 228
Electric Light at the Albert Hall, The, 327, 378
Electric Light for Lighthouses, The, 227, 231. (See
Institution of Civil Engineers.)
Electric Light on Board the Ship “ Nelson,” 238
Electric Light, Regulator for the, Mr. Edison, 96
Electric Light, Regulator for the, Dr. Siemens, 123
Electric Light on the Severn Bridge Works, 250
Electric Light on the Thames Embankment, 357, :90
Electric Lighting, 112, 349
Electric Lighting Apparatus, Mr. Cowper, 160
Electric Lighting Committee, The, 14, 319, 342, 353
378, 454 ’
Electrical Science, Progress of, 39
Electricity, Latest Applications of, 45
Electricity, Ploughing by, 434
Electricity, Trasmission of Power by, 122
Emery Band Polishing Machine, Slack’s Emery Wheel and Machine Company, 187
Employers’ Liability for Injuries to Servants, 206, 209
Engine, Portable Agricultural, The First 464
Engine, Balanced, Mr. R. Well, 332
Engine, 100-H.P. Beam, MM. Ed. Windsor et Fils
Pans Exhibition, 99 ’
Engine, 1843, Cambridge’s Portable, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 466
Bogin®, Compound Condensing, MM.Clapardde et Cie
Pans Exhibition. 120, 123, 135, 142
Engine, Compound, Semi-Portable, Messrs John Fowler and Co., 452
Engine, Condensing, M. Charles Nolet, 222, 226 229
Engine, Condensing, Messrs. Robey and Co., ’Royal
Agncultural Society’s Show, 452 *
Engine, 20-H.P. Condensing, Messrs. Ruston
462CtOr> and C°’’ R°yal Agricultural Society’s Show
Engine Four-coupled Bogie Passenger Tank North Bntith Railway, Mr. D. Drummend, 370, 371
Engine of the Future, The, LSI
Engine. Gas, Messrs. Simon and Becchcy, 43, 70
Engine, Gas Steam and Air, Messrs. Louis, Simon, and Son, 43
Engine, Multiple Cylinder, Messrs. Payt n and Holmes, 385
Engine, Narrow Gauge Goods, Gothland Railway, Paris Exhibition, 152, 162
Engine, The “ Invincible ’ Centrifugal Pumping, Messrs. J. and II. Gwjnne, 408
Engine Owners. Liability of Traction, 432
Engine, 1849, Portable, Messrs. Hornsby and Sons, Royal Agricultural Society Show, 459
Engine, 200-H.P. Pumping, La Concorde Mine, Jemeppe, La Boe. Cockerill, 189, 193
Engine, Pumping, Lcven Colliery, Messrs. Douglass and Grant, 292, 296
Engine, 1841 and 1842, Self-moving, Messrs. Ransomes and Sims, Royal Agricultural Society's Show, 459. 460
Engine, Straw Burning, Messrs. Head and Schcmioth, Royal Agricultural Society's Show, 461
Engines, Straw Burning Portable. Messrs. Clayton and Shuttleworth, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 426, 427
Engines, The Talbot, 416, 429, 446
Engine, 1811, Richard Trevithick’s, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 441, 448
Engine, Twin Cylinder Direct Coupled Steam, Mr. Joseph Bemays, 96, 102
Engines, Valve Gear, Messrs. Ruston, Proctor, and Co., Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 460
Engineer Appointments in the Navy, 62, 111, 122, 133, 170, 285, 3v0, 383
Engineering Appointments, London and North-Western Railway, 99
Engineering Geology, W. H. Penning, 20, 93, 168, 2 2, 256, 4 4, 468
Engineers in the Navy, 298
Engineers, Pay of Marine, 447
Engineers’ Strike, The London, 121
i Engineers and their Wages. London, 101
Enginemen, Certificated, 472
Engines, Air Compressing, Newstead Colliery, Messrs.
Hathorn, Davey, and Co., 116
Engines in Belgium, Mill. 222, 226, 229
Engines, Compound Rolling Mill, Hallside Steel Works, Glasgow, Messrs. Miller and Co., 294,205
Engines, Compound Twin Screw, 405
Engines, Express, London, Chatham, and Dover
Railway, 67, 107, 125
Engines? Light, 191
Engines, Multiple Cylinder, 429. 446
Engines, Newcomen, 403. 412. 423
Engines, Newcomen Winding, Fanne Collieries Rutherglen, 430
Engines, Old, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Kilburn, 423
Engines at the Royal Agricultural Society’s Show. 441, 459
Engines, Simple and Compound Single Acting. Mr. T. C. Watts, 6u
Engines, Vertical, Messrs. Marshal), Sons, and Co., Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Kilburn, 475, 476
Engines, Winding, San Domingos Mines, Mr. Joseph Bernays, 321
Erskine, Mr.. Smokeless Furnace, 79
Exhibition, The Sydney, 424
Exhibition in Vienna, Approaching, 472
Feed-water Heaters, 188, 225, 242, 260, 279, 295, 391
Filters, Silicated Carbon and Spongy Iron, 22
Finzel and Co.’s Sugar Refinery, Messrs., 7
Fire-boxes, Improvements in Staying, Mr. J. F.
Stephenson, 171
Fires, Prevention of, 45
Foundry Practice. American, 225
and English Iron and Steel Manufactures,
French Navy, Repeating Rifles for the, 223, 241
French Tant!, The, 122
Froude, Mr.W., F.R.S., Investigations of the Late, 441 fuel: its Combustion and Economy, 260
Furnace, Smokeless, Mr. Erskine 79
Furnaces, Mr. W. H. Hunter, 408
Fuse with Delay Action, Percussion, Royal Artillery,
Gas Burners, Sugg’s, 106
Gas Burners, Boulton’s Vortex, 170
Gas Limps in Queen Victoria-street, New, 422
•as-lighting, Possibilities in, 48
Gases, Analysis of Combustible, 242, 268
Gauge, Recording Pressure, Mr. M. B. Edson, 378
Geelong Water Supply, Victoria, Australia, 125
Geology, Engineering (See Engineering Geology)
Giffard’s Balloon, 279
Glasgow Sewage, 338
Gothland Railway, Narrow Gauge Goods Engine, Paris
Exhibition, 152, 162
Governor, Automatic, Messrs. Deakin and Parker, 5
Governors, Marine Engine, 26
Griffith’s Patent White, 274, 295
Gun-carriages for the Russian Cyclads, Messrs.
Eastons and Anderson, 336, 339
Gun, the Nordenfelt, 416, 429
Gun in the Royal Arsenal, The “Thunderer,” 451
Guns, Naval, 2*49
Guns at Sea, Italian Methods of Working Heavy, 153,
154, 156
Guns at Sea, Rapid Handling of Heavy, 225
Guns, Steel and Iron, 376
Guns of the “ Uchatius,” Bronze Steel. Austrian, 45
Hallside Steel Works, Glasgow, Compound Rolling
Mill Engines, Messrs. Miller and Co., 204, 205
Hanley Sewerage, Pumping Machinery, 312
Harbour Bars : their Formation and Removal, 2, 61
Harbours, On, 114
Harbours (See Institution of Civil Engineers)
Harrow Extension, Metropolitan Railway, Iverson
Road Bridge, Mr. Charles Liddell, 445, 453
Heating Railway Carriages, 65, 101
“ Hecla,” Cross Section of, 267
H.M.S. “ Colossus,” 479
H.M.S. “Iris,” 45
Herreshoff Boiler, The, 259
Herreshoff Torpedo Boat, The, 162
Heslop Engine, The, 69
Hoist, Hydraulic Coal Shipping, Mr. Graham Smith, 231
Holloway College, Egham, The, 265
Hopper Dredger, Willunga, The Australian Government, Messrs. W. Simons and Co., 60, 64
Horograph, The, Messrs. Newton, Wilson, and Co., 313
Hours of Labour, 44
Hoylake and W. Kirby, Sewerage (Contracts Open), Plan of W. Kirby, 428
Hydrants for Fire Extinction, Injector, 468
Ice, Artificial, 194
Implements at Kilburn, Old, 473, 474
India, A Railway to, 199
Indian Railways, 100
Indian Railway, Narrow Gauge Line from Jhelum towards Rauil Pinde, 119
Indicator Diagrams, 103, 260
Induction Balance, Edison’s 284
Indus, Bridging the, 298
“ Inflexible,” The, 447
Institute of Civil Engineers, Ireland
Nore Viaduct at Thomastown, Mr. Charles B. Galway, 277, 280, 283
Institute of Great Britain, The Sanitary, 424 Experiments to Test the Cowls Exhibited at Leamington, 211
Institute, The Iron and Steel, 228, 306, 337
Inaugural Address of the President, 327
Iron and Mild Steel, Mechanical Properties of, Mr.
