The Engineer 1901 Jul-Dec: Index: Miscellaneous
Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1901 Jul-Dec: Index
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- Accidents, Fires, Boiler Explosions, dec.:
- Blind Shell, Accident at Okehampton, 264
- Boiler, Bursting of, at Bnrslem, (381)
- Boiler Explosion at Detroit, (579)
- Boiler Explosion, Knottingley, 149, 154,181,205, 229, 255
- Boiler Explosions and Serious Leakages, Official Returns, (173)
- Boiler, Explosion of Traction Engine, (653)
- Boiler Tube Explosion, Babcock, Sardinia Station, London, (248)
- Bridge Failure, Texas, (273)
- Cartridge, during Gun Practice on the Royal Sovereign, Premature Explosion of a, (531)
- Collapse of Footbridge at the Paris Exhibition, 167
- Electric and Funicular Railway, Barcelona, Stoppage Caused by a Rat, (553)
- Electric Light Station, Tunbridge Wells, Explosion at, (273)
- Electric Plant, Palmer’s Shipbuilding Yard, Jarrow, (273)
- Electric Power Station, Glasgow, Labourer Killed at, (531)
- Electric Shock, Death Caused by, from Touch¬ing Incandescent Lamp Socket, (173)
- Fall of Coal Wagons over the Quay, Sunderland Docks, (173)
- Fall of Earth near Frizinghall at Sewerage Tunnelling Works, (199)
- Fall of a 30-Ton Armature into Sheffield Canal, 198
- Gas Explosion, Metropolitan Street Railway in New York, (653)
- Gas Explosion, Swansea, on Board a French Barque, (531)
- Glaishill, Swansea Valley, Traction Engine and Cars, (303)
- Hydraulic Equipment at Llanelly Docks, (664)
- Gun Accident at Freshwater, Question in the House, (39)
- Fire, Birkenhead Town Hall, 62
- Fire, Campbell and Calderwood’s Engine and Boiler Works, Paisley, (273)
- Fire, Chatham Dockyard, 252
- Fire, Doxford and Sons, Limited, Shipbuilding Works, Sunderland, (273)
- Fire, Fullerton and Co.’s Shipbuilding Yard, (579)
- Fire, Gent and Co.’s Premises, (629)
- Fire, Glasgow Exhibition Tea Rooms, (39)
- Fire, Lowmoor Ironworks, (508)
- Fire, Tiflis, due to Explosion of Cask of Spirit, (173)
- Railway—see Railway Accidents
- Reported to Inspectors of Factories and Work¬shops, 1900, (120)
- Staveley Coal and Iron Company’s Works, Ex¬plosion at, (556)
- Stockport Tramway, (273)
- Thames, near Gravesend, A Ketch Sunk by a Torpedo, (199)
- ADAMSON and Co., Messrs. J., Extensions of Works, and Orders in hand, (565)
- Admiralty Surveys, Recent, 659
- Admiralty Works Department, (455), 466
- Admiralty Works Department, Assistant Civil Engineers for, (556)
- Aerial Navigation, 89, 90, (147), (173), 595
- Mr. P. Y. Alexander's Instru¬ment for Steering Balloons, (M7)
- M. Deutsch Modifies Condi¬tions of the Contest, (173)
- Major Krebs, Light Motor for, (147)
- AEsthetic Principles of Naval Architecture, 595
- Agricultural Implements, American Exports of, (405)
- for the Egyptian Soudan, (405)
- Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 10
- Agricultural Machines for the Netherlands, (331)
- Imported into Germany, (303)
- Air, M. Marey’s Experiments for Studying the Motions of, (93)
- Air Lift Pump, 119
- Air Navigation, Artificial, L. Lancaster on, 623
- Air Pump and Engine, 613, 614
- Alcohol Motors, 358
- Alkali Aot, Cement Works and the, 65
- Alloys of Copper and Tin, Microscopical Exami¬nation of, Mr. Wm. Campbell, 657 Alloys, Supplied by the Stella Metal Company, instead of by the Alkali Company, (257)
- Almanacs, Calendars, &c., 641, 665
- Aluminium Bronze, Soldering, (147)
- Commercial Importance of, Prof. E. Wilson on, 326
- Aluminium, Convention between the Producers of, (455)
- iu the Electrical Industries, 625
- Hermus Process of Welding, (629)
- Moulds for Making Thin, (147)
- Patents, Some, 310
- Solder, Constituents of a Good, (629)
- American Advertising, Geo. Trotter on, 430
- v. British Automatic Appliances, 612
- Companies Interested in Mining and Metallurgy, Dividends Paid by, (503)
- Competition in the Engineering Trade, and Continental Engineering Competition, (257)
- Exporters and Consuls, 232
- Steel Works in England, (442)
- Tariffs, 413
- Americanitis, (377)
- Anesthetic, Prof. Minin on the Use of Electric Light Rays as an, (653)
- Anchor, The Lirgest Ever Made, (355)
- Ancient Mariner of the Early Iron Ships, An, 338
Appointments and Resignations: Appointments:
- Admiralty Appointments, (455), 466
- Ba,incourt, Marquis de, 47
- Beard, Mr. W. Keith, 18
- Beare, Prof. Hudson, (39)
- Benedict, Mr. Ernest, (605)
- Bourn, Mr. John, (105)
- Brown, Mr. T. B., (66)
- Callender, Prof. Hugh L., (455)
- Cormack, Mr. J. D., (39)
- Cowan, Mr. John, (508)
- Edge, Mr. J., (565)
- Fay, Mr. S., (508)
- Fitzmaurice, Mr. Maurice, (455)
- Fowler, Sir Hy., (556)
- Fyfe, Mr. Daniel, (606)
- Greene, Mr. G. P., (273)
- Hays, Mr., (556)
- Holmes, Mr. II., (605)
- Martino, Chevalier Edwardo de, 608
- Owens, Lieut.-Colooel C. J., (11)
- Ripper, Professor, (11)
- Scotter, Mr. Fred. (66)
- Watson, Mr. Edw., (258)
- Watts, Mr. Philip, Portrait, 610, 652
- Wordingham, Mr. C. II., (147)
- Wraith, Mr. G. H., (11)
- Bell, Mr. John, Resignation, (579)
- Binnie, Sir A. R., (11)
- Hollis, Mr. H. W., (11), (23)
- Forbes, Mr., (556)
- Newlon, Mr. G. Bolland, (11)
- Osborn, Mr. Sam., (11)
- Pollitt, Sir Wm., and Successor, (508)
- Rendell, Mr., (66)
- Shaw, Mr. B., and Successor, (629)
- Townsend, Mr. J. E., and Successor, (579)
- White, Sir Wm. II., 485
- Wright, Mr. Hy., (248)
- ARBITRATION, Experiment in, 607
- Arbitration, Metropolitan Railways, 600
- Arcbiuological Researches in Herts, Result of, (199)
- Armature, Fall of a 30-Ton, into Sheffield Canal, 198
Armour Plates:
- Armour Plates for the Cruisers of the County Class, (341)
- Krupp, for the United States Navy Depart¬ment, Carnegie Company, (120)
- Patents, The United States Government and, (390)
- Trials at Whole Island, Portsmouth, 204, 253
- Openshaw Works, 9in. Thick Plates for the Cruiser Lancaster, (232), (341)
- Mil), Davy Bros., for Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., (579)
- ARMSTRONG, Mr. Watson, Freedom of City of Newcastle Presented to, (66)
- Arnison, Mr. Geo. N., (248)
- Artesian Boring Plant, Australia, 135
- Water Supply in Australia, 135, 338
- Well in Grenelle, France, Ten Years before Water was Struck, Flow of Water per Day. (556)
- Well Scheme at Gainsborough, (120)
- Asphalt Plant, Toronto, A Municipal, (199)
Association for the Advancement of Science, Ants, and Education, International :
- Meeting at Glasgow, 1901, (10)
Association of Engineers, The Leeds:
- Internal-combustion Engines for Motor Cars,
- Mr. F. G. Heseldin, 028
- Thirty-sixth Annual Dinner, 028
Association, Geologists’:
- Excursion to the Auvergne District, (66)
Association, Liverpool Self-propelled Traffic:
- Judges’ Awards of the Third Trials of Motor Vehicles, 172
Association of Engineers, Manchester:
- Alteration of Rules, 650
- American v. English Engineering Methods, 466
- Electric Welding, Mr. T. T. Heaton, 560
- Engineering Workshop Organisation, Mr. A. P. Loscher, 633
- Eagine3 for Driving Large Dvnamos, Mr. C. Day, (391), 415
- Fine Machine Grinding, Mr. Renold, 513
- Visit to the Ferranti, Limited, Works, (391), 417
Association of Mechanical Engineers, Birmingham :
- Annual Meeting, Election of Officers, (597)
- Visit to the Linde Refrigeration Works, (418)
Association of Municipal and County Engineers:
- Twenty - eighth Annual Meeting, Secretary’s Report, Inaugural Address of the President,
- Mr. E. G. Mawbey, 20
- Permanent Way for Electric Tramways, Mr. W. Howard Smith, 20
- Overhead Electric Trolley System, Methods of Safety for, Mr. Edward Manville, 21
- Wear of Roads by Horse Haulage and Motor Traffic, Mr. W. Worby Beaumont, 21
- Purification of Sewage by Stoddart's Improved Filter, Mr. Yabbicom, 21
- Visits and Motor Car Excursion, 21
Association of Students, Glasgow:
- First General Meeting, (603)
Association, Warwickshire Miners’:
- Balance-sheet for the Last Half-year, (211)
Association of Waterworks Engineers, British:
- Inaugural Address of the President, Mr. Priestley, on the Waterworks of Liverpool and Birkenhead, 34
- Rainfall, the Cycle of Precipitation, Mr. W. E. Plummer, 34
- Pollution of Public Water Supplies, Detecting and Preventing the, Mr. Wm. Watts, 34
- Visits to Laird’s Shipbuilding Yard and Lever’s Works, 34
- Visits to Warrington Waterworks and St Helens Waterworks, 62
- Winter Meeting, Papers to be Read, (538)
- ASSUAN Dam, The, 282
- Atmospheric Transparency, The Hon. Rollo Russell on, (640)
- Australia, Irrigation by Bore Water in, Average Rainfall in Pastoral Sections of, (556)
- Australia, Gem Stones Found in, (199)
- Australian Commonwealth Tariff, 601
- Australian Federation and the British Manufac¬turer, by Stafford Ransome, 395 Automatic Appliances, American v. British, 612
- BAKU, Consular Reports from, (224)
- Balloons, Navigable, 89, 90, 97, 147, 173, 177, 431, 434
- Balloon, M. Santos Dumont, Award Voted by the Brazilian Congress, (508)
- Balloon, M. Santos Dumont and the Deutsch Prize, (481)
- Balloon Trip across the Mediterranean, Comte de la Vaulx and his, (431)
