Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Index: Illustrations

From Graces Guide
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Illustration Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Illustration Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Illustration Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Illustration Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Illustration Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Illustration Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Illustration Index.
The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Illustration Index.

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1882 Jul-Dec: Index

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Abbott and Goosey, Messrs., Mower Knife Grinder, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 60

Abdank, M., Arc Electric Lamp, 312

Adelaide, Sewerage of, Type Drawings of Sewers, Manholes, and House Connections, Mr. Oswald Brown, 392. 396

Alexandria. Bombardment of, Map of, 33

Allen and Co., Messrs. W. H., Electric Light for the Spanish Government, 276

American Mogul Locomotive, Newfoundland Railway, Mr. James Cleminson {Supplement to The Engineer, December Ibth, 1882)

American Pump, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 23 Arrol, Mr., Drilling Machine for Large Girder Work, 223 a ,


Atkinson, Mr. J., Gas Engine, Brewing Exhibition,

Atkinson and Phillinson, Messrs., Axle Fixtures, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 22

Atkinson and Phillipson, Messrs., Carriage Brake Inside and Outside, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 21, 22

Ayrton and Perry, Messrs., Dvnamometer, 485

Aveling and Porter, Messrs., Traction Engine, Smith-field Club Show, 19, 425

Bagshaw and Sons, Messrs. J., Friction Hoist and Brake, 455

Bailey and Co., Messrs., Vertical Hot-air Engines, 174

Barker, Mr. T. B., universal Gas Engine, 273

Barlow, jun., and Co., Messrs. H. B., Expanding Mandrel, 65

Barnes, Mr., Donkey Pump, North-East Coast Exhibition, 280

Barnett and Foster, Messrs., Labelling Machine, 320

Bolton, Mr. Reginald, Jacketted Piston, 195

Bolton, Mr. J. W., Vapour Lamp, 203

Botting, Mr. F., Air-tight Drain and Manhole Covers, 118

Botting, Mr. F., Arrangement for House Sanitary Appliances, 428

Boulton, Mr. J. W., Fire-door Ring, 347

Boye, Mr., Indicator, Figs. 19, 20,p. 450

Boye and Muller, Messrs . Apparatus for Determining Degree of Moisture in Steam, 408

Bramhall, Mr. Reuben, Indicator Cards, 467

Brazilian Imperial Central Bahia Railway, Imperial Dom Pedro II. Bridge, Mr. James Cleminson, 12' 136, 222

Brazilian Government, Torpedo Boat for the, Messrs. Yarrow and Co., 91

British Electric Company, The, Naval Electric Search Light, 272

Brom field, Mr. J. C., Process of Iron Making, 359

Buckton and Co., Messrs., Eleven Feet Shearing Machine, 90

Buckton and Co., Messrs. J., Single Lever Testing Machine, 115

Rural 1, Mr. Thos., Railway Wagon Couplings, 347

Burrell, Messrs. Compound Engine, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 20

Burston, Mr. Ed., Centre Cycle, 4

Calais Harbour, Map of New Works, 66

Calais Harbour, Dock Locks, M. Lacour, 109

Calais Harbour Works, Hydraulic Pile Driver, M. Lacour, 195

Calumet Mine, Lake Michigan, U.S., Stand Pipe, 489

Canterbury, New Bridge at. Mr. J. G. Hall, 397

Cape Colonics Railways, Water Tank Engines for, Messrs. Hayward Tyler and Co., 4

Cave, Mr., Mash Tun for Raw Grain and Malt, Brewing Exhibition, 485

Central Pacific Railway, Sacramento, Twelve-Wheeled Locomotive, Mr. A. J. Stevens, 354

Channel, Tunnel, The, 231

Chertemps and Dandeu, Dynamo-Electric Machine, 446

Church, Mr., Slide Valve, Smithfield Club Show, 425

Clark, Mr., Dynamo-clectric Machine, 144

Cochrane, Messrs., Launch-Engine, North-East Coast Exhibition, 211

Cooke and Mylchreest, Messrs., Steel Castings, 13

Coultas, Mr. James, Fan for Treating the Crop in the Stack, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 2

Coultas, M r., Power Fan, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 61

Cradock and Co., Messrs. G., Steel Wire Ropes, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 21

Crampton, Mr. T. R., Hydraulic Tunnelling, 255

Crompton, Mr., Arc Lamp, Munich Electrical Exhibition, 331

Danish State Railways, Coaling Crane, 385

Dare, F.; Mr., Laws of Motion, Diagram relative to, 480

Davey, Mr., on Mining, Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Pumping Engines, 133