Adamson, 329, 360, 367
Moulding and Making Lime or Basic Bricks and Lining for Converters, On a Ready Means of, Mr. E. Riley, 325, 362
Phosphorus, On the Elimination of, Mr. Thomas, 334, 360, 367
Phosphorus and Sulphur during the Bessemer and Siemens-Martin Process of Steel Manufacture, On the Removal of, Mr. Snelus, 325, 361, 367
Steel in Naval Construction, Use of, Mr. Barnaby, 330, 360, 367
Volumetric Method of Determining Manganese in Manganiferous Iron Ores, Spiegeleisen, Steel, &c., Mr. J. Pattinson, 369, 372
Institute of Technology, The Stevens : — Self-luminous Clock-dials, Mr. H. Morton, President, 119
Institution of Civil Engineers, 123, 230, 253, 354, 365, 404
Annual Dinner, The, 248
Bridges, Movable, Mr. James Price, 195
Conversazione of the President, 318, 338, 385
Dock Gates, Mr. A. F. Blandy, 428
Dublin Harbour by Artificial Scour, Improvement of the Bar of, Mr. J. P. Griffith, 428
Election of Members, &c., 56, 110
Electric Lamp, Mr. Wilde, 385
Electric Lamp, Mr. Higgins, 385
Electric Light Applied to Lighthouse Illumination, Mr. J. N. Douglass, 231
Experiments on the Heights, &c., of Water Jets from the Hydrants of the Kingston Waterworks, Jamaica, by Felix Target, 33
Engine, Multiple Cylinder, Messrs. Payton and Holmes, 385
Geelong Water Supply, Victoria, Australia, Mr. Edw. Dobson, 125
Measuring Apparatus, Mr. R. H. Willis, 385
Ordnance, Construction of Heavy, Mr. J. A. Long-ridge, 162
Sandhurt Water Supply, Victoria, Australia, Mr. J. Brady, 144
Street Carriage-way Pavements, Mr. G. F. Deacon, 411
Institution of Engineers, The Cleveland, 144
Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 343
Bursting of an Old Steam Boiler by Hydraulic Pressure, Mr. P. Carmichael, 177
Imperial Standards of Length for the Public Use, Mr. Archibald B. Allan, 177
Mechanical Refrigeration, Part. I., Apparatus for the Liquefaction of Gas, Mr. J. J. Coleman, 177
Reaction of the Screw Propeller, Mr. James How-den, 343
Institution of Great Britain, The Royal:— General Meeting, 106
Institution of Mechanical Engineers, The, 231, 27 Annual General Meeting, 50
Brake Experiments upon the Lyons Railway, Mr.
George Marid, 307
Construction of Armour to Resist Shot and Shell, Capt. C. Orde Browne, 51, 68
Constructs n and Comparative Merits of the Safety Lamps generally in Use, Mr. Alan C. Bagot, 341
Circular Issued by the Council Relative to the Appointment of a Research Committee, 80, 83
Electric Lighting, Dr. John Hopkinson, 349
lieslop Engine, a Chapter in the History of the Steam Engine, Mr. H. A. Fletcher, 69
Injector Hydrants for Fire Extinction, Mr. J. H. Greathead, 468
Iron and Steel in High-pressure Boilers, Use of, Mr. David Greig and Mr. Max Eyth, 464
Locomotive Engines, The Compounding of, M. A. Mallet, 468
Papers to be Discussed, 279
Railway Construction for the Development of New Countries, &c., On the Best Methods of, Mr. R. C. Patterson, 89
Railway Working, On the Economy of, Mr. Price Williams, 85
Institution of Naval Architects, 242, 357
“ Iris,” Structural Arrangements and Proportions of H.M.S., Mr. W. II. White, 301
Mechanical Shipbuilding, On a System of, Mr. J. Humpbrys, 294
Minimum Area of Screw Blade Necessary to form a
Complete Column, Professor James Cotterill, 300 Naval Guns, On, Mr. C. W. Merrifield, 249
Strains on Crank Shafts, Mr. J. T. Milton, 276, 278
Twin-ship Propulsion, Mr. G. C. Mackrow, 294
Institution, The Polytechnic, 290
Institution, Royal United Service :—
Marine Engines and Marine Propulsion, Mr. Ravenhill, 203
“Iris,” Mystery of the, 264
“Iris,” Steam Trials of H.M.S., 266
“ „structural Arrangements and Proportions of H.M.S., 301
Iron, Coal, and General Trades of Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and other Districts, 16, 37, 55, 73, 91, 110, 129, 147, 165, 181, 199, 217, 252, 271, 287, 305, 325, 347, 365, 383, 401, 420, 439, 457, 479
Ironclads, Mr. Barnaby on our Future, 263
Ironmaking in Germany, 7
^360 St66*’ Mec^an^cal Properties of, 329,
Iron Pit-head Gears ? 209
Iron, Purchase of the Patent Rights in Germany of the New Process for Dephosphorising, 383
Iron, Purification of, 279
Iron and Steel, 446
iron and Steel in High-pressure Boilers, Experiments Referring to the Use of, 464
Iron Shipbuilding on Tees-side, 30
Iron and Steel Institute, The, 337
Iron and Steel Rail Exports, 45
Iron Trade, The American, 125
Iron Trade, Future of the, 432
Iron Trade in 1878, South Staffordshire, 48
Iron Trade, 1878, South Yorkshire, 22
Iron Trade, Wages in the, 6, 44, 104
Italian Methods of Working Heavy Guns at Sea, Capt. A. Albini, Italian Royal Navy, 153, 154, 156
Kenilworth, Local Board of Health at, 261
Kilburn Showyard, Plan of, p. 442 (See Supplement of
The Engineer of the 20th and 27th June)
Krupp, Herr von, Electric Lamp, 167, 177
Krupp Guns, 85
Krupp’s Improvements in Working Heavy Guns, 24, 25
Krupp’s Ordnance Experiments, Herr, 377
La Concorde Mine, Jemeppe, 200-H.P. Pumping Engine, 189, 193
Labour, Hours of, 7, 21, 29
Labour in the United States, Hours of, 279
Lamp Carriage, North British Railway, Mr. G. Westinghouse, 388
Lamps, Miners’ Safety, 341
Lathe, Copying, Paris Exhibition, Mr. F. Arbey, 262
Lathe for Cutting Spirals, Paris Exhibition, Mr F Arbey, 262
Lathe at Woolwich Arsenal, 62
Laws of Motion, 26, 44, 59, 100, 114, 143, 295
Launch in Paisley, 188
Launch, Twin Screw Steam, Messrs. Edward and
Symes, 5
Leading Articles :—
1879, 9
American Consul on the Trade of England, An, 246
American Iron Trade for 1878, 377
American Lock-out, An, 377
Arms of the Natal Reinforcements, 157
Barnaby on our Future Ironclads, Mr., 263
Bawtrey Accident, The, 246
Bessemer, Sir Henry, 415
Board of Trade Certificates for Third Engineers, 297
Board of Trade and Shipowners, 265
Boiler Explosion, A Remarkable, 450
Boiler Explosions, Multiple, 414
Boiler Inspection, Steam, 318
Boilers with Forced Circulation, 140
Bournemouth Drainage and Concrete Pipes, 175
Brakes, Inefficient Continuous, 141
Bridging the Indus, 298
Cleveland Iron Trade and the Durham Strike, 298
Coal-field, The Warora, 158
Coal Trade, The, 282
Coal Trade, South Yorkshire, 394
Coal Trade, The Durham, 104
Collieries, Proposed Closing of the Whole of the, 433 Collieries in the United Kingdom, Proposal to Close
the Whole of the, 338