- Bar Sawing-off and Centering Machine, Carter and Wright, 228
- Bars, Notched, M. Charpy’s Experiments upon, 657
- Barclay, Mr. Hugh, (147)
- Barron and Woodward, Change of Address, (570)
- Barrow Hematite Steel Works, 140, 148
- Battle of Sinope, November 30th, 1853, by Rear-Admiral S. Eardley-Wilmot, 497 Bauxite Deposits in New South Wales, (405)
- Banxite, Purification of, (120), (199)
- Bearings from Heating, Device for Protecting, (147)
- Beariogs for Lathes, Conical, 71
- Beissel Water Purifier, The, 415
- Belgian Royal Meteorologioal Observatory, (442)
- Belt Striker, Duplex Cam, 619
- Bicycle Frame Joint, A New, 554
- Bicycle Industry, Decline of the German, (405)
- Bicycle Spoke - making Machinery, Mr. John Batey, 512
- Australian Patent antf Trade Marks, (245)
- Caledonian Railway Company’s, (71)
- Cardiff Railway, (106)
- Clyde Valley Electric Power, (66)
- Electric Railway under the Solent, (11)
- Express Railway, Mr. Behr’s Statements, (39)
- High-speed Railway on the Mono-rail System between Manchester and Liverpool, (120)
- Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company, Dearne Valley Extensions, (66)
- Light Railways, Board of Trade to Consider Additions or Amendments to, (629)
- Liverpool and Manchester Electric Express Railway, (63)
- Loch Leven Water and Electric Power, (173)
- London County Council's, for the Purchase of Eight London Water Companies, (481), 510
- Mond Gas, (66)
- Natal Legislative Assembly, for Loan for Expen¬diture on Durban Harbour, Railways, and other Works, (66)
- North-Eastern Railway Company’s, (531)
- Railway Clerks and the Factories, 205
- Rhymney Railway, Details of, (664)
- South-Eastern and Chatham and Dover Omni¬bus, Passed, (11)
- Taff Vale Railway, (664)
- Tramway, (66)
- Tunnel under the Tyne, (258)
- Underground Railways for London, 123
- West Cumberland Tramways, (66)
- BINNIE, Lady, (331)
- Birmingham City Council, Large Sums Wanted by the, (605)
- Birmingham, Tame and Rea District Drainage Board, Application for Loan, (273)
- Blackpool Promenade, Widening of, (455)
- Blast Furnaces in Central, Southern, and Western Districts of France and their Production, (173
- Blast Furnace Gases for Power Production, Utilisa¬tion of, 1
- Blast Furnace Installations in Florence, Socle! a delle Ferriere Italiane's, (653)
- Bleaching, Electrolytic, Experiments in, (405)
- Blue-prints, Waterproofing, (224)
- Boer Privateers, 47
- Babcock Water-tube, Danger of Using Water Containing Solid Matter, (248)
- Babcock and Wilcox, The Espiegle Sloop, 583
- Belleville, Question in the House Respecting Construction of, (120)
- Belleville, Remedy for Leaky Tubes in, (629)
- Braby Steam Generator, The, 611
- Bursting of a Vertical, Burslem, (381)
- Cylinder Lubrication, 563, 638
- Diirr, 100, 130
- Du Temple-Guyot, 197
- Efficiency and Capacity, Effect of Scale on, Mr. W. H. Bryan on, 76
- Explosions—see Accidents, Fires, and Boiler Explosions Furnaces, Durand Forced-draught System for Firing, (605)
- Glasgow Exhibition, 165
- Guyot, Du Temple, Marine, 510
- Heating Surface of Locomotive, 357
- Inspection of Steam Motor Carriage in Chicago, Locomotive, On the Austrian and Hungarian State Railways, (653)
- Niclausse and Belleville, on Italian Cruisers, Competitive Trials with, 583
- Nic’ausse for Japanese Warships, (413)
- Niclausse, Letters from J. and A. Niclausse, 38, 180
- Norman Segaudy, 564
- Passman's Vertical Tubular, 810
- Problems, Mr. E. D. Meier on, (662)
- Receiver and Feed Pump for, Automatic, Dowson, Taylor and Co., 185
- Stoking Plant, A Large, Graham, Morton and Co., Limited, 584, 585, (608)
- Under-side, Walks in Chicago Forbidden, (355)
- Water-tube, Leakage of, 255
- Water-tube Locomotive, London and South-Western Railway, Mr. D. Drummond, 603, 661
- Water-tube, New American, (342)
- Water-tube, Thornyoroft Marshall, Glasgow Exhibition, 165
- Water-tube, Thornycroft and Thornycroft- Schultz, 513
- BOLCKOW, Mr. H. W. F., Momorial to, at Middlesbrough, (342)
- Bore Tube Pump, 657
- Boring and Drilling Machine, Atlas Engineering Company, 589
- Boring Mill, 80in., 253
- Boring Mill, Large, Nile Tool Works Company, 576
- Boring and Turning Mill, Geo. Richards and Co., Limited, 489
- Boring and Turning Mill, Webster and Bennett, 361, 362
- Bremner, James, Memorial Fund, (628)
- Brett Drop Stamps. A Battery of, 659
- Bricks made from Coke Ashes, (199)
Bridges, Railway and Other:
- American Bridge Specifications, 636, 660
- Aske Beck, Richmond, and Barnard Castle Railroad, (248)
- British Columbia, Across the Frazjr River, (39)
- Buffalo, Rebuilding of, (21)
- Carnarvon, Aber Swing, 126, 127, 128
- Chicago River, The Longest Span Bascule Built thus far, (224)
- Concrete Railway, (210)
- Derwent River, (11)
- D'una, Permanent, Across the, under Discussion, (431)
- Equipment Purposes, Metallic Boats for, in France, (653)
- Hull, Bascule, to Cross the River, (355)
- Kabul River, Pontoon or Pile over the, (173)
- Klondike River, First Steel Bridge in Middle Yukon, (224)
- London, Widening of, (248)
- Newcastle-on-Tyne, Rodbeugb, (185), 223, 227, 212, 246, 247
- New York and Brooklyn, (381), 448, 488
- New York, Across tho Hudson, (289)
- New York, Ferry Transfer, (22)
- Norfolk, The Old Magdalen, The Question of Repairing, (431)
- Oxus, The First Railway Bridge over the, (199)
- Paris Exhibition, Foot, Collapse of, 167
- Paris, Over the Seine from the Louvre, New, (199)
- Renewal, Railway, 514
- Rhine at Worms, Railway Bridge over tho, 85, 86, 87
- Riveting in India, J. Graham on, 135
- Rolling Loads on Railway Bridges, 191
- St. Petersburg, over the Urou River, (224)
- Salford Docks, Edw. Wood and Co. Limited, (493)
- Spain, Concrete Arch, Las Sagadas, 252
- Spain, Concrete Arch, over the Nolan, (381)
- Sydney Harbour, Tenders Invited for Bridge over. (83), (133)
- Tees, Transporter, over the, Projected, (310), (331)
- Thames, Whitchurch and Pangbourne, The Wooden Bridge to bo Replaced by a Steel,
- (199)
- Russian Central Asia, Amou - Daria River, (224)
- Sunday Work on Railway, 261
- Susquehanna, Stone Arch Railway, (431)
- Theory and Practice of Building, 631
- Uganda Railway, 535
- U.S.A., Easton, Pa., Suspension Foot, 300 U.S. A., Ohio, Cuyahoga River, Scherzer Rolling Lift, (508)
- U.S.A., Washington, Melan Arch, (288)
- Work, English and American, 128, 181
- Briquettes from Wood Waste, Manufacture of, G. v. Heidenstam, 465
British Association:
- Engineering, Section G, Record of the Doings of President Col. R. E. Crompton, 325
- List of Grants made for Scientific Purposes, 299
- President’s Address, Dr. Riicker, 281, 313
- Presidents of several Sections on the Serious Educational Defects in this Country, 299 British Fire Prevention Committee, (506)
- Machine Tools in Moscow, Demand for, (355)
- Manufacturer Spends too much on Catalogues, too little on Efficient Travellers, (455)
- Manufacturers in South Africa, Success of, (622)
- Trade with the African Continent, Value of the Total, (147)
- Egypt, (181)
- Roumania, Decrease in, (173)
- Switzerland in 1900, Consular Report on, (653)
- British Workmen, Attacks on, 612
- Bronzing Liquid Free from Metal, A German Chemist Makes, (173)
- Brown, Marshalls and Co., M. J. P. Lacy on Foreign Competition, 160
- Bryan, Mr. W. H., On the Effect of Scale on Boiler Efficiency and Capacity, 76
- Bryan Vacuum Moulding Machine, The, (579)
- Burner, Lhjuid Fuel, 47 Burrows, Mr. Abraham, (211)
- Butler and Co.’s Planing Machine, 153
- Bye-products from Coke Ovens, 458
- CABLE between the Azores and Ireland, (579)
- Caird, Mr. Geo. S., (431)
- Calcium Carbide and Acetylene, Position of, (277)
- Callipers for Inside Measurement, (508)
- Cam Belt Striker, Duplex, 649
- Canada, Population of, (199)
- Atlantic-Moditorranean, 196
- Austria, 96, (173)
- Baltic and Black Sea, (514)
- Birmingham and Wolverhampton, Bursting of an Arm of, (355)
- Bruges, (653)
- Buda Pesth and Fiume, (455)
- Chicago Drainage, Increase ordered in Flowage of, (147)
- County Council Scheme, Gloucestershire, 515
- Dortmund-Ems, (147), 373, (481), (679),
- Germany, Inland Navigation in, 353
- Ghent, Tenders Invited for the Work of im¬proving, (629)
- Kherson and the Black Sea, (605)
- Ladoga, Electrio Towage on the, (199)
- Like Borgne, near Now Orleans, (224)
- Lyons to the Sea, (273)
- Manchester Ship, Traffic and Receipts for Half-year, (93)
- Miami and Erio, Electric Haulage Plant for, (381), (481)
- North Ssa and Baltic, Traffic through, (39), (173), (405), (481)
- Relics, 223, 311
- Sheffield. 30-Ton Armature Sunk in the, (233), 256, 276, (355)
- Shrewsbury and Shropshire, Two Interesting Relics, 223, 311
- Suez. One Day’s Traffic Receipts, Maximum Draught allowed for Vessels, Duration of Passage through, (24), (199), (248)
- Wurtemburg Ship, 335
- CAPELL Fans, 489
- Carbide of Caloium Industry in Germany, Crisis in the, (224)
- Carey, Major-Gen. C. P., Honours Conferred on, (508)
- Carlisle Sewage, Bacteriological Treatment Experi¬ments, (481)
- Carnegie, Mr. Andrew, Elected Rector of St.