Deed, Mr. Percy, Continuous Speed Indicator, 196

Delamare-Debuutteville, M. Edouard, Universal Machine Tool, 104

“ Diamond ” Arc I amp, The, Mr. C. D. Haskins, 44

Dickinson. Mr., Crank Shaft, North-East Coast Exhibition, 281

Dounay, Mr. Chas., Shearing Machine for Large Sheets, 409

Dreyer, Rcsencranz, and Droop, Messrs., Indicator, Figs. 21 to 27, 450

Duncan, Rock Drill, 25

Durham, Mr., Governor for Electric Light Engines, 215

East Indian Railway, Six-coupled Locomotives, 330, 338

Edison, Mr., Dynamo, Munich Electrical Exhibition, 331

Edison, Mr., Electric Light Meter, 110

Ely Accident. Diagram of, 314

Evans and Co.. Messrs. J., Coke and Coal Dust Grinding Mills, 408

Farquhar, Mr. W. T., Toothed Gearing, 176

Ferranti Dynamo Machine, The, 415, 416

Folkestone-Boulogne Channel Steamers, 145, 146

Folkestone Harbour Lighthouse, 376

Folkestone Hat bour, Plan of, 145

Folkestone, New Pier at, Mr. Francis Brady, 464, 465

Folkestone, Old and New Harbours, 376

Foibes, Prof. G., A New Arc Lamp, 437 St Nazaire, Rail Finishing Mill Engines, Messrs. W. and J. Galloway, 334

jsbery, Mr., Diaphragm Pump, North-East Coast Exhibition, 300

jwier and Co., Messrs., Drainage Plough, Royal

Agricultural Society’s Show, 60

Fox, Mr. P. H., Rheostat for Electric Lamps, 301

” B0jier Feeder, The, 45

Geogiiegan and Sturgeon, Messrs., Patent Piston, 174

Gibbons, Mr. H., Moulding Machine, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 22

Gibbons, Mr. IL, Mower Cutter Grinding Machine,

Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 22

Gillett, Mr. John, Compound Tandem Engine, 24

Glasgow Harbour, 20-ton Portable Steam Crane,

Messrs. George Russell and Co., 175

Gordon, Mr. J. E. H., Dynamo-electric Machine, 309, 316

Gordon, Mr. J. E. H., Photometer Room, 309

Gougy, M. P. F., Beer Engine, 397

Gratton, Mr. Henry, Tipping Truck, 321

Great Eastern Railway Accident, The Balance Weight, 79

Greening, Mr. E. O., Fan, 61, 257

Greenwood and Batley, Messrs., Ironworks, Metallic

Cartridges, 79

Griffiths, Mr. Robert, Propeller Shield, 257

Hai.d and Co., Messrs., Cream Separator, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 1

Hall, Messrs., Patent Cold Dry Air Machine, 254

Halliday and Co., Messrs. Joseph, High-pressure Filters, 5

Halpin, Mr. Druitt, Compound Condensing Engine, Messrs. Manlove, Alliott, Fryer, and Co., 178, 194, 202

Hamburg Centrifugenbau-Gesellschaft, Centrifugal Cream Separator, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 1

Hamburg, The Niederbaum Swing Bridge (Supplement to The Engineer, August 18th), 48, 82, 86

Harker, Mr., Compound Launch Engine, 254

Harker, Mr. F. J., Compound Marine Engine, 234

Harrison and McGregor, Messrs., chaff-cutter, Royal

Agricultural Society’s Show, 22

Hartnell, Mr. Wilson, Governors, 164, 165

Harvey, Mr. Thomas F., Hot-blast Stove, 484

Hathaway, Mr. G., Churn, Royal Agricultural Society’s

Show, 42

Hathorn and Co., Messrs., Rock Drill, 255

Hathorn, Davey, and Co., Messrs., Pumping Engine Recorder, Mr. Davey, 59

Haulbowline Dock Extension Works, Mr. J. O.

Andrews, 293

Hefner-Altenick, Dynamometer of, 417

Hett, Mr. C. G., Centrifugal Pump, 119

Hodge and Thompson, Messrs., Excavator, North-East

Coast Exhibition, 211

Hodgson, Mr , Pianograph-Metronome, 53

Hugstetten Railway Accident, The, 262, 263

Indian State Railways, Ironwork Bridges, 468

Indian State Railways, Permanent Way, 137, 351 Irwell, The, Self-acting Weir on the, at Throstle Nest,

Mr. F. Wiswall, 160, 176

Jablochkof5 Light at the Crystal Palace, 100

Jackfield, Shropshire, Landslip at, 436

Jeffries, Mr., Boiler Feeder, North-East Coast Exhibition, Messrs. Tangye Brothers, 280

Johnson, Mr. H., Foundry Traveller, 46

Kane, Messrs. J. and W., Automatic Fire-extinguishers, 308

Keable, Mr., Boiler, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 22

Kitson’s Locomotive Works, Condensers of Tramway Engines, 3

Kitson’s Locomotive Works, Connecting Rods and Cylinders of French Locomotives, 2

Kitson and Co., Messrs., Hydraulic Rolling Mill Reversing Clutch, 40

Krauss and Co., Messrs., Tank Engine, Fig. 11, National

Bavarian Exhibition, 287

Kriegar, Mr., Foundry Cupola, 408

Krupp Gun, The 10’5 centimetre, 234

Krupp’s Gun and Target Experiments at Meppen, 251, 269, 270

Lancaster and Tonge, Messrs., Steam Trap, 436

Leeds, Map of, Showing Position of Monkbridge Ironworks, 39

Levy and Lane, Messrs., Workman’s Time Recorder, 358

Lister, Mr. C. A., Hand and Power Fan, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 60

Lodge, Mr., Self-locking Coal Plate, 386

Loughborough Boiler, The, Messis. Messenger and Co., 358

Luton Waterworks, Compound Differential Engine,

Messrs. Hathorn, Davey, and Co., 412

Luton Waterworks, Pumping Engine, 416

Lyttelton Harbour, New Zealand, Graving Dock, Mr.

