The Engineer 1884/05/30
1884 May 30th PDF
Main Subjects
- Comparative Merits of Vertical and Horizontal Engines and on Rotative Beam Engines for Pumping, p 411.
- Compound Rolling Mill Engine, p 402 and 406. (Illustrated).
- Distribution of Electricity, p 404.
- Editorial, p 407.
- Liverpool Dock Accommodation.
- Breakage of Screw Ships.
- Brighton Electric Railway.
- The Manufactured Iron Trade.
- Hurdy Gurdy Wheels, p 397.
- Improved valve Oiler, p 402.
- Letters to the Editor, p 405.
- William Marriott - Railway signals
- Claude E. H. Audain.
- Philip Braham.
- A. E. A. Edwards.
- R. Waygood and Co.
- Locomotive for the Buenos Ayres and Pacific Railway, p 402 and 403. (Illustrated).
- Machinery and Mechanical Appliances at the 1884 International Health Exhibition, p 398. (Illustrated).
- Manchester Ship Canal, p 409.
- Official Photographs of Copenhagen Competitive Armour-Plates, p 410. (Illustrated).
- Patent Journal, p 414.
- Railway Carriage and Wagon Building, p 404.
- Royal Institution of Great Britain - Flame and Oxidation, p 404.
- Solutions of Iodides in Mineralogical Researches, p 409.