- Andrew's University, His Latest Gifts, (508)
- Freedom of the City of Glasgow Presented to,(278)
- Gift for Establishment of Branch Libraries in Dundee, (455)
- His Intended Gift to American Education, (605)
- His Offer in Steel Trust Bonds to the United States Government for Educational Pur¬poses Refused, (629)
- His Offered Sum for a Free Library for Annan, (66)
- Ills Offer to Establish Technical College in Scotland, (355)
- Presents Free Library to Hamilton, (11)
- Carnegie Research Scholarship, The, 604
- Carnegie Works, October Rate of Output of the, (605)
- Caro, Dr., on Incandescent and Carburetted Acetylene, 597
- Carpenter, Prof., Superheated and Saturated Steam Tested as a Heating Medium, (147)
- Carriage of Heavy Castings, (165)
- Casks Placed on Ice Floes to Test Direction of
- Currents from Polar Regions, (173)
- Costings, Carriage of Heavy, (165)
- Castings, Heavy, and Local Authorities, 393
- Catalogues:
- 25, 53, 79, 107,132, 156, 213, 235, 259, 289, 319, 313, 369, 393, 419, 443, 469, 495, 512,538,560, 590, 601, 641, 665
- British Manufacturer Spends too Much on, (455)
- R. Gervase Elwes’ Letter on, 101
- Cedar for Street Paving in Toronto, (653)
- Celluloid, Naphthalene used as a Substitute for Camphor in Manufacture of, (173)
- Cement Industry, United States, (11)
- Manufacturers, Information of use to, (11)
- Portland, (69)
- Works and tho Alkali Act, 62
- Works, Use of Rotary Kilns, (39)
- Census Returns, Scotch, (11)
- Centrifugal Fans, Testing, 334, 388
- Centrifugal Force, 71, 130
- Chadwick, Mr. John, (233)
- Chains and Anchors Testing, Cradley Ilra'h, (257)
- Chain Driving, Mr. C. R. Gerrard on, 321
- Chamber of Commerce, First Meeting of the Engineering and Metals Section of, (381)
- Charpy, M., Experiments upon Notched Bars, Charpy’s Method of Testing Metals, 609
- Chemical Manufacture, Utilisation of Electricity in, Mr. T. Ewan on, (611)
- Chimney, Concrete Steel, New Jersey, (605)
- Chimney, The Tallest, in the United Status, (66)
- Chinese Language at Owons College, Manchester, Appointment of a Professor to Teach, (331)
- Civil Service Commission, Examination for Three Appointments as Assistant Civil Engineer in the Admiralty Works Department, (556)
- Clarkson’s Liquid Fuel Barner, 47
- Cleaning Carpets in .«(« by Compressed Air, (66)
- Clyde Trust, Mr. Fyfe’s Appointment, (603)
- Admiralty Orders Placed at Cardiff for the Naval Maniuuvres, (11)
- American, on Brazilian Railways, Trial of, (481)
- American, Export to Marseilles, (605)
- American, Export to Venice, (66)
- American Trust, 3, 179
- Asia Minor, Quality of, (605)
- Barrow-in-Furne83, BoriDg for, at Risedale, (653)
- Belgian, Imported into Holland, Decrease in the Quantity of, (178)
- Belgium, Gros* Output in 1900, (556)
- Bengal, Imports iDto Egypt, (273)
- British, Imported into Bordeaux, 11)
- British, Imported into Leghorn, (147,
- Brown, Average Oatput of, in Bohemia, (199,
- Chinese, and English Engineers, 150
- Coaling in the French Navy, (120), 179
- Consolidation of Mines in Illinois, Reported, (224,
- Contracts at Charleroi, (66)
- Contracts for Supply to Egyptian State Rail¬ways, (355), (368)
- Cutting Machines in Northern Collieries, In¬crease in Number of, (147)
- Danube, Decreased Importation to, and the Cause, (173,
- Depot Company, Port Said, for Hamburg-American Liners, (248,
- Deterioration of Coke and, by Trans-shipment,
- Carriage, and Storage, (579,
- Dust Briquettes, American Machine for Making,
- Dint Trials at Tarnowitz, (331)
- Estimates for Cjko and, from England for Bombay and Kidderpire Dockyards, (556)
- Faroe' Islands, (531)
- Gas, Contracts, Manchester Corporation, (23)
- Germany, High Prices for, Likely to become Permanent, (93)
- Great Britain, Output, 1900, (39)
- Heracleé, 661
- Hull Trade, from Yorkshire Collieries, (405)
- Hydrogen as Fuel, 331
- Iceland, (605,
- Icelandic, from Nordfiord, (11)
- Imported into Chili, (431)
- Indian, (273), 653
- Japanese, Imported into Java, (224)
- Java and Borneo, Deposits to be Worked by Amsterdam Firm, (303)
- Kent Colliery Works, Water-bearing Strata Passed, (303); Coal Measures Struck, (331), (355), (368)
- Leeds Gasworks, Price of Year’s Supply, (224)
- Ixoading Dock at Burnt Island, (224)
- Locomotive Contracts, South Yorkshire Steam Coalowners’ Conference, (11)
- Locomotive, Railway Contracts for, 571
- Mabon’s Pronouncement on the Coal Situation in Wales, (342)
- Mexican, 113
- Mining, Facts and Figures in, 254
- Mining Machinery, U.S.A., (662)
- Productionin the Different Countries of Europe, Annual Account of, (442)
- Rates, Increase Notified by Certain Railway Companies, (66)
- Rating of Collieries, 335
- Racord in Rapid Coaling made by Prince George, (39)
- Ring, South Wales, 305
- Rio, of the Nature of Lignite, (481)
- Russian Production, (405)
- Silesian Mines, A New Primer in Use iD, (303)
- South American, 192
- Spitzbergen, (93)
- Steam, for the Naval Manoeuvres, (11)
- Swedish Industry, 1900, 178
- Swedish, Not Suitable for Locomotive Fuel, (508)
- Tips at Penarth Docks, 91, 92, 118, (132)
- Tons of, Used in Gas Manufacture, Manchester, 1900, 1901, (147)
- Traffic to Grimsby, The Lancashire, Derbyshire, and East Coast Railway, (273)
- United Kingdom, Output in 1900, Average Price of in 1900 at the Pit’s Mouth, (455)
- United States Output, 1900, 1899, (39), (66), (248)
- and Wages, 122
- World's Output of, 97, (120)
- Yorkshire Mining in 1900, 49
- Yorkshire, A New Field, 202
- Yorkshire, and the Railway Contracts, 15
- Coal-tar Colour Trade of England and Germany, (629)
- Coke Ashes for Brickmaking, Use of, (199)
- Output, Upper Silesia, (173)
- Ovens, By-products from, 458
- Ovens, By-product, Maryland Steel Com¬pany, (331)
- Ovens, New Battery of, in Belgium, (173)
- Price of, as Fixed by the Westphalian Syndicate, (605)
- Trade, Yorkshire, 150
- Cold Storage Capacity of the Various Steamship Lines, (199)
- Colliery Explosions, Causes of, 13
- Colonial Structural Work, 621
- Colville, Mr. John, 221
- “Compas de Pré.ision,” M. Robert Chartran, (508)
- Compressed Air Riveting, 661
- Compressed Air, Work in, 124
- Concrete Buildings, America, (288)
- Condonsers, Evaporative, 614
- Conference and Arbitration, 221
- Conical Bearings for Lathes, 130
- Constantinople, Consular Report on the Trade of, (605)
- Barracks, Salisbury Plain, Let to Mr. H. Lovatt, (579)
- Cape Railway, (516)
- Government, and Lord George Hamilton’s Letter ta Mr. Baird, 426, 433, 435. 457, 466
- Indian Locomotive, 426, 433, 435, 457, 462, 466, 611
- Italian Natigazione, for Coal Placed at Cardiff, (679)
- Locomotive Coal, Railway Contracts for, 571
- Locomotive Coal, The South Yorkshire Steam Coalowners' Conference, (11)
- London Electric Tramway Plant, 516, 527
- Tail-race Tunnel of the Canadian Niagara Power Company, (405)
- Tools, 38
- Conveyor for a Banking Company, The New Conveyor Company, Limited, Smethwick, (273)
- Conveyors, Mechanical, The Maker of the First, (86)
- Copenhagen Firm of Engineers and Shipbuilders, (93)
- Copper, 202, 409, 559
- Company, The Tennessee, The Farmers’ Complaint against, (431)
- Export from Chili, (431)
- Industry, Japanese, (477)
- Industry in Peru, The, (93)
- its Influence on Steel Rails and Plates, and Load Mines, The Litzi, 163
- Mines, Closing of American, (519)
- Ore Deposits in Siberia, Working of, (199)
- Ore, Quebec, (405) l’osition, 353
- Precipitation of, in the Mines of the United States, (516)
- Steam Pipes and Superheaters, (405)
- in Steel, Anti-corrosive Effect of a certain amount of, (481)
- Corliss Valve Gear, 429
- Cotton-ginning Machinery in Egypt, Openings for, (405)
- Cotton Imported into Japan, Weight and Value of, (199,
- Cotton Industry, American, (516)
- Cradock and Cj.'s Wiro Reps Works, 35, 3Ö, 37
- Cramp, Mr. H. W., (393)
- Crane, Electric, for Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whit¬worth and Co., 454, 456
- Cranes, Electric Power, J. Adamson and Co., (565)
- Crane, 125-Ton Four-motor Overhead Electric Travelling, Vaughan and Son, Limited, 561
- Cream Ripening, Mr. A. Ziffmann’s Method for, (93)
- Creeping of Liquids ami Tension of Mixtures, Dr. F. T. Trouton on the, (11)
- Cremation on a Large Scale at Heddesdon, Herts, (199)
- Crompton, Lieut.-Colonel R. E. B., C.B. Con¬ferred on, (381)
- Crucible Heated by a Bunsen Burner, How to Increase the Temperature, (508)
- Cupola, A New, Mr. John Barrett, 514
- Curious Incident of a Thunderstorm, 47
- Currents from the Polar Regions, Casks placed on Ice Floes, to Tost Direction of, (173)
- Carves, R.H.S., 126, 181
- Cutler’s Company of Sheffield, Election of Officers, 159
- Cutter-grinding Machines, John Holroyd and Co., Limited, 454
- Cycle Construction, Standardisation of Screw Threads Employed in, 540
- Cycle Shows, The, 562 Cyclist Fined in Manchester, (455)
- Cyfarthfa, Incorporation of (234), 249
- DAIRY Show, 1901, 376
- Dam, The Assume, 282
- Deepening the Sea of Azov, 272
- Défense de 1’Angleterre, La, 559
- Desmureaux Water Purifier, 415
- Dibbling Machine, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Limited, 10
- Dixon, Sir Raylton, 117
- Dnieper, Deepening of the, (381)
- Barrow, Approaches by Lind and Sea, Mr. F. Stileman, 116
- Barrow, The Ramsden, 142
- Barry, Record Week in Coal and Coke Ship¬ments, (342)
- Brooklyn Navy Yard, Masonry Dry, (273)
- Burnt Island, Coal Loading, (224)
- Bate, Shipping Despatch from, (342)
- Cronstadt, (614)
- Dar-es-Salaam, Wreck of the Floating, (303)
- Durban, Graving Dock for (629)
- Hebburn-on-Tyne, Graving, Robert Stephenson and Co., (405)
- Hull, Deep-water, (431)
- Karachi Dry, Named the “Giles Graving Dock,” (579)
- Khartoum, Floating, for, 436, 437, 438
- Liverpool, Expenditure on Extension and Im¬provement of, (173)
- Maryport, (331)
- Mississippi, Floating, for the, 580, 589
- Mount Stuart, New Dry, (664)
- Odessa, Floating, (649)
- Palermo, Dry, (455)
- Penarth, Progress of, 91, (160); Coal Tips at, 91, 92, 118, (132)
- Ringoon, Dry, (531)
- River Wear Commissioners’ Project for New Graving Dock, Offer to Lease the same, (131), (160), (467), 494