C. N. Bell, 101

Maffei, M. J. A., Four-wheeled Tank Engine, Figs. 5 to 8, National Bavarian Exhibition, 287

Maffei, M. J. A., Road Roller, Figs. 9 and 10, National

Bavarian Exhibition, 287

Maffei, M. J. A., Semmering Engine, Figs. 1 to 4, National Bavarian Exhibition, 287

Maldon Ironworks Company, Haymaker, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 20

Manchester Ship Canal, Map of its Route, 388

Manchester Ship Canal, Contour and Cross Sections of, 454

Manchester Ship Canal, Salford Docks, 461

Mantle, Mr. A. W., Thrashing Machine, 300

Margis, M. P., Apparatus for the Production of

Oxygen by Dialysis of Atmospheric Air, 357

Margrett, Mr. Edward, Pump, Royal Agricultural

Society's Show, 41

Marshall, Sons, and Co., Messrs., Semi - portable

Engine, 424

Marston, Mr., Vertical Boiler, 485

Messent and Ward, Messrs., Coal Shoot, North-East

Coast Exhibition, 242

Messingham District Drainage Works, 119

Metropolitan Railway Company, The, Inner Circle

Completion Railway, 243

Meyer. Mr., Method of Laying Wires Underground, Ciystal Palace Gas and Electrical Exhibition, 453

Mickley Coa] Company, Tank Locomotive for, Messrs.

J. and G. Joicey and Co., 429

Monk Bridge, Mr. George Leather, 3

Monkbridge Ironworks, 5-ton Travelling Crane,

Messrs. Smith, Beacock, and Tannett, 64

' Monkbridge Ironworks, Plate Mill Shed and Crane, 39

Munich Electrical Exhibition, Plan of, 331

Murton and Turner, Messrs., Chaff-cutter and Drill,

Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 20

Nalder and Nalder, Messrs., Spindle of Thrasher, Smithfield Club Show, 426

Nalder and Nalder, Messrs., Thrashing Machine, Flexible Wood Hangers, 41

Newburn Steelworks, Strength of Steel and Iron Crank Shafts, Results of Test-office Experiments on, 191

New York State Survey, Method of Marking, 313

' Nicholson and Sons, Messrs. W. N., Haymaking Head, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 41

Nile Delta, the, Map of 32

Nock, Mr. John, Machinery for Forging Anchors, 473

North British Railway Works, Wheel-making by the Hydraulic Press, Mr. D. Drummond, 44

Pacific Rolling Mills, San Francisco, New Form of

Girder, Mr. P. IT. Jackson, 127

Paris, Aerial Electrical Tramways, 319

Penney and Co., Messrs., Triplex Boiler, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 21

Phillips, Mr. C., Hand Fan, Royal Agricultural

Society’s Show, 60

Phillips, Mr. C., Power and Hand Fan, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 61

Picksley, Sims, and Co., Messrs., Horse Rake, Royal

Agricultural Society’s Show, 60

Pickwell, Mr. Robert, Self-registering Compass, 273

Pilgrim, The U.S. Steamboat, Messrs. John Roach and Son, 62

Pilgrim, Engine of the U.S. Steamboat, Messrs.

John Roach and Son, 68

Pneumatic Pulveriser Company, Pneumatic Pulveriser, 455

Pocock, Mr., Railway Milk Drum Washer, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 45

Pratt, Mr. E., Fan, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 254

Priestman Bros., Messrs., Grab Bucket, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 22

Purves, Mr., Crank Shaft, North-East Coast Exhibition, 211

Putney Bridge, The New, Sir J. and Mr. E. Bazal-gette, 235, 258, 292, 313

Quick, Mr. G., Breech-loading Mechanism, 119

Rainbow, Mr. W., Sleepers, 300

Raoul Axle-box, The, 485

Rapley, Mr. F. Harvey. Automatic Brake, 447

Reading Ironworks Company, Brick-making Machine. Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 20, 21

Reading Ironworks Company, Compound Condensing Engine, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 28

Reid and Co., Messrs. W., Pneumatic Hydrometer, 310

Richard, Mr., Indicator, Figs. 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, p. 444, 450

Rider, Mr., Hot Air Engine, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 23

Roberts, Mr , Elongated Bin or Grain Hopper, 257

Rohrbach Fall and Bridge, St. Gothard Railway (Supplement to The Engineer, December 1st, 1882)

