The Engineer 1898/01/21
- Contents, p061.
Main Subjects
- American Engineering News, p066.
- Bevel Gear Locomotive, p064 (Illustrated).
- British Gunboats on the Niger, p052.
- Construction of Modern Wire Wound Ordnance, (No. II), p049, p053, p060 (Illustrated).
- Coolgardie Gold Fields Water Supply, (No. I), p057 (Illustrated).
- Earliest Iron Built Ships, p050.
- Editorial, p061.
- The End
- Executive Rank for Naval Engineers
- Patents and Inventions
- Steamers and Ballast Tanks
- Fireproof Wood
- Strikes in Germany.
- English and American Methods in the Engineering and Iron Trades, p066.
- Experimental Study of the Influence of Surface on the Performance of Screw Propellers - W. F. Durand, p067 (Illustrated).
- Harbours and Waterways, p058.
- Hot Air Motor, p065.
- Letters to the Editor, p054.
- Locomotives Supplied by British Firms to American Railroad, Part I, p051.
- Newfoundland and Nova Scotia Passenger Steamer Bruce, p056 (Illustrated)
- New Trans-scandinavian Railway, p064.
- Obituary, p056.
- Plate Lattice Girders, p049.
- Steam Boiler Incrustation, p052.
- Strike and Lockout, p054.
- Trade Unions in 1896, p054.