- Port Mahon, Minorca, Pontoon, for the Spanish Government, Robert Stephenson and Co., Limited, 17, (66)
- Swansea, Coal Shipment, (342)
- Workington, New, (39)
- Wyre, Grain Elevator at, 142
Dockyard Notes:
- Accident to the Stnspareil, Curious. 618
- Albion, Battleship, to Leave for China, 47
- Alton, Lieut.-Commander, The Court-martial's Judgment, 527
- American Armour Plate Fiasco Explained, The,
- Naval Attaché and the Navy League, The, 634
- Naval News, Diverse Reports as to Tonnage of the New Battleship),
- Amphitrite to bo Commissioned at Chatham. 198
- Anti-torpedo Dofenee, An, 252
- Apollo, The Cruiser, Machinery Breakdown of. 114
- Argentina’s Submarine Boat, 223
- Armour Plate Experiments at Whale Island. 252
- Artist’s Ideas of Warships, 451
- Battleships of the King Edward Class added to the Naval War Game, 485
- Battleships, Six New French, 485
- Belleisle Experiment put off on Account of the Fog, 560
- Belleville Boilers of the Hermes to be Mounted in Hulks for the Training of Stokers, 327
- Beresford, Lord Charles, British and Frenoh Comments on his Return, 634
- Black Ships in the Manoeuvres a Failure, 180
- Boer Privateers “ Fallen Flat," 47
- Boilers, Babcock and Wilcox and Niclausse,
- Competitive Trials with, 583
- Boiler Explosion on the German Cruiser Ariadne, 69
- Boilers, Water-tube, The French not always Faithful to, 451
- British Battleships are to Carry Submarine Picket Boats, Rumour that, 327
- British Battleship Mars makes a Shooting Re¬cord, 430
- Centurion, Arrival of, at Portsmouth with Captured Guns, 198
- Centurion, Reconstruction of the, 652
- Channel Fleet, The Mediterranean Fleet Beats the, 377
- Channel Fleet, Movements of the, 47
- Chicago, Armament of the, 198, 223
- Chinese Fleet said to be for Sale, 683
- Coaling Dispute on the North American Station. 451
- Coaling Experiments at Portsmouth, Projected, 19
- Coaling Trials at Portsmouth, Prince George Breaks the Record, 19
- Cobra, 307, 327, 355, 377
- Crane and Vulture, 404, 451
- Cressy Accident, Incorrect Report concerning the Navy League against the Admiralty with regard to her not having Sailed to the Mediterranean, 19, 377
- Cressy en route for China Seas, 404
- Cruiser Arrogant, Experiment with Liquid Fuel, 608
- Cruiser Hermes to be Repaired by Private Firm, 252
- Cruisers of the Novik Typs, Two, 527
- Cruisers and Speed, 533
- Danish Gunboat Moüo, Mystery as to her Fate, 430
- Dawson, Lieut., his Lecture at Barrow, 180
- Destroyer Flirt fitted with High Bridge, 583
- Destroyer Hunter put into Commission again, 608
- Destroyers in the Mediterranean Manoeuvres, Work of the, 19
- Destroyers, Plaint Relative to, 560
- Destroy era and Pleasure Boats at Southsea, 310
- Destroyer Porcupine Run into by a Collier, 485
- Destroyer and a Ryde Packet, Collision between, 310
- Destroyer Thorn and the Court-martial’s Judg¬ment on Lieut.-Commander Thorn, 527
- Destroyers to be Sent to the Mediterranean, Four, 180
- Deutschland, the “ltscord Breaker,” Nautical Error Relative to, 114
- Docks at Portsmouth, Lengthening of, 506
- Doctors’ Grievances, The, 327
- Espiegle, Sloop, her Trials with the Boiler Committee (Babcock and Wilcox), 583
- Fan tome, her Trials with Niclausse Boilers, 583
- Fire at Chatham Dockyard, 252
- Foghorn, A New Patent that Bsats a Big Gun Hollow, 485
- Foreign Vessels at Portsmouth, 198
- Formidable, The, 19, 279, 327
- French Battleship Dupuy de LOme, 506
- Battleship Indomitable, Reconstruction of, 608
- Big Guns, Commander Gaye, 179
- Coaling Competitions, 179
- Coast Defence Battleship Henry IV. Hangs Fire, 430
- Coast Defence Battleship Requin, Com¬missioned for Trials, 430; Recon¬struction with Niclausse Boilers, 608
- Cruiser Brnix, Reports as to her Speed, 506
- Cruisers Jean Bart and Islay, Re-boilering of Postponed, 198
- Cruiser Leon Gambetta, Launch of, 327 ; Armament of, 527
- Cruiser Montcalm, 583
- Fleet Present at the Tsar’s Reception, 280
- Mediterranean Fleets, and Channel, Re¬constituted, 198, 252
- Newspaper Item on “Sir White,” 583
- Squadron that has Sailed to Turkish Waters, The, 485
- Submarines Grow Bolder, 583
- Torpedo-boat Destroyer Zouave, 310
- T. B. Trombe, Trial Speed, 179
- Torpedo Gunboat Cassini at Dunkirk, 310
- German Army Officers Serving Afloat, A Wise Step we might Imitate, 19
- Battleship F. Mecklenberg. 527
- Battleship Schwaben, The New, 198
- Cruiser Ariadne, The, 69
- Engine-rooms, Superiority of, 69
- Turbine Destroyer, 430
- Glory, Bad Breakdown of the, 198, 583
- Guns, New 6in., to be Added to the Powerful and the Terrible, 327
- Guns Sent to Bonafacio f or the Fortifications, 280
- Gustave Zédé, Submarine, Stories about, 69
- Hannibal, Machinery of the, made by Harland and Wolff, 114
- Hero, Remarks by two Critical Sailors, 404
- Hogue's Trial Results, The, 652
- Hood and the Revenge, Naval anti Military Record on the, 223
- Hyacinth, The, Rams the St. George, Report says, 485
- Hyaointh-Minerva Rice, The, 47
- Implacable’s Barbettes, The Repairs to, 404
- Implacable, The Navy League against the
- Admiralty with rogard to her having Sailed for the Mediterranean, 377
- Implacable Painted Black and Grey, her Engine-room Complement Strengthened, 280,
- Indomptable, Re-boilered with Tanks, 451
- It flexible, her Decks, 404 Iron Duke is to Replace the Northampton, 180
- Iren Duke and the Swiftsure, “The Cutting out of the Navy List ’’ of, 560
- Isis, Return of the, 634
- Italian Artist, The Storm over the Appoint¬ment of, as Marine Painter to the King, 608
- Italian Battleship Benedetto Brin, Launch of, 506
- Japanese Battleship Mikasa to be Docked at Portsmonlh, 47, 404, 583
- Japanese Cruisers Niitaka and Tsushima, Niclausse Boilers for, 430
- Kaiser’s Speech to the Naval Architects, 527
- King Alfred, First-class Armoured Cruiser, Launched, 451
- Lagane, Mons., Appointed Manager of La Seyne, 5C6
- Leander to be Re-boilered, 527
- LeYacht on the British Naval Manoeuvres of Last Year and this, and on the Armament of the Queen and Prince of Wales, 223, 279
- Le’iathan, Launoh of the Armonred Cruiser, 19
- Liquid Fael to bs tried on the Cruiser Arrogant, Liafiog in the Government Dockyards, 627
- London, Progress of the, 327
- Magnificent, Rs-armament of, 877
- Marquis de Balincourt Appointed to the General Staff at Cherbourg, 47
- Mediterranean Fleet Scare, The, 19
- M.P.’s on Naval Matters, Our, 69
- Naval Debates in the House, 69
- Naval Engineer Agitation, The, 114
- Naval Engineer, A Poem on the, 310
- Naval Manoeuvres, The Combined, 19 ; Tele¬graphy at, 92; Secrecy Imposed by the Admiralty witn regard to, 310; Channel Fleet Beaten by the Mediterranean, 377
- Ships Painted Black for, 92
- Naval Strength, Mr. Arnold Saber on, 280
- Naval Warrant Officers’ Journal and the Something-wrong-with-the-Navy Notion, 485
- Navy League’s Pamphlet “Messages from the Fleet,” 69
- Nelson, The Old Battleship, A French Contem¬porary on, 608
- Niclausse Boilers. American Cruisers to be Fitted with, 198
- Nore, Lord Chas. Beresford at the, 310
- Niobe and Magoilicent Painted Black for the Manoeuvres, 92
- Oil Fuel Trials, Rumour with regard to the, 47
- Pearl to be Commissioned, The, 560
- Pelorus, Is she to ba Re-boilered 'I 327
- Polyphemus, Appearance in Blue-grey, 404
- Dismantling of, 560
- Porpoise, Re-fitting of, 377
- Portsmouth Dockyard, Number of Hands Em¬ployed at, 608
- Powerful’s Gun Carriage, Proposal to Mount it on Southsea Beach, 527
- Powerful, New 6in. Guns to be Added to, 327
- Projectile, The Much-abused War-office Experi¬ments with a New, 485
- Repairs by Private Firms instead of at the Royal Dockyards, 252
- Reserve Squadron, Autumn Cruise of, 377
- Resolution, The, 327, 377, 430
- Royal Sovereign Disaster, The, 506
- Royal Yacht, The New, 69, 279
- Russian Battleships, Canet Guns for the New, 430
- Five New Projected, 377
- Kniaz Potemkin Tavritchesky, 69
- Meenin. Reconstruction of, 377
- Peresviet, 527,583, 608
- Poltava, Speed Attained, 527
- Retvisan, Trial Trips, 377, 430
- Cruiser Novik, The, 233, 583
- Destroyer Boyarin Launched, 179
- Destroyer Kefal, Launched, 608
- Russians Order a Sister to the Novik from Schichau, 19
- Sheerness Dockyard, Vertical Steam Pumping ’ Engines, 410, 411
- Sheldrake, Boiler Experiments in, 377
- Southcea Castle, New 6in. Mark VII. Guns Tested, 47
- Spies at Portsmouth, Epidemic of, 47
- Starfish, Destroyer, Put Away for a while, 47
- Stern Lights to be used in the Forthcoming Manoeuvres, 47
- Stokers Needed for (he Navy, 451
- Submarines, Admiral O'Neill on, 527
- Argentina’s. 221
- The Daily Express on, 252
- Endurance without Fresh Air, Three Hours for Comfort, Eight for a Practical Possible, 92
- Experiments in France, More, 634
- French, Narval, Morse, and Algerien, Voyage from Cher¬bourg to Dunkirk, A Record, 310
- Le Yacht on the New, Demand for Officers for the Service, 198
- Mono, Attack of, on the Gunboat Cocyte, 179
- Morse, Trials of the, 92
- Navigation and Asphyxiation-proof People, The Problem of, 47
- New Types Evolved in the United Slates, 19
- No. 1 not to be Delivered in Time for the Manoouvres, 92
- The Statement respecting the Carrying of a Cow with them False, 404
- Tovjours dcs, 560
- Sultan and the Hercules, Re-engining of the, 560
- Surly Fitted with Oil Fuel, Mobilisation of, 47 ,
- Swedish Battleships, Names of the Three New, 652
- Swiss Naval M ivres, 179
- Temperley Coaling-at-sea-under-weigh Experiments, 430
- Temperley Mast on the Collier Muriel, 280
- Temperley-Miller Coaling-at-sea System at Devonport, Tbe, 634
- Terrible, New 6in. Gans to be added to, 327
- Times, The, on the “Something-must-be , Wrong” Idea concerning the Navy, 461
- Torpedo Baat 81 after her Immersion, 198
- Torpedo Boats Ordered of Thornycroft, 560
- Torpedo Gunboat Hazard, The, 198 ,
- Torpedo Gunboat Jason to be Re-boilered and Re-engined, 608
- Trafalgar Battleship to Coal from the Towed Collier, 430
- Turkish Battleship Messondiyeb, Reconstruction of. 430
- Turkish Navy, State of, 69
- United States Battleship Missouri, Launch of, 683; Vengeance, Vickers-Maxim Battleship, Successful Trials of, 47
- Vernon’s Expirimental Tank, The, 404
- Viper, Expenditure of Gun-cotton in Blowing, her to Pieces, 198