Rose, Downs, and Thompson, Messrs., 1-Ton Bucket Dredger, 174

Rotunda Museum, Woolwich, Ancient Guns and Arms, 327, 328

Royal Agricultural Society’s Showyard, Reading, Map of (Supplement to The Engineer, July 7 th, 1882)

Russian Steam Navigation and Trading Co.’s Mine, Underground Pumping Machinery and Endless Chain Haulage, Mr. C. R. Wymer (Supplement to The Engineer, September Sth, 1882)

Sabine, Mr., Photometer, 466

St. Gothard Railway, Bight-Coupled Locomotive, Messrs. Maffei (and Supplement), 481

St. Gothard Railway, Goeschenen Station (Supplement to The Engineer, December Sth, 1882)

St. Gothard Railway, Karstellenbach Bridge (Supplement to The Engineer, November 17th, 1882)

St. Gothard Railway, Six and Eight-Coupled Engines, 368, 369

St. Petersburg, Armour-plate Trials, 423

Schonheyder, Mr. W., Sanitary Stove, 91

'Scriven and Co., Messrs., Plate-Cutting Machine, North-East Coast Exhibition, 280

Selig, Sonnenthal, and Co., Tube Expander, 203

Shand, Mason, and Co., Messrs., Steam Fire Float for the Brazilian Government, 347, 350

Shoeburyne«s, Experiments at, Effects of Shot on a Compound Armour-Plate, 182

Simon, Mr. Louis, Gas Engine, Brewing Exhibition, 320

Singapore, Kam pang Kerban Bridge, Mr. Thomas Cargill, 198, 201

Skeldergate Bridge, York, over the Ouse, Mr. Geo. Gordon Page (Supplement to The Engineer, July 28th, 1882)

Slater, Mr. H., Patent Water Gauge, 203

Slough, Gasholder at, 314

Smith, Mr., Screw Brake, 345

Smith and Stevens, Messrs. Archibald, Hydraulic Balanced Lift, 389

Snyder’s 5-H.P. Vertical Boiler, 447

Spezzia Armour-Plate Experiments, 384, 404, 405

Spottiswoodc, Mr., Matter and Magnets, Electric Action, 102, 103

S.S. Boscobel, Compound Engines of, Mr. S. F. Hodge, 156, 157

S.S. Claremont, Compound Engines of, Messrs, ; Douglas and Grant, 83

S.S. Leerdam, Engines of, Netherlands Steamboat | Co. (Supplement to The Engineer, October 13/7?), 214, 218, 296, 372

S.S. Mary Beatrice, Oscillating Engines of, Messrs. J.

Penn and Sons, 140

Stidder, Messrs. J. G., Ball Valve, 152

Stopes and Co., Messrs. H., One Hundred and Thirty Quarter Malting, 6, 8

Stourbridge, Great Western Railway, Viaduct'at, Mr.

W. D. Robotham, 12

Suez Canal, Map of, 31

Tangye Bros., Messrs., Ram Pump, North-East Coast Exhibition, 280

Tate, Mr., Electrical Stop Valve Controller, Messrs.

Dunean Bros., 272

Tate, Mr., Valve-closing Apparatus. 294

Thomson and Sons, Messrs., Five-Roller Calender, 118

Th waites Bros., Messrs., Hot Saw, 243

Thwaites Bros., Messrs., Wrought Iron Framed Steam Hammer, 65

Timmis and Hodgson, Messrs., Lifeboat, North-East

Coast Exhibition, 281

Trinity House Buoys, 108

Turner and Hartnell, Messrs., Governor, Smithfield

Club Show, 424

Venus, Transit of, 443, 444

Walker, Mr., Power Exhaust Fan, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 12

Wallis and Steevens, Messrs., Hay Rick Drying Fan, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 59

Wallis and Steevens, Messrs., Semi-Portable Engine, 426, 432

Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co., Messrs., the Compound Engine, North-East Coast Exhibition, 238

Walworth and Co., Messrs. James, Steam Com-Drying Machine, Royal Agricultural Society's Show, 41

Watson and Sons, Messrs., Pump, North-East Coast Exhibition, 211

Wery, M., Chimney Funnel. 243

Weston, Mr., Differential Pulley Blocks, Messrs. John Crowley and Co., 243

Wilder, Messrs. R. J. and H., Elevator Driving Gear, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 21

Wilder, Messrs. R. J. and H., Flexible Solid Frame Harrow, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 22

Williams and Son, Messrs. J., Mower Finger, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 20

Wilson, Mr.. Compound Armour Plate, 97

Wilson and Co., Messrs. Alexander, Slide Valves, 212

Windhausen Refrigerator, The, 301

Wiswall, Mr. Francis. Tilting Weir, 196

Worthington, Mr. H. R., Steam and Brewery Pumps,

Wotherspoon’s Spring Buffers for Steering Gear, Brown, Messrs. A. and R., 65

Young, Mr., Speed Indicator, 127


Accident, The Ely, 314

Aerial Electrical tramways, Paris, 319

Air-tight Drain and Manhole Covers, Mr. F. Botting, 118

Anchors, Machinery for Forging, Mr. John Nock, 473

Ai c Lamp, Mr. Crompton, Munich Electrical Exhibition, 331

Armour-plate, Compound, Mr. Wilson, 97

Armour-plate, Effects of a Shot on a Compound, Shoe-buryness, 182

Armour-plate Experiments, Spezzia, 384, 404, 405

Armour-plate Trials, St. Petersburg, 423

Axle-box, The Raoul, 485

Axle Fixtures, Messrs. Atkinson and Phillippon, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 22