Colliery Property, Depreciation of the Value of, 318
Cooper’s Hill College, 472
Drainage of the Staffordshire Mines, 246
Durham Miners’ Strike, The, 318
Edison Electric Light, The, 228
Electric Light, The, 30
Electric Light, Cost of the Holbom, 210
Electric Light for Lighthouses, The, 227
Electric Light on the Thames Embankment, The, 357
Electricity, Transmission of Power by, 122
Engineers in the Navy, 298
Enginemen, Certificated, 472
Exhibition in Vienna, Proposed, 472
Explosion in a Railway Tunnel, 192
Feed-water for Land Boilers, 65
Fire at Messrs. Tylor and Sons’ Works, 66
France and English Steel and Iron Manufacturers
228 ’
French Tariff, The, 122
Gas Lamps in Queen Victoria-street, New, 432
Gas Lighting, Possibilities in, 48
Glasgow Sewage, 338
Guns. Steel and Iron, 376
Heating Railway Carriages, 65
Indicator Diagrams, 103
Institution of Naval Architects, The, 357
Inter-Oceanic Canal, The, 413
Iris, Mystery of the, 264
Iron Shipbuilding on Tees-side, 30
Iron and Steel Institute, The, 337
Iron Trade in lb78, South Staffordshire, 48
Iron Trade, Future of the, 432
Iron Trade, Wages in the, 104
Labour, The Hours of, 29
Liability of Employers, 209
Lighthouse Engineering, 449
Locomotive, English and American, 376
Locomotive, An Exploded, 122
Locomotives in Switzerland, American, 66
Masters and Men, 47
Mechanical Research, 83
Metal Mine Accidents, 472
Military Ballooning at the Royal Arsenal, 431
Miners’ Conference, 358
Mining Legislation, An Omission in, 281
Models at the Conversazione of the Institution of
Civil Engineers, 338
Mountain Railway in India, 431
Mundella, M.P ., on Protection, Mr., 84
Navy Estimates, 191
Negative Slip, 317
Parliament and Continuous Brakes, 191
Patents for Inventions Bill, 1879, The, 157
Phosphorus, Elimination of, 358
Picketting, 432
Piezometer, The, 83
Propellers, Efficiency of, 158
Public Bodies and Competitive Contracts, 66
Pumping by Contract, 281
Railway Companies and Freighters, 176
Railway Companies and the Public, 29
Railway Companies as Manufacturers, 228
Railway Companies and Wagon Repairers, 176, 450
Railway Directors on Continuous Brakes, 450
Railway Officials' Association, The, 141
Railways in China, 30
Rosedale and Ferry Hill Iron Company, The, 84
Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 375, 471
St. Gothard Tunnel, The, 49
Screw Propellers, Efficiency of, 140
Sea Captains and Engineers, 282
Sewage Schemes, Joint, 449
Siemens’s, Dr., Gift, 358
Steam on Commons Roads, 227
Steel from Cleveland Iron, 210
Steel-making Capabilities of Bengal, 298
Steel-making in India, 141
Leading Articles (continued)—
Steel for Rails, 103
Steel Rails in America, English, 338
Steel for War Purposes, 245
Strike, The London Engineers’, 121
Strike at Pittsburgh, The, 415
Sussex Ironworks, 393
Szegedin, Destruction of, 192
Szegedin Disasters, Lessons of the, 263
Technical Education, The London Guilds and, 122
Telegraph, Decapitation by, 31
Telegraphic Communication with Africa, 139
Thomas Steel Process, The, 265
Thunderer, Explosion on Board the, 47, 121, 175, 209 245
Traction Engine Owners, Liability of, 432
Trade with France, 81
Trade Union Restrictions, 210
Trades Union Censures, 394
Trades Unionism, An Unconsidered Aspect of, 413
Trades Unions and the Distress, The, 158
Trades Unions and Machinery, 177
Tramways, Steam on, 297, 317
Transmission of Power to a Distance, 471
Water Supply, National, 375
Water Supply, Rural, 393
Whitburn Coal Winning, The, 298
Legal Intelligence
Adair v. Young, 105, 211, 354
Flower v. Lloyd, 49
Kain and Another v. Farren and Others, 261
Noble’s^Explosives Company (Limited) v. Krebs and
Re Ball’s Patent, 59
Re Fryer’s Patent, 49
Re Perkin’s Patent, J 05
Re Richardson’s Patent, 319
Tweddell v. Arrol, 32
Le Grand and Sutcliffe, Messrs., Tubular Piles, 183, 194
Letters to the Editor :
Adiabatic Curves, G. M. S., 59
American Foundry Practice, W. C., 225
Annealing Castings? Ironfounder, 227
Artificial Light, James Craig, 446
Artificial Lights, The Management of, Charles Wahab, 406
Australian Timber, Aug. Haghe, 26
Australian Timber, McLean, Bros., and Rigg, 114
Basic Bricks, W. Corbett, 404
Bernay’s Compound Engine, Stone and Co., 121
Bessemer Steel, A. Alexander, 243
Black Drop, The, C. B. A., 7
Boiler Incrustation? Frank S. Hennell, 449
Boiler-plates ? Testing Laminated, Boiler Plate, 139
Boilers, Circulation in Water-tube, E. A. Bourry,
Boilers with Forced Circulation, The Herreshoff Engineering Company, 391
Bone Glue and Turkey-red Dyeing, J. M., 337
Bone Mills? A. B. R., 449
Boomer and Boschert’s Press? H. C. W., 449
Boring Cylinders in Place ? J. P., 357
Bournemouth Drainage - Concrete Pipes, A Bournemouth Architect, 391
Bournemouth Drainage and Concrete Pipes, Hy. Sharp, Jones, and Co., 188
Bournemouth Drainage-Concrete Pipes, Archibald C. Ponton, 243
Brakes, Continuous, Continuity, 6
Brakes, Continuous, John F. Haskins, 404
Brakes, Continuous, J. N. A., 44
Brakes, Continuous, R. Richardson, 188
Brakes, Continuous, Veritas, 26
Brakes, Continuous, G. Westinghouse, jun., 6, 44,
Brakes, Railway, A Traveller, 172
Bruges a Seaport Town, W., 6
Bury and Tottington Railway, A. Hopkinson, 47
Canal-street Bridge, Wolverhampton, M. Powis Bale, 473
Canal-street Bridge, Wolverhampton, Inspector, 473
Cement ? Scotch, Joint. 65
Cementing Wood and India-rubber ? R. H. T., 375
Chilled Castings ? Foreman Moulder, 9
Chilled Castings, R. A. Smith, 29
Civil Engineers, Institution of, E., 59
Clapper Stay, Edward R. Dale, 243
Clark, and Webb Chain Brake, J. N. A., 261
Cleaning Coir Fibre ? A. T., 357
Coal-shipping Machinery, C. Graham Smith, 245
Coating Tubes with Platinum? L. O., 413
Coating Wire? H. S , 357
Coffee Machinery ? J. T. and Co., 297
Concrete Pipes, A Bournemouth Architect, 279
Concrete Pipes, A. C. Ponton, 295
Confectionery Pans? T., 83
Corrugated Oil Press Plates? Thomas’s, J., M., and Co., 29
Corrugated Press Platesand Pressure Gauges, Marx, 191
County Surveyorships, Ireland, Credo Experto, 214
Covering for Steam Pipes ? J. W., 431
Crank Pin of Locomotive Engine, Resolution of Efforts on, W. S., 390
Cutting and Trimming Slates? W. H. W., 9
Daltonism, W. M. Allan Carter, 114
Drainage, Problem in House, One Who Knows by Experience, 188
Drainage, A Problem in House, J. C., 101, 172
Drinking Troughs ? Street, F. W. B., 29