- Vif^r, Mobilisation of the Turbine Destroyer,
- Warships and Mathematics, The Shipping World and, (396), 486
- Watts, Mr., his Appointment and Consequent Comparisons between Elswick and Admiralty D signs 662
- W rolets Messages across the Atlantic, Marconi’s, 634
- Wireless Telegraphy at the Naval Manoeuvres, 92
- DOMINICA, Interior Main Hoad, 48
- Dormoy, M.A., his Process for Coating Iron Sur¬faces with Lead Enamel, (431)
- Dredgers, Hydraulic Hopper, (603)
- Dredges at Work on New Zealand Rivers, Num¬ber of, (481)
- Dredging and Modern Dredge Plant, Mr. Wm. Browo, 587
- Drill, American Rock, 340
- Drilling and Boriog Machine, Horizontal, Atlas Engineering Company, 589
- Drilling Machines, Electrically - driven, Mr. Asquith’s, 634, 635
- Drilling Machine, End, 254
- Driving Piles in Hard Sand, 413, 427
- Drop Stamps, A Battery of, 659
- Drying Plant, Principles and Design of Modern, Duff Gas Producer, 165
- Durand Forced-draught System for Firing Boiler Furnaces, (605)
- Durham College of Science, Calendar for Session 1901-2, (365)
- E
- EARDLEY-WILMOT, Rear-Admiral S., Modern¬ising Ironclads, 111
- Economies, Ostensible, 96, 143
- Economy, New Source of, 101
- Education Again, 407
- Educational Theories, (331), 333
- Egypt, British Trade with, (181)
- Egypt, British Trade in Metals with, Mr. Rumbold’s Figures, (66)
- Air Pomp, 614
- Alternate Current Motors, Deri's, 152
- Alternators on the Manhattan Elevated Rail¬way, The Largest in the World, (93)
- Arc under Water for Fusing Metal, Use of an, (303)
- Armature, The Submerged, Sheffield Canal, (233), 256, 276
- Armature Winding, A Record Feat in, at the Niagara Falls Power House, (531)
- Cable Laid between the Azores and Ireland, (579)
- Canadian Niagara Falls Power Company, Niagara, Transmission of Power to Toronto, (199)
- Car, High-speed, Allgemeine Electricitiits Gesellschaft Berlin, O. Lasche on. 271, 284, 314
- Carver Loom, The, 109
- Conductivity of Solid Electrolytes at High Temperatures, Mr. W. Nernet's and Mr. H. Reynolds’ Experiments, (93)
- Conveyor, Mather and Platt, 215
- Corrosion of Water Pipes by Wandering Currents, 50
- Crane, 125-Tou, Vaughan and Son, Limited, j 454, 456, 561
- Current, Double-faced, (455)
- Current, Price of, in Seventy English Boroughs, (629)
- Current Supply on the Penny-in-the-Slot System, The Grays District Council, (629)
- Deri's Alternate Current Motors, 152
- Discharge, Initiation of an, (120)
- Distribution in Frankfort, 166, 174
- Drill, Mascbinen-Fabrik Lorenz, 279, 280.
- Dynamo, Continuous-current, Davey Paxman and Co., 109
- Dynamo, Exhibited by Hicks, Hargreaves and Co., Built by the Lancashire Company, 428
- Dynamos and Motors, Mavor and Coulson, 109, 110
- Engineering Trades, The German, 632.
- Engines and Alternators, Neptune Bank Power Stition, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 293, 301 Engines and Dynamos, Advantages of Large Units and High Pressures, (455)
- Engine, Generator, (500-Kilowatt), Matherand Platt, 216
- Floating, Coil Type of Apparatus, The General s Award to Prof. E. Thomson for, (629)
- Generator, 400-Kilowatt Direct-current, English Electric Manufacturing Company, 309
- Granite as an Insulator, Report to the Franklin Institute on the Use of, (248)
- Haulage Plant for the Miami and Erie Canal, (381)
- Illuminations for the Czir’s Visit to France, (272)
- Industries, Aluminium in the, 625
- Installation at Davos, (120)
- Insulating Armature Stampings, Use of Black-lead for, (381)
- Interlocking Plant, Taylor System, Installed in Chicago, (186)
- Laboratory and Röotsren Ray Room, West¬minster Hospital, (381)
- Machinery at Baku, None of British Mannfacture, (224)
- Machinery at the Glasgow Exhibition, 30, 60, 109, 351, 372, 397, 517
- Machinery, Weight of, in Proportion to its Out¬put, (147)
- Mavor and Coulson, Dynamos and Motors, 109, 110
- Motor for Aerial Navigation, Major Krebs’ Light, (147)
- Motors, Deri's Alternate-current, 152
- Motors, Heavy, to be Used on the Great
- Northern, through the Stampede Pass Tunnel, (273)
- Motors, Supersede Steam Eogines, in the United States Navy Yard, Brooklyn, (531)
- Motor Car in America, Run of 187
- Miles on one Battery Charge, (331)
- Motors—see also Motor Vehicles, Paper-making Factory, Ponte de Peilles, (39)
- Planing Machine, Electrically-driven, 153
- Power Bill, Loch Leven Water and, (173)
- Power Development from the Waters of the Rhone, (39)
- Power Development from the Waters of the Var Region, (39)
- Power Generation and Transmission, Major Gardew on, (224)
- Power House on Canadian Side of Niagara Falls, (173)
- Power House, Now York, The Edison Com¬pany’s, (11)
- Power in India, Rules relating to Use of, (173)
- Power Mains, 251
- Power Plant of the Buffalo Exposition, (22)
- German, 528
- Goldsmiths' Institute, New Cross, 576, 577
- Hydraulio, Snoqualmio Falls, U.S.A., (516)
- Hydraulic, New York State, (232)
- New York Underground Electric Railway, 488
- North of Engiand, (616)
- Large Contract for, Placed by the Manchester Corporation with the German Electric Company, Limited, (662)
- London County Council Tram ways, List of Tenders Received for the, 516, 527
- Quarry Work, Lakeside Quarries, U.S.A., (516)
- Power to San Francisco, Scheme for Transmit¬ting, (331)
- Power Soheme, Another Canadian, (303)
- Power Station at tbe Basin, Exeter, (405)
- Battersea Central, 349, 356
- Jaice, in Bosnia, 386
- Neptune Bank, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 274, 278, 293, 297, 301
- Power Supply, Chiswick, (331)
- Cripple Creek District, America, (»3)
- Leeds, 288
- from Niagara Falls, (39), (173) Rio de Janeiro, (481)
- Tyne, 274, 278,293, 297, 301
- Power Transmission Line across the Straits of Carquinez. Erection of a Single Span in, (556)
- Power, Utilisation of the Upper Rhone for Generating, (224)
- Pumping Plant, Zollverein Mines, 528, 529
- Rays as an Amothetic, Prof. Minin on the Use of, (653)
- Safety Lamp for Mines, (303)
- Sea-going Launch, Mr. W. Bowcd, for the King of Portugal, (303)
- Section, Glasgow Engineering Conference, Papers Read, 245, 271, 284
- Society for the Study of Electric Rapid Rail¬ways, Speed Attained, (508)
- Street Sweeping by Trolley, (224)
- Street Sweeping and Watering in Nottingham, (579)
- Supply, Birmingham Corporation, (123)
- in California, High-tension Line to San Francisco, (653)
- Farnham, (605)
- Manchester, (120), (303), (431), (467)
- South Shields, Generating Set, 399, 406
- Worcester, Supplemental, (481)
- Works, Flekkefjord, (147)
- Works in Operation in Germany, In¬creased Number of, (653)
- Thomson, Prof. Elihu, The John Scott Legacy Premium and Medal Awarded to, (629)
- Traction and Lighting, Brussels, 506
- Traction on Metropolitan Railways, 14, 38, (93), 490, 540
- Traction on the Underground Railway, Board of Trade Arbitration, 450, 490, 491, 492, 604, 505
- Traction, Multiple-unit Systems of, 256
- Traction, South London, (11)
- Tramways in London, 42, 47
- Tramways, London Underground, 506, 516
- Tramways—see also Tramways Transmission Line, Main Span, 4427ft., 101 Transmission, Long-distance, California, (516)
- Transmission, Long-distance, Mr. F. A. C. Perrine on, (405)
- Travelling Gangway at Dover, 253
- Treatment of Phthisis, Mr. Chisholm Williams on,(248)
- Welding, Mr. J. T. Heaton on, 560
- Winding Gear, Heckmondwike Collieries, E. Scott and Mountain, Limited, 611
- Wire Span of 4427ft., Californian Company,
Electric Light:
- Affairs in London, 408 Barnes, Nernst Lamps, (481)
- Barnstaple. (481)
- Brussels, 506
- Epsom, (605)
- Hackney Municipal Works, 489
- Hind Hill, (459)
- Incandesoent Filaments, Vibrations of tho. (381)
- Incandescent Lamp Filaments, Herr C. Kellner’s, (224)
- L:ghting (Leador on), 607
- Manchester, (303), (431)
- Miner’s Safoty Lamp, (303)
- National Gallery should bo Supplied with, (455)
- Nernst Lamp, Disadvantages inherent in, (629)
- Nernst Lamps, Tests with, (303)
- Odessa, Siemens and Halske, (381)
- Osmium and Carbon Lamps, Relative Effici¬ency of, (11
- Sheffield Corparatiou, The Submerged Arma¬ture, (233), (256)
- Stations in the United States, Number of, (579)
- Sunderland Electric Lighting Committee, Dead¬lock, (248)
- Vickerstown and Walney Island, (66)
- Wimbledon, (481)
- Wolverhampton, System of Free or Assisted Wiring Proposed, (273)
- Advance in Price of, (266)
- Cableways or.Trolleys at tbo Eastern Shipbuilding Company’s Work?, Nov London, Conn. (431)
- Extension of the Use of. in the Navy, (355)
- Future of, 628
- Laundry Worked by, Kingston-on-Thames, (303)
- Supply, Australia, (579)
- Farnham, (605)
- Farnworth, (224)
- Use of, at the Eastern Shipbuilding Company’s Works, New London, Conn., (481)
- Utilisation of, in Chemical Manufacture, Mr. Ewan, on, (611)
- Ventilation by, 338
- Works, Hackney Monic’pal, (464), 489
- Hind Hill, (459)
- Manchester, (303), (431), (467)
- Sheffield, 184
- ELEPHANTS, Train Collides with, 139
- Elevators, American, Grain Warehouses or, 415
- Elevator, Immense Grain Warehouse or, U.S.A., (516)
- Elevator, Grain, at the Wyre Dock, 142
- Elliott, Sir Charles, Explicit Denial that any Orders have been given out by him in con¬nection with South African Railways, his later Telegram concerning, (455), 457, 462, (531)
- Enamelling, 194, 238, 264, 323, 347
Engineering Congress at the Glasgow Exhibition :
- Preliminary Programme, 203
- Opening Address, Mr. Mansergh, 243
- Dixon, Mr. Jas. S., his Endowment of a Chair of Mining at the Glasgow University, 298
- Electrical Engineering, Section No. IX Opening Address, Mr. Langdon, 245 Paper by Mr. W. B. Sayers on the Electrical Exhibits of the Exhibition, 245
- Herr Lasche on High-speed Rail¬ways, 271, 284, 314
- Prof. Jameson, Protection of Trolley Wires, 272
- Mr. Field on the Relative Advan¬tages of the Throe, Two, and Single-phase Systems for Feeding Low-tension Networks, 298, 316
- Mr. Hobart and Mr. Mavor, and Anuouncemounts by Mr. Lang¬don and Prof. Glazabrook, 298
- Gas, Section VIII.:—
- Opening Address by Mr. Livesoy, 245
- Papers by F. Bruyèresand Prof. V. Lewes on Water Gas, 245
- M. Du Chattel, Mr. Leybold, Mr.
