The Engineer 1893/01/20
Main Subjects
- 1893 Chicago International Exhibition , p 54 and 57. (Illustrated).
- Bumsted and Chandler's Mine Ventilating Fan and Engines, p 61 and 62. (Illustrated).
- Byrne's Friction Clutch, p 59.
- F. F. Byrne.
- Editorial, p 55.
- Hopkinson V The St. James's and Pall Mall Electric Lighting Co.
- Popular Education.
- Manchester and SHeffield Railway Extensions.
- Thermal Storage.
- Bristol Channel and Worcester Navigation.
- Standard Sections of Structural Bars.
- Harvey Plate Trial, p 60.
- Hydraulic Power Co - Station at Wapping, p 46, 51 and 54a. (Illustrated).
- Improvement of the Port of Havre, p 59.
- Junior Engineering Society, p 49.
- Letters to the Editor, p 48.
- Robert Mansel.
- George Banks.
- W. H. Davis.
- Thomas Mudd.
- London Association of Foremen Engineers and Draughtsmen, p 52.
- F. J. Garnish.
- James Brown.
- London Hydraulic Power Co, p 43. (Illustrated).
- Midland Railway - Saxby and Bourne Line - J. A. McDonald, p 50. (Illustrated).
- Recent Investigations on Hydraulic Mortars, p 62.
- Saxby and Bourne Railway, p 52 and 58. (Illustrated).
- Scott Brothers - Double Geared Brass Finishers' Lathe, p 60. (Illustrated).
- Umbria's Screw Shaft, p 59. (Illustrated).