Duplexing the Atlantic Cable ? An Ignorant Electrician, 9
Dynamite ? The Action of, Dynamite, 175
Dynamite, the Action of, J. C. B., 214
Edison’s Induction Experiments, D. E. Hughes, 242
Electric Light, The, Francis Mason, 406
Electric Light, The, M. Radcliffe Ward, 225
Electric Light, The Cost of the, Avellana, 214
Electric Light on the Thames Embankment, Ransomes, Sims, and Head, 390
Ellimite? J. T., 413
Engineers, Discussion at the Cleveland Institution of, A. Macpherson, 144
Engineers, society of, H. S. Copland, 121
Engineers’ Strike, J. and H. Gwynne, 121
Engines, Compound Twin Screw, Robert Lawrence, 405
Engines? Light, J. M., 191
Engines, Multiple Cylinder, W. Payton, 429
Engines, Multiple Cylinder, Vosper and Co., 413,446
Engines, Old, R. G. Coke, 157
Engines ? Old, Inquirer, 139
Emery Crushing Machines ? E., 337
Emery Wheels lor Millstone Furrowing? R. C., 9
Feed-water Heaters, James Atkinson, 225, 260, 279, 391
Feed-water Heaters, James Barton, 188
Feed-water Heaters, Millar and Durie, 188, 242, 295
Feed-water Heaters, A. Moffat, 188, 260
Ferules ? Wood, X. Y. Z., 209
Fireproof Packing? S. C., 449
Fires, Prevention of, R. M., 45
Fog Horns ? Fog, 47
Foreign Competition, O. C., 114
Foreign Competition, C. L. Hett, 172
Foreshore of the Thames, F. W. Beaumont, 214
Frictional Gearing? F. R,, 393
Fuel, its Combustion and Economy, D. K. Clark, 260
German Fret Saws? A. G. J., 337
Glove Clasps? J. C., 317
Glycerine as a Lubricant ? Lubricator, 139
Griffith’s Patent White. Walter Budon, Partner, 295
Hair Comb Making Machinery? X. Y. Z., 83
Heating Apparatus ? Non-Smoker, 227
Heating Railway Carriages, B. D. Knox, 101
Hot-pressed Nail-making Machinery ? D. L., 245
Hours of Labour, Ybrow, 44
Hydraulic Resistance? H. L. J., 121
India-rubber Tubing ? F. W. M., 413
Indian State Railways, I. S. R., 100
Indicator Diagrams, English Engineer, 260
Iron, Dephosphorisation of, Charles W. Yates, 295
Letters to the Editor (continued)—
Ironmaking in Germany, Nemo, 7
Iron and Steel, Iron and Steel, 446
^ra^e» The Failures in the, Harrison Hay ter, o? o
Iron Trade Wages, Pro Rectus, 6
Ironworkers’ Wages, Charles Martel, 44
Laws of Motion, H. Cherry 100
Laws of Motion, W. Dalton^ 114
Laws of Motion, Elihu the Burite, 143
Laws of Motion, The, John Goodwin, 279
Laws of Motion, W. J. Last, 26, 59, 114, 295
Laws of Motion, G. Pinnington, 143
Laws of Motion, X., 44, 100
Legislation on Patents, Wm. Spence, 261
Locomotive Engine Driving, An Engine Driver, 260 Machine Tools, Speed of, J. Horton, 7
M429° MirrOrS Of JaPan> The» W. E. Ayrton, 390,
Magic Mirrors of Japan, The, Robt. Mallet, 405
Magic Mirrors of Japan, Silvanus P. Thompson, 446
Marine Engjue Governors, W. M., 26
Marine Ed meers, The Pay of, A Foreign-going Enginee .447
Marine? ,je? R. W. K., 175
Masters aid Men, J. J. Talman, 59,101
Match-box Machinery and Dipping Frames? Colonial, 83
Mineral Ivory? O. S., 103
Mineral Lubricants for High-pressure Engines, H.
L. Jones, 139
Mineral Lubricants for Steam Cylinders ? Marina,
Mineral Resources of Italy, The, G., 406
Moulding Sand ? Bronze, 245
Moulding Tram-wheels? R. W., 317
Moulds ? Carbon, Carbon Moulds, 209
Nordenfelt Gun, The, J. F. H. Betts, 429
Oils, A Caution, Victim, 337
Oval Holes? Ellipse, 29
Paper ? Compressed, Anxious Inquirer, 65
Patent Bill, W. P. Thompson and Co., 261
Patent Bill, The New, A Barrister, 188
Patent Bill, The New, W. Joslin, 225
Patents, Legislation on, W. Spence, 45, 59
Peat Machinery? T. S. S., 227
Pencil-making Machines ? N. T., 263
Perforated Plates ? C. C. and Co., 357
Phosphor Bronze, For the Phosphor Bronze Company, Limited, G. A. Dick, Managing Director, 26
Phosphor Tin ? R. H. and Sons, 103
Phosphorus Elimination, Wm. Corbett, 353, 391
Phosphorus and Silicon, The Elimination of, W.
Corbett, 446
Photo-Lithography, T. H. W., 214
Pit-head Gears?. Iron, J. W., 209
Plumbago Facing ? Loam, 209
Plumbago Facing, J. Dalling, 227
Porcelain Rollers? W. H., 245
Propeller, The De Bay, C. Spruyt De Bay, 154
Propellers, The Efficiency of, C. Spruyt De Bay,
- Propeller, The De Bay, Thos. Garnett, 154, 172
Propeller, The De Bay, Wm. Martin, 172
Propeller, The De Bay, J. Vivian. 172
Propeller, The De Bay, Y., 144, 154, 172
Propeller, The De Bay Screw, Andrew Young, 225
Public Bodies and Competitive Contracts, M., 114
Public ®°^es and Competitive Contracts, Scrutator,
Purification of Iron, Richd. Allison, 279
Pyrometer, Self-registering, Cyclops, 471
Pyrometer? Self-registering, Kiln, 449
Pyrometer, Self-registering, M. Norton, 471
Rapid Handling of Heavy Guns, George Fawcus, 225
Re-tinning Tin-plate Articles? J. Q., 375
Richardson’s Indicator, G. F. Jones, 139
Ring Spinning and the Power Loom, P. J. L., 260
Rivetted Joints, The Writer of the Paper, 391
Robey’s Patent Engine? Tom Boulton, 357
Royal Agricultural Society, The, Agricultural Engineer, 405
Royal Agricultural Society, E. Hornsby and Sons, 391
Royal Agricultural Society, The, A Member of the R.A.S., 405
Royal Agricultural Society, The, W. W. Nicholson and Son, 405
Sailing Ships ? Large, Delta, 9
Sailing Ships and the Great Eastern, Large, John Hayes^29
Screw Propellers, Apparatus for Testing, Robt. Richardson, 390
Screw Propellers, Corrosion of, F. W. S., 100
Screw Propellers and Negative Slip, John Hayes, 404
Screw Propellers and Negative Slip, Propeller, 446
Screw Propellers and Negative Slip, Robt. Richardson, 446
Screw Propulsion, C., 26, 114
Screw Propulsion, Thos. Garnett, 100
Screw of the S.S. “ Hankow”? S. L., 191
Shipbuilding? An Amateur, 337
Ships’ Plates and Girders ? W. H., 47
Siemens’s Puddling Furnaces? J. A., 65
Steel Boiler-plates, James Riley, 375
Steel Bridges, Composite, Henry N. Maynard, 353
Steel Castings by Siemens’s Process ? W. H., 263
Steel and Malleable Iron from Phosphoric Pig Iron,
B. F. Mushet, 214
Steel Rails, The Wear of, F. G. Field, 101
Steel for Ships, A Defender of Steel, 405
Steel for Ships, S. Hannah, 405
Stoppers for Bessemer Ladles, W. S. Lance, 243
Strikes and Trade Societies, A Working Man, 404
Strikes and Trade Societies, A Sufferer, 447
Syenite, W. H. Bidder, 7
Syenite, G. W. Wigner, 26
Talbot Engine, The, Killingworth Hedges, 429
Talbot Engine, The, Proctor and Wallis, 446
Taps? Prize Water, A. T., 83
Telephonic Vibrations, The Amplification of, J. W.