- C. Carpenter. Mr. Cheater, Mr. Schniewind, 271
- Iron and Steel Institute, Section V.:— Papers by Mr. Hamby, Mr. Archibald, and
- Mr. W. Wylie, on the Iron and Steel Industries of the West of Scotland, 244
- Mr. Wahlberg, on Variation of Catbon and Phosphorus in Steel Billets, 244
- Mr. C. H. Ridsdale and Mr. J. E. Stead, on Copper and Iron Alloys, 270, 271
- Messrs. Stead and Wigham, on the Effect of Copper in Steels for Wire, 270, 271
- Mechanical and Encineerino, Section III. :— Papers by Prof. Hele Shaw, on Cooling of Engines of Motor Cars, 243, 267
- Hon. C. Parsons, Steam Turbines for Driving Dynamos, 243
- Mr. Gould, Locomotivos on Buenos Aires Central Railway, 244
- Mr. Lenke, Superheated Steam, 268, 286
- Mr. Rowan, Premium System of Remunerating Labour, 268
- Mr. Greenwood, Metric System in Workshops, 268
- Mr. Wicksteed, Testing Machine in the James Watt Laboratory, 269
- Mossrs. Weir and R:chmond, Workshop Methods and Pre¬mium Plan, 339
- Mr. G. Kapp, Rating and Testing Electrical Machinery, 244
- Minino, Section VI. :—
- Papers by Mr. II. M. Cadell, Oil Shale Fields
- of the Lothians, 214, 298
- Mr. II. M. Cadell, Carboniferous Limestone Measures of West Lothian, 244, 298
- Messrs. G. L. Allon, E. I). Chester, Hancock, Iloskold, Obalski, and Sawyer, 298
- Municipal Engineers, Section VII.:— ’
- Papers by Lieut.-Col. A. S. Jones and Mr. K. Campbell on Sewage Disposal Systems, 245, 816
- Naval Architecture, Section IV. :—
- Papers by Sir N. Barnaby, Prof. Biles. Mr.
- Bowles, Mr. Normand. Mr. E. C. Thrupp, 244, 295, 296, 297, 311
- Railways, Section I. :—
- Papers: S rG. Moleswortb, Uganda Railway, 213
- Prjf. Carus Wilson, Economy of
- Electricity as Motive Power on Railways, 243
- Waterways and Maritime Works, Section II. :—
- Papers: Mr. W. Willcocks, Irrigation in the Nile Valley, 243
- Mr. Hermann, Works of the Dort¬mund and Suez Canal, 267, 282
- Visits to St. Rollox Workshops of the Cale¬donian Railway, 269
- Covlairs, and to the Works of Messrs. Alley and McLellan, and Messrs. E. Chester and Co., 298 L\
- Contracts, Lord George Hamilton and, 466
- Electric Engineering Department at the Yorkshire College, Enlargement of, (355)
- Electric, Papers on, at tbe Glasgow Congress, 245, 271, 272, 284, 298, 314, 316 Enterprise, The Most Notable Developments of, in the Lancashire District since the Settlement of the Great Strike, (662)
- Feat, Remarkable, Erection of 4427ft. Single Span in an Electric Power Transmission Lane, (556)
- Journal, New York Mining and, Appointment of Editors to, (355)
- Locomotive, Chas. Rous - Marten on Some Modern Tendencies of, 291
- Locomotive, Recent Practice io, in England and other Countries, 612, 661
- Marine, American c. English Methods, Mr. E. Wood, 466
- Marine, during the past Ten Years, Mr. McKechnie's Review of, 140, 157, 183, 206, 225, 310
- Marine, List of Firms on the Tyne, Wear, Tees, and Hartlepool and Engines Constructed, 1901, 664
- Mechanical, Papers on, at the Glasgow Con¬gress, 213, 214, 267, 268, 269, 286, 339
- Royal Navy, Students to be Entered at Keyham by the Admiralty, 220, 237, 310, (653)
- Section at the British Association, Record of its Doings, 325
- Trade, Foreign Competition in, 563
- Trade, German Electric, 632
- Trade, Re-arrangement of the Working Agreement in, (575)
- Workshop Organisation, Mr. A. P. Loscher on, 629
- Workshop Organisation, American Methods of, at the British Westinghouse Works, (663)
- Appeal to, by Mr. Jas. Mansergh, on behalf of the Westminster Hospital, (629)
- Admiralty Works Department, Competitive Examination for three Appointments as
- Assistant Civil Engineer in, (556)
- Chinese Coal and English, 150
- County Council, Candidates for the Office of Engineer to, (431)
- Engine-room Artificers in Torpedo Boats, Earl of Selbcrne on the Case of, (120)
- English, and Russia, 97
- Municipal, Glasgow Congress, Papers read, 215, 316
- Navy, 613
- Newcastle City, Applications for tho Post of, (355)
- Position of Naval, (66), 102
- Royal Navy, Deputation to Whitehall to urge the Necessity of Improving the Conditions of the Service, (66), 102
- Social, their Office in America, (455)
- Solution of the Irish Question, The Engineer's, 327
- United States Navy, 657, 613
- Air Pump and, 613, 614 American Rotary, 385
- American Stationary, Increase in the Number Exported, (405)
- Blast Furnace Gas, at DifferdiDgen, 352
- Condensers, Evaporative, 613, 614
- Davey Differential Pumping, at Lindal Mines, Dynamo Driving, Mr. Chas. Day on, (391) 414
- and Dynamo, High speed Vertical, Ruston, Proctor and Co., 2, 3
- Evaporative Condensers, 613, 614
- Gas. at Brunner, Mond and Co.’s Works, Working with Mond Gas, (481)
- Gas, with Natural Gas, Experiments on a, 172
- Gas, Report of the Research Committee by Prof. F. Burstall and Discussion thereon.
- 425, 438, 474, 484
- Gasoline, (210)
- Hick, Hargreaves and Co ’s Exhibit at the Glasgow Exhibition, Vertical Engine and
- Dynamo, 428, 429
- High-speed Double Compound, Vauxhall Iron¬works Company, 636
- High-speed Vertical, Wm. Sisson, 291
- Horizontal Corliss Valve, J. Cochrane, 170
- King Alfred, Armoured Cruiser, 207
- Marine, 182, 183, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 262
- Mathot Pressure Recorder for Gas, 426
- Motor Fire, (273)
- Oil, Crossley, Cundall and Sons, Naylor and Co., Humphries, Gwynnc, Ruston and Proc¬tor, 8, 9,16
- Oil, Demand for, in Baku, (224)
- Pumping, Hampton Waterworks, Mr. J. W. Rentier (Supp/nntnlt, August 2nd anil Novem¬ber 1st, 1901), 123, 452
- Pumping, Sewage, J. Cochrane, 171
- Pumping, Vertical Steam, for Sheerness Dock¬yard, Hayward-Tyler and Co., 410, 411,
- Quadruple-expansion Marine, Simpson, Strick¬land and Co., 138
- Ross and Dancan’s Steam, 2Ó2, 270
- Royal Agricultural Society’s Show, 8, 9, 16
- Sewage Pumping, J. Cochrane, 171
- Shanks and Sons' Shaft Governor, 137
- Sisson’s, 291
- Steam, American, for Export, (22)
- Steam, and Boilers, Report on, 146
- Steam, Glasgow Exhibition, 2, 3, 84, 85 137 170, 171, 262, 270, 291, 429, 643
- S.S. Dukes of Cornwall and Lancaster, 182,183
- Steam, Used in the Brooklyn Edison Plant, (224)
- Steam, What is an Economical One, 458
- Tangyes Limited, Vertical Compound and Gas Glasgow Exhibition, 84, 85
- Triple-expansion Pumping (Supplement, Auaust 2nd, 1901), ; Mr. J. W. Reit'er, Hamp¬ton, Southwark, and Vauxhall Water Com¬pany, 123, 452
- Tr.ple-expansion, South Shields, J. and H. r McLaren, Limited, 398, 406 Ve.-tica Steam Fuaaping, for Sheerness Dock¬yard, Hayward - Tyler and Co., 410, 411, (472)
- Water for Steam, 67
- Westinghouse Gas, Efficiency Tests of a, (93)
- EVAPORATIVE Condensers, 614
- Evaporator, The Foster, Indian Sagar Industry, 190
- Excavating Wheel, 65ft. in diameter, for the Calumet and Hecla Mining Company, United States, (431)
- Excavator, American Steam, Mr. Bunnell, 464
- Excavator, Steam Crane, J. H. Wilson and Co., Limited, 153
- Extensometer, Mr. H. T. Bovey, (579) 9
- Automobile, Copenhagen, (579)
- Brewers, Royal Agricultural Hall, Islington, (405), 435
- Crystal Palace Gas Engineering, (431)
- Cycle Shows, The, 562
- Dairy, 1901, 376
- Düsseldorf, Industrial and Art, (431)
- Glasgow—see Glasgow Exhibition Lille, International, Industrial and Commercial,
- Special Section for Alcohol, (605), (629)
- London School Board, Scientific Apparatus Constructed by Pupils and Teachers, (431)
- Osaka, Japan, International, (355)
- Pan-American, a Financial Failure, (556)
- St. Petersburg, International Fisheries, (355)
- Sicilian, Agricultural, (431)
- Smith6eld Show—see Smithfield Turin, (455)
- U.S.A., St. Louis. 1903, (662)
- 8 Wolverhampton, International Art and Indus¬trial, (120), 232, (303)
- Blind Shell, Okebampton, 264
- Boiler Explosions— see Accidents, Ac.