Balance-weight, The, Great Eastern Railway Accident, 79

Balanced Lift, Smith and Stevens, 389

Beer Engine, M. P. F. Gougy, 397

Bin, Elongated, Mr. Roberts, 257

Boiler, Mr. Keable, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 22

Boiler Feeder, The Fromentin, 45

Boiler Feeder, Mr. Jeffries, North-East Coast Exhibition, Messrs. Tangye Bros , 280

Boiler, The Loughborough, Messrs. Messenger and Co., 358

Boiler, Triplex, Messrs. Penney and Co., Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 21

Boiler, Vertical, Mr. Marston, 485

Boiler, 5-H.P. Vertical, Snyder’s, 447

Brake, Automatic, Mr. F. Harvey Rapley, 447

Brake, Friction Hoist, Messrs. J. Bagshaw and Sons, 455

Brake, Screw, Mr. Smith, 345

Breech-loading Mechanism, Mr. G. Quick, 119

Brick-making Machine, Reading Ironworks Co., Royal Agricultural Society's Show, 2o, 21

Bridge at Canterbury, New, Mr. J. G. Hall, 397

Bridge and Fall, Rohrbach, St. Gothard Railway (Supplement to The Engineer, December 1st, 1882)

Bridge, Imperial Dom Pedro IL, Brazilian Imperial Central Bahia Railway, Mr. J. Cleminson, 122, 136, 222

Bridge, Kampang Kerbau, Singapore, Mr. Thomas Cargill, 198, k01

Bridge, Kartellenbach, St. Gothard Railway (Supplement to The Engineer, November 17th, 1882)

Bridge, Monk, Mr. George Leather, 3

Bridge, The New Putney, Sir J. and Mr. E. Bazalgette, 235, 258, 292, 313

Bridge, The Nierierbaum Swing, Hamburg (Supplement to The Engineer, August ISth), 48. 82, »6

Bridge, Skeldergate, over the Ouse, York, Mr. Geo. Gordon Page (Supplement to The Engineer, July 23th, 1882)

Bridges, Ironwork, Indian State Railways, 468

Buoys, Trinity House, 108

Calender, Five-roller, Messrs. Thomson and Sons, 118

Canal, Manchester Ship, Contour and Cross Sections of, 454

Canal, Manchester Ship, Map of Route, 388

Canal, Manchester Ship, Salford Docks, 461

Carriage Brake, Inside and Outside, Messrs. Atkinson and Phillipson, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 21, 22

Cartridge Cylinder, Messrs. Greenwood and Batley, Leeds, 79

Centre Cycle, Mr. Ed. Burston, 4

Chaff Cutter, Messrs. Harrison and McGregor, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 22

Chaff Cutter and Drill, Messrs. Murton and Turner, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 20

Churn, Mr. G. Hathaway, Royal Agricultural Society’s

Clutch, Hydraulic Mill Reversing, Messrs. Kitson and Co., 40

Coal Plate, Self-locking, Mr. Lodge, 386

Coal Shoot, Messrs. Messent and Ward, North-East Coast Exhibition, 242

Coal Dry Air Machine, Patent, Messrs. Hall, 254

Compass, Self Registering, Mr. Robt. Pick well, 273

Condensers of Tramway Engines, Kitson’s Locomotive Works, 3

Connecting Rods and Cylinders of French Locomotives, Kitson’s Locomotive Works, 2

Couplings, Railway Wagon, Mr. Thos. Burall, 347

Crane, Coaling, Danish State Railway, 385

Crane, Five-ton Travelling, Monkbridge Ironworks, Messrs. Smith, Beacock and Tannett, 64

Crane, 20-Ton Portable Steam, Glasgow Harbour, Messrs. George Russell and Co., 175

Crank Shaft, Mr. Dickinson, North-East Coast Exhibition, 281

Crank Shaft, Mr. Purves, North-East Coast Exhibition, 211

Cream Separator, Messrs. Hald and Co., Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 1

Cream Separator, Hamburg Centrifugenbau Gesellschaft, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 1

Disc Armature Dynamo Electric Machines, 271

Dock Extension Works, Haulbowline, Mr. J. 0.