Urquhart, 224
Thermo-Electricity, C. T. L., 413
Thunderer Explosion, R. M., 101
Tin Boxes, A. B. C., 471
Tinfoil making Machines? C. R., 431
Towing, II. M., 29
Towing ? Canal, Alpha, 65
Towing on Canals, Cable, M. E., 101
Trains, Communication in, A. E. Bannister, 391
Tramways, Mechanical Power on, John Sep. Ay ton, 390
Tramways, Mechanical Power on, H. Conradi, 390
Tramways, Mechanical Power on, R. Gervase Elwes, 390
Tramways, Mechanical Power on, Henry Hughes, 390
Tramways, Steam on, J. W. Haddan, 404
Vulcanite India-rubber Machinery, J. H., 263
Vulcanite India-rubber Machinery, A. W. W., 281
Water Supply, R. Allison, 406
Water Supply ? Rural, C. E., 413
Water-tight Bulkhead Doors, Apprentice, 473
Wheel Cutting Machines ? P. and C., 357
Wheelbarrows, Portable, Contractor, 157
Wire Rope Transmission ? Querist, 449
Levelling in 1824 and in 1878, 33
Leven Dock Company, Iron Wharf Crane, 806
Leven Colliery, Fifeshire, Pumping Engine at, 292 296
Life-saving Apparatus, Mr. 8. Hunt, 212
Liffey, Swing Bridge over the, Mr. B. B. Stoney, 170, 174, 208, 213
Light, Artificial, 446
Lighthouse on Anvil Point, Intended Erection of a, 166
Lighthouse, The Chickens Rock, Messrs. D. and T.
Stevenson, 356, 869
Lighthouse Designs, Messrs. Smeaton, Rennie, and
Stevenson, 353
Lighthouse Engineering, 449
Lighthouse, Smeaton’s Eddystone, 199
Lights, Management of Artificial, 406
Ailgemeine Maschinenlehro, Dr. Moritz Kuhlmann, 14
American Journal of Mathematics, Pure and Applied, published under the auspices of the Johns Hopkins University, 177
Annual Report of the Secretary of the Navy on the Operations of the Department for the year 1877, with accompanying Papers, 229
Coal, its History and Uses, by Professors Green, Miall, Thorpe, Rucker, and Marshall, of the Yorkshire College, 472
Dangers to Health : Pictorial Guide to Domestic Sanitary Defects, T. Pridgin Tealc, 49
Descriptive Treatise on Mathematical Drawing Instruments, with Hints upon Drawing and Colouring, W. Ford Stanley, 451
Electric Lighting and its Practical Application, with Results from Existing Examples, J. N. Shoolbred, 394
Elementary Treatise on Steam and the Use of the Indicator, J. C. Graham, 193
Elements of Descriptive Geometry, G. J. B. Millar, 282
Etna : a History of the Mountain and of its Eruption, G. F. Rod well, 415
Fuel, its Combustion and Economy, D. Kinnear Clark, 247
Healthy Homes, by Fleeming Jenkins, 265
History of the Growth of the Steam Engine, by Robt. H. Thurston, 159
Instructions for Testing Telegraph Lines and the Arrangement of Offices, Louis Schwendler, 177
Life of Robert Stevenson, Civil Engineer, &c., by David Stevenson, 338, 358, 377
Magic Lantern Manual, W. J. Chadwick, 49
Mines and Mineral Statistics.—Annual Report of the Department of Mines, New South Wales, for 1877, 66
Our Railways : Sketches, Historical and Descriptive, with Practical Information as to Fares, Rates, and a Chapter on Railway Reform, J. Parsloe, 123
Patentee’s Manual: being a Treatise on the Law and Practice of Letters Patent, especially intended for the Use of Patentees and Inventors, by James and J. Henry Johnson, 210
Public Health Act, 1875 : Suggestions for the Preparation of District Maps and of Plans for Main Sewerage, Drainage, and Water Supply, Robt. Rawlinson, 299
Railway Tunnelling in Heavy Ground, Charles F. Gripper, 318
Road-master’s Assistant and Section-master’s Guide : Manual of Reference for all having to do with the Permanent Way of America, containing the best Results of Experience and Minute Directions for Track-laying, Ballasting, and Keeping the Track in Repair, by Wm. 8. Huntington; revised and enlarged by Charles Latimer, 104
Sanitary Engineering: A Guide to the Construction of Works of Sewerage and House Drainage, with Tables for Facilitating the Calculations of the Engineer, Baldwin Latham, 211
Science Index: Monthly Guide to the Contents of the Scientific Periodical0, Part I., edited by A. Hildebrandt, 282
Science Lectures at South Kensington, Vol. II., 282 The Telephone, the Microphone, and the Phonograph, Count Th. du Moncel, 451
Virtuelie Lange und ihre Anwendung auf Bau und Betrieb der Eisenbahnen, Studie von A. Lindner, 433
Visit to South America : With Notes and Observations on the Moral and Physical Features of the Country and the Incidents of the Voyage, by Edwin Clark, 84
Water and Water Supply, Chiefly in Reference to the British Islands Surface Waters, Professor D. T. Ansted, 141
Wholesome Houses, being an Exposition of the Banner System of Sanitation, by Edward Gregson Banner, 123
Liverpool and Cheshire Side of the Mersey, Means of Communication between, 401
Lock-nut, Messrs. J. F. Wilesand Co., 78
Locomotive, Contractor’s, La Society St. Leonard, Paris Exhibition, 258
Locomotive Crank Pins, Strains on, 389
Locomotive Engine Driving, 260
Locomotive Engine, Narrow Gauge, Mr. W. G. Bagnall, 4
Locomotive Engines, Compounding of, 468
Locomotive Engines at the Paris Exhibition, 1 Locomotive, An Exploded, 122
Locomotive, The Mud Digger, Mr. Ross Winans, 68 Locomotive, Tank, Paris Exhibition, Society Anonyme Marcinelle and Couidet, 42
Locomotives, English and American, 376
Locomotives, in Switzerland, American, 66 Lubricating Locomotive Wheel Flanges, Apparatus for, 292
Macadam for Roads, Modern Machinery for Preparing, 343
Machinery, The Babyhood of, 199
Magic Mirrors of Japan, 307, 390, 405, 429, 446
Maglija Railway, Opening of the, 250
Manchester Boiler Insurance and Steam Power Company, 248
Manganese in Manganiferous Iron Ores, Spiegeleisen, Steel, &c., A New Volumetric Method of Determining, 369, 372
Marine Fresh-water Apparatus, Mr. Everdon Wims-hurst, 258
Masters and Men, 47, 59. 101
Measuring Apparatus, Mr. R. H. Willis, 385
Mechanical Research, 80, 83
Mersey Tunnel, Proposed, 31
Metal-mine Accidents, 472
Metals at the Paris Exhibition, The Rarer, 219
Metropolitan Railway Extensions, 453
Michele, Mr. V. D., Portland Cement Making Plant, 186
Mill, Grinding, Messrs. Nicholson, 408
Mill, Portable Flour, Messrs. Clayton and Shuttleworth, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 423, 424
Milling Patent Case, A, 305
Mineral Resources of Italy, 406
Mineralogy of the Island of Sardinia, 434
Miners’ Conference, The, 358
Miners’ Strike, Durham, 318
Mining Legislation, An Omission in, 281
Mining and Metallurgy at the Paris Exhibition, 238, 327, 349
Miscellanea, 3, 23, 41, 63, 81, 97, 115, 137, 155, 169, 189, 207, 221, 239, 257, 275, 291, 315, 344, 355, 373, 396, 407, 425, 443, 469
Models at the Conversazione of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 338
Mueseler Lamp, The, 341
Mundella, M.P., on Protection, Mr., 84
Natal Reinforcements, The Arms of the, 157
Naval Appointment, 395
Naval Architects, The Institution of, 357
Naval Engineer Appointments, 2, 426, 468
Navy Estimates, 191
Negative Slip, 317
Newcomen Engines, 403, 412, 423
Newcomen Winding Engines, Farme Collieries, Rutherglen, 430
Newstead Colliery Air-Compressing Engines, Messrs.