- Cartridge, on the Royal Sovereign, (531)
- Colliery, and their Causes, 13, (342)
- Cupola, in Chicago, (66)
- Daring, on Board the Dastroyer, (24)
- Detonator for Dynamite, M. Aubert’s Inven¬tion, (508)
- Gas, on Board a French Coal Barque, (531)
- Gun, from a Military Correspondent, 527
- o Gunpowdor, a New, (531)
- s Gyttorp Powder Works, Nora, Stockholm, (66)
- Historical Locomotives, 117
- Kynosh Factory, Captain J. 11. Thomson's Report, (120)
- Io Pipes and Sewer, Caused by Thunderstorm, (47)
- Shell, a New Type of, Introduced into the German Army, with which the War-office is Experimenting, 485, (508)
- Wales, 122, (288)
- Annual Report on, 195
- Armour-piercing Shell in the Navy, Question in f the House Respecting Use of. (120)
- B ind Shells and their Danger, 264
- Cordite Factory in the Nilgiris, (173)
- Gun Cotton Required to Demolish the Wreck of the Viper, (224)
- Mystery of, 250
- Orling Torpedo, The, 434
- Torpedo Tubes, above Water, the Admiralty’s Order about, 431, 483
- FACTORS of Safety. Mr. Robt. Hy. Smith, £88
- Factory Act, 1901, The, 646
- Factory Legislation in Victoria, The Effects of, 70
- Factory, A Modern, 18
- Factory Smoke, Suppression of, Reported on, (39)
- Fans, Capell, 489
- Fans, Centrifugal, Testing, 334, 388
- Fans, Efficiency of, 176
- Fan, Sirccco, 19, 70, 100, 101, 129, 146, 180, 228, 229
- Fan, The Wing Propeller, 649
- Faradian Club, (560)
- Fashions and Customs, 202
- Feed Pump, Automatic Receiver and, Dowson, Taylor and Co., (185)
- Feed-water Heaters, Royles, Limited, (211)
- Fibroleum. Artificial Leather called, (455)
- Financial Policy, A New, 484
- Fire-alarms for Ilford, May-Oatway, (629)
- Fire Appliances, Mather and Platt, 215
- Fire-arms, New Magazine Rifle Mechanism, 502, 538
- Firo Brigades and Stations, St. Petersburg, (331)
- Fire-float for Durban Harbour, Natal, (527)
- Firemen and Electric Conductors, Mr. G. Kcmenzi’s Experiments, (405)
- Fire Prevention Committee, British, (506)
- Fire-resistance Tests of Australian Hard Woods, (629)
- Fire-throwing from Locomotives, 38, 70,129,181, 205, 255, 338, 413
- Flanges, Standardisation of Extra Heavy Pipo and Valve, 400
- Flight, 177
- Floronce, The Province of, Iron Foundries, Stone Quarries, the Cutlery and Oil Industry in, (653)
- Flour Mill and Bakery, Self-moving, for Regiments on the March, (556)
- Flourometer, Gorebam, 18
- Fly-wheel Insurance in the United States, (303), 333
- Fog in Chicago and in London, Effect on Railway Traffic, (531)
- Feg in London, tho London County Council,
- Special Inquiry into the Conditions of, (431)
- Fog Signals at Sea, (640)
- Foreign Competition, 471
- Foreign Competition, Mr. J. P. Lacy on, American Firms send for the Newspaper Man, 160
- Foreign Competition in the Iron and Engineering Trades, 663
- Foreigners at German Universities and Academi¬cal Laboratories, Question on the Attendance of, (224)
- Foster, J. B., (38)
- Foundries and Foundry Practice in the United States, 321, 332, 348, 374, 401, 421, 446, 473, 499, 521, 549, 570, 595, 620, 643
- Foundries, The Westinghouse Company’s, (455)
- Foundry, The E. W. Blits Company’s New, (258)
- Foundry Appliance, the Bryan Vacuum Moulding Machine, (579)
- France, Proposals to Tax Foreign Labourers in,
- Free Library for Hamilton, N.B., Mr. Carnegie s Gift of a, (11)
- Free Trips on the St. Louis Transit Company, (209)
- Free Trade and Protection, 412, 427
- French Mercantile Marine, 569
- French School in the United States for the Study of American Industrial Methods, M. Miller- and's Scheme for, (556)
- Fuel, Hydrogen as a, 334
- Furnace, Blast, 330
- Furnaces in Blast or Idle in France and in the United States, (173)
- Furnace at Darlaston Green, Blowing in of a New, T. and J. Bradley and Son, (517)
- Furnace, Meldrum Breezs, 272
- Furnace at New Castle, Pa., The National Steel Company’s New, (66)
- Acetylene, Explosive Properties of Compressed and Liquefied, 308
- Acetylene, Generator Invented at Trollhiittan, (653)
- Acetylene, Incandescent and Carburetted, 597
- Acetylene Installation, Mühlbach, Alsace, 102
- Acetylene Legislation in Bavaria, 340
- Acetylene for Lighthouses, (331), (653)
- Blast Furnace, The Cockerill Apparatus for Cleaning, 487, 488
- Blast Furnace, Utilisation of, for Production of Power, Herr Liirmann on, 1
- Coal used for Gas Manufacture, Manchester, (147)
- Company, New, (105)
- Eagine Research Committee, Prof. F. Burstall, 425, 438
- High Power, Prof. V. B. Lewes Considers it a Thing of the Past, (381)
- Lamp, Incandescent Intensive, called the “ Lucas Light,” (273)
- Lewis, Prof. V. B., On the Attention to be Paid to the Air Supply of the Burner of Coal and Water Gas Mixed, (381)
- Lighting, Incandescent, in London Streets, (579)
- Lighting, The Inventor of, (66)
- “Lucas Light,” The, (273)
- Mains, One of the Longest ever Laid, (39)
- Manufacture of, from Peat Fuel, in Canada, (173)
- Motive Power from Blast Furnace, Mr. Bryan Donkin on, 660
- Natural, Increase in the Known Area of, in Pennsylvania, (653)
- Oil, The Acme, Used in the United States, (662)
- Oil, The Mrorwotd-Bennstt Carburetter, 625
- Position of Calcium Carbide and Acetylene, Dr. Munsterberg on the, 277
- Power, Testing, 413
- Price of in Seventy English Boroughs, (629)
- Producer, Duff, 165
- Producer Plant, Lanarkshire Steel Company’s Works, 506, 507
- Rock, Pressure of the Natural, in the Indiana Field, (620)
- Section, Glasgow Engineering Conference, Papers It9ad, 245, 271
- South Metropolitan Gas Company, Reduction of the Standard Illuminating Power to Four¬teen Candles, (381)
- Street Lamps, Automatic Lighting and Ex¬tinguishing, (381)
- Thermal Efficiency of Engines Working with Mond, (481)
- Utilisation of Blast Furnace, for Power Produc¬tion, Herr Liirmann on, 1, 29
- Water, and its Mixture with Coal Gas, 330
- Water, Observations as to the Light obtain¬able, (381)
- Works, Extension of Birmingham, (508)
- GEM Stones found in Australia, (199)
- German Commercial Association in Japan, (224)
- Competition, 335 Customs Tariff, (355)
- Engineering Competition, (257)
- Machines, Increase in the Export of, and in the Import of Foreign into Germany, (381)
- South Polar Expedition, (173)
- Tariff, New, and its Effects, 175, 553
- Germany as an Example, Over-production and Bank Failures, 13
- Germany, Inland Navigation in, 353
- Gibraltar and its Population, 14, (147)
- Gjers, Mills and Co., Conversion of, into a Private Limited Company, (663)
- Glasgow Art Galleries, Heating and Ventilating the, 312, 338
Glasgow Exhibition:
- Boilers at, 165
- Boring Mill, Warner and Swasey’s, 253, 254 Close of, (508)
- Drilling Machine, End, W. F. and J. Barnes and Co., 254
- Eleotrio Machinery at, 30, £0, 109, 110, 351, 372, 397, 547
- Engineering Conference, International. 203 243, 267
- Hammer, Steam, John Cochrane, 170,171 (234)
- Institution of Naval Architects, Visit to Glas¬gow, 6
- Lathe, 25in. Engineer’s, The Bradford, 254
- Locomotive Alexandra, Side Tank, Andrew Barclay, Sons and Co., 449, 461
- Machine Tools : Bradley and Co., 194 ; Brown and Sharpe, 193 ; Burton, Griffiths and Co., 113; Buck and Hickman, 193; Churchill and Co., 253; Pratt and Whitney, 193; Selig, Sonnenthal and Co ,378
- Mather and Platt’s Exhibit, Pumps, Electric Conveyor, Engine Generator, 215, 216
- Milling Machines, 193, 253, 254
- Motor Car Trials under the Auspices of, 221, 235, 277
- Record Attendance, (331)
- Simpsons, Strickland and Co.’s Quadruple-ex¬pansion Marine Engine, 138
- Sisson’s Engine, 291
- Tank Locomotive, Andrew Barclay, Rons and Co., 198,200 I
- Telescope Gan Sight, Sir Howard Grnbb, (199)
- Westinghouse Pavilion, 547
- GOLD Crushing Returns, West Australia, and Queensland, (147)
- Deposit of, on a Piece of Wrought Iron, (679)
- Field, The Tarquab, (431)
- Mining in Wales, (250)
- Ore Output in Merionethshire, 1900, (39)
- Output, Formosa, (579)
- Output, New Zealand, June, 1900, 1901, (39)
- Produce, Madagascar, (331)
- Queensland, (156)
- Reefs at Turfontien, (173)
- Standard in Peru, Introduction of, (93)
- Yield, New South Wales, (355)
- Goods and Mineral Traffic, 421
- Goreham Flourometer, The, 18
- Government Contracts, and Lord Geo. Hamilton’s
- Letter to Mr. Baird, 426, 457, 466
- Grain Warehouses or Elevators, American, 415, 1 (516)
- Granite, American, First Shipment to Liverpool, (173)
- Graphic Statics, 539
- Graphics of the Gyroscope—see Gyroscope Graphite Deposits, Ceylon, (147)
- Graphite Mined in the United States, (147)
- Grease Separator, A New, J. Wright and Co., 635
- Grinding, Fine Machine, 513
- Grooving of Rollers for Rolling Bessemer Iron,
- Prize Offered by a German Society for the Best Work on, (273)
- Gutta-percha Tree grown in Zanzibar, experi¬mentally of Doubtful Value, (455)
- Gyroscope, Graphics of the, 19, 71, 205, 229
- HAINAN, Consular Report as to Products brought for Sale to, (405)
- Halifax Sewage Works, (481)
- Hall, Mr. John, (303)
- Hamburg, Maritime Trade of, (39)
- Hamilton, Mr. John, (147)
- Hamilton, Lord George, and Engineering Con¬tracts, 426, 433, 435, 457, 466
- Hammer Plant, Steam, B. and S. Massey, (367)
- Hammer, Steam, Messrs. J. Cochrane and Co., 170, 171, 172, (234)
- Hampton Waterworks, Pamping Engines at (Supplement, August 2nd, 1901), 123, 452
- Harbours and Waterways :
- Barrow Harbour, Defences of. (556)
- Berehaven, a Transatlantic Port, Project for Making, (248)
- Calais, Tenders Invited for Projected Works at, (243)
- Danzig, New Waterway up to, (331)
- Dnieper, Deepening of, (381)
- Dover Commercial Harbour, Poll-tax for Con¬struction of the new, (248)
- Prince of Wales’ Pier Completed, (481)
- Dover Harbour Board, Project for Making Berehaven a Transatlantic Port, (248)
