The Engineer 1896/06/05
1896 June 05th PDF
Main Subjects
- Contents, p 569.
- 1896 Bath and West of England Agricultural Show , p 572.
- John Fowler and Co .
- Easton and Bessemer .
- James and Frederick Howard - Self Filling Perpetual Baling Press, p 573. (Illustrated).
- Bicycle Hub Forming Lathe, p 564.
- Blackwall Tunnel, p 574.
- Dalmuir and Clydebank Railway, p 562.
- Editorial, p 569.
- Horseless Carriage Competition.
- Light Railways Bill.
- Permanent Way.
- Elisha Gray's Telautograph, p 565.
- Horseless Carriage Notes, p 571.
- Hulse and Co - Milling Machines, p 568 and 573. (Illustrated).
- Institution of Electrical Engineers - Water Power, p 575.
- John Fowler and Co - Compound Road Locomotive With Crane, p 572. (Illustrated).
- Letters to the Editor, p 566.
- Liverpool Docks, p 561.
- Maritime Canal of the Lower Loire, p 560.
- Midland Railway - Express Engine, p 564.
- Municipal Electrical Association, p 558.
- Railways in Asiatic Turkey, p 558.
- Tests of American Rifles, p 560.
- Triple Expansion Mill Engines - John Cochrane, p 559 and 560 and 561. (Illustrated).
- Vulcan Works, Stettin, p 564. (Illustrated).
- Wages in the Engineering Trade - J. Stafford Ransome, p 557.