Hathorne, Davey, and Co., 116
Nickel Jewellery, 112
Nitric Acid : its Reproduction from the Lower Oxides of Nitrogen, 31
North of England, Notes from, 17, 38, 56, 74, 92, 110, 130, 148, 166, 181, 200, 218, 236, 253, 288, 305, 325, 348, 366, 384, 402, 421, 440, 458, 480
Northern Railway of France, Experiments with Smith’s Vacuum Brake on the, 21
Notes from Scotland, 17, 88, 56, 74, 92, 110, 180, 148, 166, 181, 200, 218, 236, 253, 272, 288, 306, 325, 848, 866, 384, 401, 421, 440, 458, 480
Notes from Lancashire, 17, 37, 55, 73, 91, 110, 129, 147, 165, 181, 199, 217, 235, 253, 272, 288, 305, 325, 348, 365, 383, 420, 439, 458, 479
Notes and Memoranda, 3, 23, 41, 63, 81, 97, 115, 137, 155, 169, 189, 207, 221, 239, 257, 275, 291, 315, 344, 355, 373, 396, 407, 425, 443, 469
Notices to Correspondents, 9, 29, 47, 65, 83, 103, 121, 139, 157, 174, 191, 209, 227, 245, 263, 281, 297, 317, 337, 357, 375, . 3, 413, 431, 449, 471
Nut, Steel Lock, Mr. A. B. Ibbotson, 352
Obituary :
Clifford, Prof. W. K., 181
Crawshay, Mr. Robt., 359
Foster, Mr. Peter Le Neve, 160
Fronde, Mr. Wm., 395
Geissler, Herr Heinrich, 158
Harttmann, Mr. Richard, 136
Howe, Mr. William, 67
Page, Dr., 199
Reeks, Mr. Trenham, 366
Sop with, Mr. Thomas, 85
Turley, Mr. Thomas, 148
Woodcroft, Mr. Bennet, 118 _
Ocean Currents by Continued Winds, Alleged Production of, 243
Ordnance, Construction of Heavy, 162
Ordnance, Krupp’s Improved Method of Mounting,
24, 25
Owen, Sir Philip Cunliffe, Presentation of Testimonial,
Paris Exhibition
Boiler, 40-H.P. Water-tube, 42
Engine, 100-H.P. Beam, MM. Ed. Windsor et Fils, 99
Engine, Compound Condensing, MM. Claparcde et Cie., 120, 123, 135, 142
Engine, Narrow Gauge Goods, Gothland Railway, 152, 162
Locomotive, Contractor’s, La Soc. St. Leonard, 258
Locomotive Engines, No. XI., 1
Locomotive, Tank, Soc. Anonyme Marcinelle and Couillet, 42
Lottery, The, 107
Metals, The Rarer, 219
Mining and Metallurgy, 238, 327, 349
Pulsometer. Mr. Hall, 378
Steam Railway Carriage, Belgian States Railway, M. Belpaire, 1, 8
Sun Engine, M. Mouchet, 39, 40
Tin Box-making Machinery, Messrs. Bliss and Williams, 61
Wood-working Machinery, 237, 255, 262, 289, 293
Pacific, Meteorology of the, 235
Panama Railway, The, 343
Patent Bill, The, 150, 157, 188, 225, 261, 380, 395
Patent Bill, The American, 235
Patents, Legislation on, 45, 59, 261
Pavements, Street Cariiage-way (Institution of Civil Engineers), 411
P. and O. Steam Navigation Company, The Fleet of the, 33
Perrin, Pauchard, et Cie., MM., Wood-working Machinery, Paris Exhibition, 289, 293
Phosphor Bronze, 26
Phosphorus, Elimination of, 334, 353, 358, 360, 367, 391
Phosphorus and Silicon, Elimination of, 446
Photo-Lithography, 214
Picketting, 432
Piezometer, The, 83, 134, 136, 170, 173, 195
Piles, Tubular, Messrs. Le Grand and Sutcliffe, 183,194
Pintsch, Pischon, and Co., Messrs., Gas Illuminated Buoys, 289, 299
Pit Work and Hauling Machinery, San Domingos Mines, Mr. Joseph Bernays, 316, 321
Planing and Moulding Machine, Messrs. William Furness and Co.,. 301
Planing and Trying-up Machinery, Paris Exhibition, M. F. Arbey, 237
Plough, Turning, Messrs. Whewell and Wood, Royal Agricultural Society, 240
Ploughing by Electricity, Apparatus for, MM. Chretien and Felix, 434
Plumbago Facing ? 209
Portland Cement Making Plant, Mr. V. D. Michele, 186
Ports, Sligo, Coleraine, and Londonderry Constituted Irish, 136
Postal Items, 22
Power, Transmission of by Electriciiy, 415
Power, Transmission to Distances, 471
Prices Current of Metals, Oils, Timber, &c. (See last page of first number in every month.}
Private Bibs in Parliament, 144, 151, 185, 255
Propeller, The De Bay, 123, 124, 144, 154, 172
Propellers, Apparatus for Testing Screw, 389
Propellers, Efficiency of, 140, 158, 214
Public Bodies and Competitive Contracts, 66, 101, 114
Pulsometer, The, 415
Pulsometer, Mr. Hall, 378
Pumping by Contract, 281 •
Pumping Machinery, Hanley Sewerage, 312
Pumps, Plunger, South Durham Colliery, Messrs.