Andrews, 293

Dock Locks, M. Lacour, Calais Harbour, 109

Drainage Works. Messingham District, 119

Drilling Machine for Large Girder Work, Mr. Arrol, 223

Drying Machine. Steam Corn, Messrs. James Walworth and Co., Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 41

Dynamo, Mr. Edison, Munich Electrical Exhibition, 331

Dynamo Electric Machine, The Chertemps and Dan-den, 446

Dynamo Electric Machine, Mr. Clark, 144

Dynamo Electric Machine, Mr. J. E. H. Gordon, 309, 316

Dynamo Machine, The Ferranti, 415, 416 '

Dynamometer, Messrs. Ayrton and Perry, 485

Dynamometer of Hefner-Altenick, 417

Electric Arc Lamp, The “ Diamond,” Mr. C. D. Haskins, 44

Electric Arc Lamp, M. Abdank, 312

Electric Furnace, The, 173

Electric Light, The Jablochkoff, at the Crystal Palace, 100

Electric Light Engines for the Spanish Government, Messrs. W. H. Allen and Co., 276

Electric Meter, Mr. Edison, 110

Electric Search Light, Naval, The British Electric Company, 272

Electrical Exhibition, Munich, Plan of, 331

Electricity and Torpedo Warfare, 151

Electro Contact Mines, 151

Elevator Driving Gear, Messrs. R. J. and H. Wilder, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 21

Engine, Compound, Messrs. Burrell, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 20

Engine, Compound, Messrs. The Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Company, North-East Coast Exhibition, 238

Engine, Compound Condensing, Mr. Druitt Halpin’s, Messrs. Manlove, Alliott, Fryer and Co., 178, 194, 202

Engine, Compound Condensing, Reading Ironworks Company, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 28

Engine, Compound Differential, Luton Waterworks, Messrs. Hathorn, Davey, and Co., 412

Engine, Compound Launch, Mr. Harker, 254

Engine, Compound Marine, Mr. F. J. Harker, 234

Engine, Compound Tandem, Mr. John Gillett, 24

Engine, Four-Wheeled Tank, Figs. 5 to 8, National Bavaria Exhibition, 287

Engine, Gas, Mr. J. Atkinson, Brewing Exhibition, 320

Engine, Gas, Mr. T. B. Barker, 273

Engine, Gas, Mr. Louis Simon, Brewing Exhibition, 320

Engine, Hot-Air, Mr. Rider, Royal Agricultural Society, 23

Engine, Launch, Messrs. Cochrane, North-East Coast Exhibition, 211

Engine, Pumping. Luton Waterworks, 416

Engine, Semi-portable, Messrs. Marshall, Sons, and Co,, 424

Engine, Semi-portable, Messrs. Wallis and Steevens, 426, 432

Engine, Semmering, M. J. A. Maffei, Fig. 1-4, National Bavarian Exhibition, 287

Engine, Tank, Messrs. Krauss and Co., Fig. 11, National Bavarian Exhibition, 287

Engine, Traction, Messrs. Aveling and Porter, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 19, 425

Engine of the United States Steamboat Pilgrim, Messrs. John Roach and Co., 68

Engines, Compound, of the S.S. Boscobel, Mr. S. F. Hodge, 156, 157

Engines, Compound, of the S.S. Claremont, Messrs. Douglas and Grant, 83

Engines of the S.S. Leerdam, Netherlands Steamboat Co. (Supplement to The .Engineer, October 13th), 214, 218, 296, 372

Engines, Oscillating, of the S.S. Mary Beatrice, Messrs. J. Penn and Sons, 140

Engines, Rail Finishing Mill, Forges de St. Nazaire, Messrs. W. and J. Galloway, 334

Engines, Six and Eight Coupled, St. Gothard Railway, 368, 369

Engines, Vertical Hot-air, Messrs. Bailey and Co., 174

Engines, Water-tank, for the Cape Colonies Railways, Messrs. Hayward Tyler and Co , 4

Excavator, Messrs. Hodge and Thompson, North-East Coast Exhibition, 211

Fan, Mr. E. O Greening, 61, 257

Fan, Mr. E. Pratt, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 254

Fan, Hand, Mr. C. Phillips, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 60

Fan, Hand and Power, Mr. C. A. Lister, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 60

Fan, Hay Rick Drying, Messrs. Wallis and Steevens, Royal Agricultural Society's Show, 59

Fan, Power, Mr. Coultas, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 61

Fan, Power Exhaust, Mr. Walker, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 42

Fan, Power and Hand, Mr. C. Phillips, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 61

Fan for Treating the Crop in the Stack, Mr. James Coultas, Royal Agricultural Society’s show, 2

Fans, Efficiency of, 171

Filters, High-pressure, Messrs. Joseph Halliday and

Co , 5

Fire Door Ring, Mr. J. W. Boulton, 347

Fire Extinguishers, Automatic, Messrs. J. and W.

Kane, 308

Foundry Cupola, Mr. Kriegar, 408

Foundry Traveller, Mr. H. Johnson, 46

Funnel Chimney, M. Wery, 243

Gasholder at Slough, 314

Gearing, Toothed, Mr. W. T. Farquhar. 176

Girder, New Form of, Mr. P. H. Jackson, Pacific

Rolling Mills, San Francisco, 127

Governor, Messrs. Turner and Hartnell, Smithfield Club Show, 424

Governor for Electric light Engines, Mr. Durham, 215

Governors, Mr. Wilson Hartnell, 164, 165

Grab Bucket, Messrs. Priestman Bros, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 22

Graving Dock, Lyttelton Harbour, New Zealand, Mr.

