The Engineer 1883/09/07
Main Subjects
- 1883 Vienna Electrical Exhibition - (No.IV), p 181.
- Brent Viaduct, Hounslow, p 188 and 192. (Illustrated).
- Express Passenger Locomotive - London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, p 193. (Illustrated).
- Death Announcement and Obituary - C. F. Varley, p 189 and 191.
- Editorial, p 189.
- Foreign Competition.
- Steam Tramways for Ireland.
- Water Supply of New York City.
- The Iron Trade and The Wire Gauge.
- Deepening Rivers.
- Bridging Over the Straits of Messina.
- Iron and Steel Institute, p 193.
- Letters to the Editor, p 187.
- New Patent Act, p 185.
- Patent Journal, p 195.
- Practical Treatise on the Strength of Materials - By Thomas Box, p 190.
- New Standard Wire Gauge, p 191.
- T. B. Barker and Co's Patent Lathe Centre, p 193. (Illustrated).
- Visit of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers to Mariemont and Bascoup Collieries, p 181 and 184 and 185. (Illustrated).