Hathorn, Davey, and Co., 79
Quartering Machine, Portable, Mr. Thomas Urquhart, 389
Railway Accidents, 45
Railway Accidents in France, Ten Years’, 126
Railway Companies and Freighters, 176
Railway Companies as Manufacturers, 228
Railway Companies and the Public, 29
Railway Companies and Wagon Repairers, 176, 450
Railway Construction for the Development of New
Countries, On the Best Methods of, 89
Railway Extension, 343
Railway Matters, 3, 23, 41, 63, 81, 97, 115, 137, 155 169
189, 207, 221, 239, 257, 275, 291, 315, 344, 355, 373*
396, 407, 425, 443, 469 ’
Railway Officials’ Association, The, 141
Railway Working, On the Economy of, 85
Railways in China, 30
Railways in India, Mountain, 431
Railways in Japan, 302
Raising Sunken Vessels, Apparatus for, Messrs. Clark and Standfield, 249
Range Finder, Gen. Berdan, 212
Refrigeration, On Mechanical, 177
Rifles for the French Navy, Repeating, 223, 241
Ring Spinning and the Power Loom, 260
Rivetted Joints, 391
Rivetter, Messrs. Arroland Co., 32
Rivetter, Messrs. McKay and MacGeorge, 32
Roof of Carriage Shed, Arica and Tacna Railwav
Peru, 259 *
Rosedale and Ferryhill Iron Company, The, 84
Royal Agricultural Society’s Show. ’Kilburn
266, 375, 391, 405, 471
Boiler, 1765, Smeaton’s Portable, 459
Engine, 1843, Cambridge’s Portable, 466
Engine, Compound, Semi-Portable, Messrs. John Fowler and Co., 452
Engine, 12-H.P. Condensing, Messrs. Robey and
Co., 452
Engine, 20-H.P, Condensing, Messrs. Ruston,
Proctor, and Co., 462
Engine, Portable, 1849, Messrs. Hornsby and Sons 459
Engine, 1842, Self-Moving, Messrs. Ransomes, Sims, and Head, 459, 460
Engine, Straw Burning, Messrs. Head and Schcmioth, 461
Engine, Straw Burning Portable, Messrs. Clayton and Shuttleworth, 426, 427
Engine, 1811, Richard Trevithick’s, 441, 448
Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Kilburn
Engines, Old, 423
Engines, Vertical, Messrs. Marshall, Sons, and Co., 475, 476
Implements, Old, 473, 474
Plan of Showyard (See Supplement to The Engineer, of the 20th and 27 th June)
Plough, Turning, Messrs. Whewell and Wood, 240
Scoop, Steam, Messrs. John Fowler and Co., 475
Trasher and Chaff Cutter, Messrs, Clayton and
Shuttleworth, 463
Trashing Machine, Andrew Meikle, 463
Thrashing Machine, Drill, and Engine, Messrs.
Richard Garrett and Sons, 461, 464, 467, 473
Thrashing Machine and Straw Elevator Combined, Messrs. Nalder and Nalder, 426
Valve Gear of Engine, Messrs. Ruston, Proctor, and
Co., 460
Rule, Spiral, Prof. George Fuller, 416
Russian Cyclads, Gun Carriages for the, Messrs.
Eastons and Anderson, 336, 339
Sabot Machine, Paris Exhibition, Mr. F. Arbey, 262
St. Gothard Tunnel, 49, 94
St. Helen’s Waterworks, 126
Salford Drainage Works, Self-acting Flood Valve, Mr.
A. Jacob, 138, 142
San Domingos Mines, Pit Work, and Hauling Machinery, Mr. Joseph Bernays, 316, 321
Sandhurst Water Supply, Victoria, Australia, 144
Saw for Cutting Hot Iron, Mr. J. C. Claridge, 201, 211
Scoop, Steam, Messrs. John Fowler and Co., Royal
Agricultural Society’s Show, 475
Screen, Schmitt’s Revolving Spiral, 416
Screw Blade to form a Complete Column, On the
Minimum Area of, 300
Screw, Griffith’s Four-bladed 124
Screw Jack, 6-ton, Mr. Thomas Maude, 117
Screw Propellers, Corrosion of, 100
Screw Propellers and Negative Slip, 404, 446
Screw Pulpulsion, 26, 100, 114
Screw Steamers, Turning Power of, 435
Screw of the S.S. “ Hankow ?” 191
Sea Captains and Engineers, 282
Sewage, The Glasgow, 338
Sewage Schemes, Joint, 449
Sewage Works, New, 2
Sewer, Aberdare Outfall, Mr. S. .Ilarpur (Contracts
Open), 444, 446
Sewerage Works, Main. Darenth Valley, 313
Shafting, New Material for, 59
Sheffield District, Notes from, 17, 37, 56, 73, 92, 110, 130, 147, 166, 181, 200, 218, 236, 252, 272, 288, 306, 325, 348, 366, 384, 402, 421, 440, 458, 480
Sheffield, The Railway Strike, 27
Shipbuilding, On a System of Mechanical, 291
Shot Holes in Ships’ Sides, Stopping, 114
Siemens, Dr., Electric Current Regulator, 123
Siemens’s Gift, Dr., 358
Siemens’s Regenerative Gas Furnace, 231
Signals, Flashing, 307
Silicate and Zinc White Paint, 274, 295
Silloth Dock, Accident at, 258
Snow, Apparatus for Melting, Mr. J. F. Clarke, 161
Society of Arts, The, 33
Cantor Lectures, 107
Election of Mr. H. T. Wood, 172
Society, The Chemical:—
Analysis of Combustible Gases, and in the Construction of Apparatus, Some Points in the, Mr. J. W. Thomas, 242, 268 .
Solution of Aluminum Hydrate by Ammonia, and a Physical Isomeride of Alumina, Mr. C. F. Cress, 295
Society of Civil Engineers, The :—
Dioptric Apparatus in Lighthouses for the Electric Light, Mr. James T. Chance, 299
Society, Civil and Mechanical Engineers’ :—
A Railway to India, Mr. C. H. Du ver, 199
Society of Engineers, The, 265, 348, 453
Brakes, Hydraulic, Continuous, and Automatic, Mr. E. D. Barker, 410
Election of New Members, 171, 265
First Ordinary Meeting and Inaugural Address of the President, Mr. Spice, 107
Harbour Bars, their Formation and Removal, Mr.
H. F. Knapp, 2, 61
Macadam for Roads, Modern Machinery for Repairing, Mr. Charles E. Hall, 343
Mineralogy of the Island of Sardinia, Mr. C. J. Alford, 434
Pits and Hauling Machinery for the San Domingos Mines, Portugal, Mr. Joseph, Bernays, 321
Tramways, Essentials which should Govern the Construction and Working of, Mr. Joseph Bernays, 290
Utilising the Waste Heat of Exhaust Steam, Mr.
James Atkinson, 161, 178
Society of Engineers, The Amalgamated, 7
Letter Circulated by the Iron Trades Employers’ Association and Accompanying Statement, 7
Manifesto issued by the Executive Council, 21
Notice of Reductions in Rates, 78
Society of Great Britain, The Aeronautical, 442 Society, King’s College Engineering
Agricultural Implements, Mr. S. G. Heynes, 185
Anglican Architecture, Style and Construction of, Mr. Cuthbert Bradley, 383
Canals, On, Mr. W. Winn, 182
Harbours, On, Mr. A. Kitson, 114 '
Torpedoes and Torpedo Launches, Mr. A. Alliman, 81
Tramways, On, Mr. J. 8. Perkins, 148
Water Supply of London, Mr. G. Midgley Taylor, 225
Society, The Liverpool Engineering
Means of Communication between Liverpool and Cheshire side of the Mersey, Past, Present, and Proposed, Mr. Coard S. Pam, 401
Recent Developments of the Manufacture of Mild Steel and its Applications, Mr. J. Birch, 365
Sewers, Design and Construction of, Mr. Graham Smith, 173
Siemens’s Regenerative Gas Furnace, Mr. F. B. Salmon, 231
Tide Work, Management of, Mr. E. Cornish, 465
Timber Dams, The Construction of, Mr. N. W.