C. N. Bell, 101

Gun, The 10*5 Centimetre Krupp, 234

Gun and Target Experiments, Krupp’s, at Meppen, 251, 269, 270

Guns and Arms, Ancient, Rotunda Museums, Woolwich, 327, 328

Hammer, Wrought Iron Framed Steam, Messrs. Thwaites Bros, 65.

Harbours, Folkestone, Old and New, 376.

Harrow, Flexible Solid Frame, Messrs. R. J. and H.

Wilder, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 22.

Haymaker, Maldon Ironworks Company, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 20.

Haymaker Head, Messrs. W. N. Nicholson and Sons, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 41

Horse-rake, Messrs. Picksley, Sims, and Co., Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 60

Hot-blast Stove, Mr. Thomas F. Harvey, 484

House Sanitary Appliances, Arrangement of, Mr. F. Botting, 428

Hydrometer, Pneumatic Messrs. W. Reid and Co., 310

Indicator, Mr. Boye, Figs. 19 and 20, 450

Indicator, Messrs. Dreyer, Rosencranz, and Droop, Figs. 21 to 27, 450

Indicator, Richard’s, Figs. 15, 16, 17, and 18, p. 444,

Fig. 13, p. 450

Indicator Cards, Mr. Reuben Bramhall, 466

Ironmaking, Process of, Mr. J. C. Bromfield, 359 Ironworks, Monkbridge, Plate Mill Shed and Crane, 39

Knife Machine, Five-concave, Smithfield Club Show,


Labelling Machine, Messrs. Barnett and Foster, 320

Lamp, Arc, Professor G. Forbes, 437

Lamp, Arc, Mr. Crompton, 331

Lamp, Arc, Mr. Abdank, 312

Lamp, Arc, The Diamond, 44

Landslip at Jackfield, Shropshire, 436

Laws of Motion, Diagram Relative to, Mr. F. M. Dare, 480

Lifeboat, Messrs. Timmis and Hodgson, North-East Coast Exhibition, 281

Lift, Hydraulic Balanced, Messrs. Archibald Smith, and Stevens, 389

Lighthouse, Folkestone Harbour, 376

Locomotive, American Mogul, Newfoundland Railway, Mr. James Cleminson (Supplement to The Engineer, December 15th, 1882)

Locomotive, Eight-coupled, St. Gothard Railway, Messrs. Maffei, 481 (and Supplement)

Locomotive, Tank, for the Mickley Coal Company, Messrs. J. and G. Joicey and Co., 429

Locomotive, Twelve-wheeled, Central Pacific Railway, Sacramento, Mr. A. J. Stevens, 354

Locomotive, Six-coupled, East Indian Railway, 330, 338

Machine Tool, Universal, M. Ed. Delamare-Deboutte-viUe, 104

Malting, 130-Quarter, Messrs. H. Stopes and Co., 6, 8

Mandril, Expanding, Messrs. H. B. Barlow and Co., 65

Map of the Bombardment of Alexandria, 33

Map of Folkestone Harbour, 145

Map of Leeds, Showing Position of Ironworks, 39

Map of New Works, Calais Harbour, 66

Map of the Nile Delta, 32

Map of Royal Agricultural Showyard, Reading, 6, 8 (Supplement to The Engineer, July 7 th, 1882)

Map of Suez Canal, 31

Mash-tun for Raw Grain and Malt, Mr. Cave, Brewing Exhibition, 485

Matter and Magneto-electric Action, Mr. Spottiswoode, 102, 103

Meter, Electric Light, Mr. Edison, 110

Mills, Coke and Coal-dust Grinding, Messrs. J. Evans and Co., 408

Mines, Electro-contact, 151

Mines, Observation, 151

Moisture in Steam, Apparatus for Determining Degree of, Messrs. Boye and Muller, 408

Moulding Machine, Mr. H. Gibbons, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 22

Mower-Cutter-Grinding Machine, Mr. H. Gibbons, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 22

Mower, Finger, Messrs. Williams and Son, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 20

Mower Knife-grinder, Messrs. Abbott and Goosey, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 60

Oxygen, Apparatus for the Production of, by Dialysis of Atmospheric Air, M. P. Margis, 357

Permanent Way, Indian State Railways, 137, 351

Photometer, Room, Mr. J. E. H. Gordon, 309

Photometer, Mr. Sabine, 466

Pianograph Metronome, Mr. Hodgson, 53

Pier, New, Folkestone, Mr. Francis Brady, 464, 465

Pile Driver, Hydraulic, M. Lacour, Calais Harbour

Works, 195

Piston, Messrs. Geoghegan and Sturgeon, 174

Piston, Jacketted, Mr. Reginald Bolton, 195

Plate Cutting Machine, Messrs. Scriven and Co., North-East Coast Exhibition, 280

Plough Drainage, Messrs. Fowler and Co., Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 60