Squire, 125
Society, Manchester Scientific and Mechanical:— Boiler Incrustation, Mr. G. E. Davies, 365
Electricity, Latest Applications of, Mr. Faulkner, 45 Government Monopoly of Telegraphs, and its Influence on Private Enterprise, Mr. W. H. Bailey, 256 Society, The Meteorological, 424
Contributions to the Meteorology of the Pacific, No. III., Samoan or Navigator Islands, Robt. H*. Scott, 235
Dew, Mist, and Fog, Mr. George Dines, 235
Diurnal Variations of Barometric Pressure in the British Isles, Mr. Fred. Chambers, 170
Inchnation of the Axes of Cyclones, Rev. W. Clement Ley, 235, 401
Meteorological Observations at Buenos Avres Mr W. B. Tripp, 170 * ’
Relation between the Duration of Sunshine, The Amount of Solar Radiation, &c. &c., Mr. G M Whipple, 170
Standard Cistern Syphon Barometer, Mr. Fred
• Bogen, 170
Society, The Royal:—
Conversazione, 318
Electric Current Regulator, Dr. Siemens, 123
Society of Telegraph Engineers, The
Conversazione in the South Kensington Museum, 451
South Durham Colliery, Plunger Pumps, Messrs.
Hathorn, Davey, and Co., 79
South Hants Waterworks, 101
South Kensington Museum, 38, 92, 107, 125, 133, 159
178, 211, 230, 253, 306, 325, 348, 406, 439, 454
South Staffordshire Iron Trade in 1878, 48
South Yorkshire Coal and Iron Trades for 1878, 22
Southport Promenade Extension, 313
Staffordshire Mines, Drainage of the, 246
Standards of Length for Public Use, On Imperial, 177
Stanley’s Fluid Professional Colours, 23o
Steam Carriage, Belgian States Railway, M. Belpaire,
1 8
Steam on Common Roads. 227, 365
S.S. “Lord of the Isles,” Engines of the, Mr. Adam
Miller, 26, 28, 40, 46, 80, 82, 96, 98, 187
Steam Yacht “ Wanderer,” The, 383
Steel and its Appliances, Manufacture of Mild, 365
Steel from Cleveland Iron, 210
Steel v. Iron Rails, 284
Steel-making, Capabilities of Bengal, 298
Steel and Malleable Iron from Phosphoric Pig Iron
Steel-making in India, 141
Steel in Naval Construction, Use of, 330, 360
Steel Process, The Thomas, 265
Steel Rails, 103 ,
Steel Rails in America, English, 338
Steel Rails, The Wear of, 101
Steel for Ships, 367, 387, 405
Steel Vessels for the British Navy, 424
Steel for War Purposes, 245
Stephenson Lamp, The, 341
Stephenson, Residence of George and Robt., 383
Stone, Mr. E. H., Central Buffer Coupling, 170
Stoppage of Collieries and Miners’ Wages in South
Yorkshire, Proposed, 366
Strains on Screw Propeller Shafts, 276, 278
Strike at Pittsburgh, 415
Strikes and Trade Societies, 404, 447
Stuffing Box, Mr. J. Stannah, 117
Sun Engine, Paris Exhibition, M. Mouchot, 39, 40
Sunshine and Solar Radiation Compared, 170
Sussex Ironworks, 393
Syenite, 7
Syphon Overflow, Automatic, Dr. W. Taylor, 353
Szegedin, Destruction of, 192
Szegedin Disaster, Lessons of the, 263
Szegedin, Map of the Inundated District, 230
Szegedin, Steam Fire Engines for, 252
Technological Experiments, 313
Telegraph, Decapitation by, 31
Telegraph, The Writing, 451
Telegraphic Communication with Africa, 139
Telegraphs, Government Monopoly of, 256
Telegraphs in South Africa, 238
Telegraphy in Japan, 17
Telephone Receiver, Mr. Edison, 213
Telephonic Vibrations, Amplification of 224
Driffield, Drainage of, 89
East Grinstead Sewerage, 318
Notting Hill, Well at New Infirmary, 261
Sevenoaks Gasworks, 354
Wigan Sewerage, 144
Youghal Bridge, 89
Tenoning Machine, Paris Exhibition, Mr. F. Arbey, 262
Testing Machine, The Large American Government, 252
Thames, Foreshore of the, 214
Thrasher and Chaff Cutter, Messrs. Clayton and Shuttleworth,Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 463
Thrashing Machine, Andrew Meikle, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 463
Thrashing Machine, Drill and Engine, Messrs. Richard Garrett and Sons, 461, 464, 467, 473
Thrashing Machine, The First Steam Portable, 464
Thrashing Machine and Straw Elevator Combined, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, Messrs. Nalder and Nalder, 426
Thrashing Machines at the Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 463
“ Thunderer,” Explosion on Board H M.S., 19, 47, 94, 101, 121, 175, 209, 244, 245, 247
“Thunderer’s” Turrets, Arrangement of H.M.S., 19
Tide Work, Management of, 465
Timber, Australian, 26, 114
Timber in the United States, Increasing Demand for, 5
Timbers, Australian and New Zealand, 429
Tire Lathe, Heavy Railway, Messrs. W. Collier and Co., 187
Tonnage of Coal by Rail from South Yorkshire to London, 447
Tools, Machine, 7
Torpedo Boat, The Herreshoff, 162
Torpedo Boat, Speed of the Thorneycroft, No. 2, Firs4.-class, 40
Torpedo Vessel, “Acheron,” The Spar, Mr. Norman Selfe, 374, 378, 458
Torpedoes and Torpedo Launches, Mr. A. L. Alliman, 80
Traction Engines, Liabilities of Owners, 432
Trade of England, An American Consul on the, 246
Trade with France, 84
Trades Union Censuses. 394
Trades Unionism, An Unconsidered Aspect of, 413
Trades Unions and the Distress, 158
Trades Unions and Machinery, 177
Trams, Communication in, 391
Tramways, 148
Tramways, their Construction and Working, 290
Tramways, Mechanical Power on, 290, 390
Tramways, Steam Power on, 297, 317, 404
Transmission of Power to a Distance, 471
Tripod Head, Mr. D. Hoffman, 248
Tunnel for the Baltimore Waterworks, 447
Tunnel, The St. Gothard, 49
Tunnel, Explosion in a Railway, 192
Twin Ship Propulsion, 294
Tylor and Sons, Fire at Messrs., 31, 66
United States Navy, Steam Machinery in the, 401
Utilising the Waste Heat of Exhaust Steam, 161
Valve, Self-acting Flood, Salford Drainage Works, Mr
A. Jacob, 138, 142
Valve, Straightway Stop, Messrs. J. Blakeborough and Sons, 171
Viaduct over the Nore, Waterford and Central Railway of Ireland, Mr. Charles B. Galwey, 277, 2S(», 283
Victoria, Australia, Geelong and Sandhurst Water
Supply, 125, 144
Voyage, Another Rough, 194
Voyage from Sunderland to Baltimore, A Rough, 119
Wages in South Yorkshire and the Disallowance of, Pending Reduction of, 272
Wagon Repairers, Indemnity by, 173, 176
Wales and Adjoining Counties, Notes from, 17, 38, 56, 74, 92, 110, 130, 148, 166, 181, 200, 218, 236, 253, 288, 306, 325, 348, 366, 384, 402, 421, 440, 458, 480
Warora Coal-field, The, 158
Water Jets, Height of, 33
Water Supply, 141, 406, 413
Water Supply of London, The, 225
Water Supply, National, 375
Water Supply, Rural, 393
Water Supply, Sewage and Health, National, 166
Waterford and Central Railway of Ireland, Viaduct over the Nore, Mr. Charles B. Galwey, 277, 280, 283
West India Graving Dock, Poplar, 392, 395
Westminster Tobacco Box, The, 252
Whitburn Coal Winning, The, 228
Woodbridge, Dr., Piezometer, 83, 134, 136, 170, 173, 195 ’
Wood Ferules? 209
Wood-working Machinery, MM. Perrin, Pauchard, et Cie„ 289, 293
Wood-working Machinery at the Paris Exhibition, 237, 255, 262, 289, 293
Youghal Bridge, 89
See Also
Sources of Information