Pneumatic Pulveriser, Pneumatic Pulveriser Company, 455

Propeller Shield, Mr. Robert Griffiths, 257

Pulley Blocks, Differential, Mr. Weston, Messrs. John

Crowley and Co., 243

Pump, Mr. Edward Margrett, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 41

Pump, Messrs. Watson and Sons, North-East Coast Exhibition, 211

Pump, American, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 23

Pump, Contrifugal, Mr. C. G. Hett, 119

Pump, Diaphragm, Mr. Fosbery, North-East Coast Exhibition, 300

| Pump, Donkey, Mr. Barnes, North-East Coast Exhibition, 280 _r ,, .

Pump, Ram, Messrs. Tangye Brothers, North-East Coast Exhibition, 280

Pumping Engine, Low-pressure Slide Valves, Institute of Mechanical Engineers, Mr. Davey on Mining Machinery, 133 , ,r TT

Pumping Engine Recorder, Messrs. Hathorn, Davey, and Co., 59 .

Pumping Machinery Underground, and Endless Cham Haulage, Russian Steam Navigation and Trading Company’s Mine, Mr. C. R. Wymer (Supplement to The Engineer, September 18th, 1882)

Pumps, Steam and Brewery, Mr. H. R. Worthington, 214

Railway Accident, The Hugstetten, 262, 263.

Railway, Inner Circle, ^Completion, Metropolitan Railway Company, 243

Railway Milk Drum Washer, Mr. Pocock, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 45

Refrigerator, The Windhausen, 301

Rheostat for Electric Lamps, Mr. P. TI. Fox, 301

Rock Drill, Messrs. Hathorn and Co., 255

Rock Drill, The Duncan, 25

Roller, Road, M J. A. Maffei, Figs. 9, 10, National Bavarian Exhibition, 2&7

Saw, Hot, Messrs. Thwaites Brothers, 243

Sewerage of Adelaide, Type Drawing of Sewers, Manholes, and House Connections, Mr. Oswald Brown, 392, 396

Shearing Machine, lift., Messrs. Buck ton and Co., 90

Shearing Machine for Large Sheets, Mr. Chas. Donnay, 409

Sleepers, Mr. W. Rainbow, 300

Speed Indicator, Mr. Young, Elliott Brothers, 127

Speed Indicator, Continuous, Mr. Percy Deed, 196

Spring Buffers for Steering Gear, Messrs. A. and R.

Brown, 65

Stand Pipe, Calumet Mine, Lake Michigan, 489

Steam Fire Float, Messrs. Shand, Mason, and Co., 347, 350

S.S. Pilgrim, The U.S., Messrs. John Roach and Son, 62

Steam Trap, Messrs. Lancaster and Tonge, 436 Steamers, Folkestone-Boulogne Channel, 145, 146 Steel Castings, Messrs. Cooke and Mylchreest, 13 Steel and Iron Crank Shafts, Strength of, Mewburn

Steel Works, Results of Test Office Experiments on, 191

Steel Wire Ropes, Messrs. G. Cradock and Co., Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 21

Stop Valve Controller, Electrical, Mr. Tate, Messrs.

Duncan Brothers, 272

Stove, Sanitary, Mr. W. Schonheyder, 91

Survey, New York State, Method of Marking, 313

Testing Machine, Single Lever, Messrs. J. Buckton and Co, 115

Thrasher, Elevator Guide Pulleys of, Messrs. Nalder and Nalder, Smithfield Club Show, 426

Thrashing Machine, Mr. A. W. Mantle, 300

Thrashing Machine, Flexible Wood Hangers, Messrs.

Nalder and Nalder, Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 41

Time Recorder, Workman’s, Messrs. Levy and Lane, 358

Tipping Truck, Mr. Henry Grafton, 321

Torpedo Boat for the Brazilian Government, Messrs.

Yarrow and Co., 91

Transit of Venus, 443, 444

Tube Expander, Messrs. Selig, Sonnenthal and Co., 203

Tunnel, The Channel, 231

Tunnelling, Hydraulic, Mr. T. R. Crampton, 255

Valve, Ball, Messrs. J. G. Stidder, 152

Valve-closing Apparatus, Mr. Tate, 294

Valve Slide, Mr. Church, Smithfield Club Show, 425

Valves, Slide, Messrs. Alexander Wilson and Co., 212

Vapour Lamp, Mr. J. W. Bolton, 2j3

Viaduct at Stourbridge, Great Western Railway, Mr.

W. D. Robotham, 12

Water Gauge, Mr. H. Slater, 203

Weir, Self-acting, on the Irwell, Throstle Nest, 160, 176

Weir, Tilting, Mr. Francis Wiswall, 196

Wheel Making by the Hydraulic Press, North British Railway Works, Mr. D. Drummond, 44

Wires Underground Method of Laying, Mr. Meyer, Crystal Palace Gas and Electrical Exhibition, 453

See Also


Sources of Information