- Dunkirk, Scheme for Ealarging the Port, (59)
- Durban, Natal, New Fire Float for, 527
- Emden Harbour Enlarged, (355)
- Hangii, Extension of Harbour, (303)
- Hartlepool, Breakwater Completed, and Twin-screw Hopper and Dredger Ordered, (417)
- Havre, (431)
- Irrigation in the Nile Valley, Mr. Willoocks, 267, 282
- Lake Michigan, near E. Chicago, (199)
- Marseilles, 485
- Maryport Harbour Improvement Scheme, (431)
- Naples, Port of, 138
- Neva to be made Navigable throughout for Sea-going Ships, (579)
- Odessa, Improvement of the Port, (381)
- Pwllheli, Harbour Project, (531), (579)
- Riga Harbour Works begun, (431)
- Rosslare Harbour Works, (273)
- Rouen, (431)
- St. Petersburg, Port of, 172
- ScheveniDgen Harbour Works, (431)
- South Coast and Thames Mouth and Bristol
- Channel Harbours, Re-arming of Forts Guarding, (556)
- Waterways and Maritime Works Section at the Glasgow Congress, Papers Read, 243, 267
- Works Laid Down in the Naval Works Bill, (248)
- HEAT in tho Arctic Region, Icebergs Set Free, (199)
- Heating by Soperheated Steam, 221
- Heating and Ventilatiug the Glasgow Art Galleries, 312
- Hele-Shaw, Prof., on Cooling of Cylinders of Highspeed Internal Combustion Engines, 267
- Hemmer Inward-flow Turbine, 163, 161
- Hewlett, Mr. Alf., Gift to the Wigan Mining and Technical Institution, (39)
- High Tide on the East Coast, W. H. Wheeler on, 597
- Hoe, Turnip, Parmiter’s, 10
- Hop Growing and Municipal Competition in Kent, (531)
- Horse Gear, The Plywel, (538)
- Hydrogen as a Fuel, 334
- Hydrographical Department of the Admiralty, Open Competitive Examination for an Appoint¬ment as Draughtsman, (575)
- Hylard Rifle Mechanism, The, 502, 538
- TCEBERGS Set Free, (199) foe Breakers at Nicolaieff, (653)
- Ice Exported from Norway, (199)
- fee-making Machine on the Centurion, Failure tfl (303,
- Ignition in Small Arms and Artillery, Develop¬ment of the Mode of, 74, 168, 230, 302, 379
- Indian Sugar Industry, The (Supplement, August 30th, 1901), 110, 189, 217, 222, (256)
- Industrial Crisis, An, 613
- Industrial Developments, Manchester's, 156
- Inland Navigation in Germany, 353
- Insanitary Angles, 613, 661
Institute, Iron and Steel:
- Annual General Meeting, Annual Dinner, In¬vitation to Düsseldorf for September, (506)
- Papers Read at the Glasgow Congress, 244, 270, 271
- Preliminary Programme of the Glasgow Meet¬ing, 71
Institute, The Colonial:
- Water Supply of Australia, Mr. W. G. Cox, 562
Institute. Cycle Engineers’:
- Standardisation of Screw Threads, Council’s Report to the Members, 540
Institute of Engineers, South W
- Overwinding, Mr. Sydney Walker, (392)
Institute, The Goldsmiths’, at New Cross:
- Electric Plant at, 576, 577
Institute, The Imperial:
- Exit the, (656)
- Institute of Mining Engineers, Ameri¬can:
- Finishing Temperature for Steel Rails, Mr. R. W. Hunt, 60
Institute of Mining Engineers:
- Glasgow Engineering Congress, Section VI., Papers Read at, 244, 298
- Dixon, Mr. J. S., his Endowment of a Chair of Mining at the Glasgow University, 298
Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, North of England:
- Excursion Meeting, Parson Byres Quarries, (177)
Institute, Northampton:
- 272
Institute, North Polytechnic:
- Prospectus for Session 1901-2, 298
Institute, Petroleum:
- Syllabus of Lectures for Next Session, (489)
Institute, Sanitary:
- Congress and Exhibition, Place and Date of Next, (173)
Institution of Civil Engineers:
- Awards, (404)
- Gas Engine Construction, Mr. R. W. A. Brewer, 603
- "James Forrest” Lecture, Metallurgy in Relation to Engineering, Sir W. Roberts-Austen, (556)
- Motive Power from Blast Furnace Gases, Mr. Bryan Donkin, 660
- October Examinations, 1901, Pass List of Candi¬dates Examined in London, 552
- Opening of the Session, Presidential Address of Mr. Chas. Hawksley, 479
- Resumption of Meetings, (418)
- Students’ Meeting, (647)
- Train Resistance, Mr. J. A. F. Aspinall, 558, 560, 655
Institution of Civil Engineers: Glas¬gow Association of Students:
- First General Meeting of Session 1901-1902, (603)
Institution of Electrical Engineers:
- Annual Dinner, (475), (603)
- Inaugural Address of Mr. C. H. Wordingham, 586, 636
- Opening Meeting, (411)
- Visit to Germany, 5, 32, 55, 81
Institution of Electrical Engineers, Dublin Section:
- Account of the German Tour, Mr. P. S. Shear- down, (431)
Institution, Electrical Standardising,
- Testing, and Training:
- Awards, (102)
Institution of Engineers, Chesterfield and Midland Counties:
- Annual General Meeting, (147)
- Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders In Scotland:
- Dredging and Modern Dredge Plant, Mr. Wm. Brown, 587
Institution of Junior Engineers:
- Address of, 39. Victoria-street, W., (Ill)
- Brochure by Mr. C. D. Phillips, of the Emlyn Works, Newport, (308)
- Council’s Report on the Work of the Past Year, (468)
- Presentation to Edward Goffe, (91)
- Presidential Address of Sir John Jackson, 492, 615
- Summer Meeting, Visits and Excursions, (308)
Institution of Mechanical Engineers:
- Alloys of Copper and TiD, Microscopical Examination of, by Mr. Wm. Campbell, 656
- Balancing of Locomotives, Prof. Dalby on, 523, 534, 681
- Barrow Docks, Approaches by Land and Sea, Mr. Frank Stileman, 116
- Drawing-office, Twelve Months' Revision, Mr. W. S. Bott, 613
- Gas Engine Research Committee, Second Report by Prof. F. W. Burstall, and Discussion thereon, 425, 438, 474, 484
- Light Steam Cars, Mr. T. J. B. Drayton, (611)
- Marine Engineering during the Past Ten Years, El Review of, Mr. Jas. McKechnie, 140,157,183, 206, 225, 810
- Mathot Continuous-pressure Recorder, shown by Mr. Donkin, 426
- Naval Ordnance, Lieut. A. Trevor Dawson on, 116
- Shipbuilding Works, Arrangement and Equip¬ment of, Mr. Jas. Dunn, 116, 364
- Summer Meeting, Papers to be Read at the, and Outline Programme, 19
- Visits to the Barrow Hematite Steel Works, the Lindal Mines, the Jute Company’s Works, the Mouzall and Dalton Mines, the Furness Railway Company’s Docks, the Roanhead Mines, &c. &c., 140, 141, 142
Institution of Mining and Metallurgy:
- First Meeting, Papers Read, 425
- Formation of a Benevolent Fund Declared De¬sirable, (147)
- Hydraulic Installation at the Mines of the Compania Minera di Panuce, Mr. H. 1. Short, 576
- Mining and Occurrence of Gold in the Dutch East Indies, Mr. S. J. Trnscott, 576
- Ore Formation on Prince of Wales Island, South-East Alaska, Mr. Thomas, 576
- Premiums Offered for the Best Papers on Forms of Shaft for Deep Mines, 34
Institution of Naval Architects:
- Economical Speed of Ships, On the Limits of, E. Tennyson d’Eyncourt, 6, 21
- Freeboard, Mr. Archibald Denny, 6 Garden Party and Receptions, and Cruise, 32 Naval Construction, Adoption of a Rational System of Units in Questions of, M. Hauser, Screw Propellers, M. Orzewiecki, 32
- Standardising the Results of Ship Calculations, Prof. Biles, 32
- Transverse Strength of Ships, Mr. J. Bruhn, 7
- Vibration Problem, Solution of the, Mr. T. II. Mac» 'pine, 7
- Visit G. and J. Weir’s Works, 31
- Canadian, Developments, 588
- Canadian, in England and Scotland, 14, (418)
- Canada, Output of the Dominion Iron and Steel Company, (531)
- Colonial, 487, 539, 564
- Combination, Spanish, 354
- Cost of Production of 36 lb. of Cast, in South Russia, (39)
- Foreign Competition in the Trade, 563
- Foundries and Foundry Practice in the United States, 321, 332, 348, 374, 401, 421, 446, 473, 499, 521, 549, 570, 695
- Foundries in the Province of Florence, (653)
- Furnace, Hot-air Blast for, Known in Palestine 1400 Years B c., (508)
- German, Importation of, into the Tees, (442)
- German Trade, 409
- North Italy, Camonica, Furnaces of 500 Elec¬tric Horse-power for Manufacture of, under the Stassano Patent, (531)
- Ores, Bilbao, 199
- Ore Exports from Sweden, 1900, 1899, 1898, 1897, (66), 178
- Ore Imports into the United States, Last Year and this, (508)
- Ore in Japan, (678)
- Ore, Magnetic, Use of, as a Material for Con¬crete Blocks, (531)
- Ore Sent South in One Day by the Lake Shore Railway, Giant Record, (556)
- Ore, Total Output of British, in 1900, (11)
- Pig, from Sydney, Nova Scotia, to Glasgow, (131)
- Pig, United States Production, 1900-1901, (147), (173)
- Pipe in the United States, Cast, 10, 101
- Price and Output for September and October, (556)
- Prices of, Increased, (381)
- Production, American, 19C0, (147), (173)
- Germany, in June, (78)
- Great Britain, America, Germany, France, Belgium, Austria-Hun¬gary, Russia, and Switzerland, Annual Account of, (442)
- Quebec, (405)
- Russia, (39), (303), (339)
- Rio, Immense Deposits of, in, but Unaccom¬panied by Coal, (481)
- Russian Trade Crisis, 655
- Spanish, Shipped to the United States, (481)
- Statistics relative to the World’s Make of Pig, during each of the Three Last Years, (342)
- and Steel Wire Rods, Production in the United States, (66)
- Surfaces, Coating with Lead Enamel, M. A. Dormoy’s Process, (431)
- Swedish Industry, 1900, 178
- Tariffs and, 434
- Trade Crisis, The Russian, 655
- Trade Revival, 276
- Trade, State of the, 582
- Trade Wages and Sales, 150
- Trust, Russia, (605)
- United StateB Output of Pig, (388)
- Works, Lowmoor, Burnt Down, (508)
- IRRIGATION Works in Egypt, Inspection of, by the Khedive, (355)
- Irrigation by Bore Water in Australia, (556)
- Irrigation in India, Special Commission to Inquire into, (331)
- Irrigation in the Nile Valley, Mr. Willcocks, 243, 267, 282
- Irvine, Mr. Robt., (131)
- Ivory Deposit in Alaska, Prehistoric, (199)
- JACKSON, Sir John, Presidential Address at the Institution of Junior Engineers, 492
- James, Mr. C. C., on the Sewage Disposal at the MatuDga Leper Asylum at Bombay, 371
- Japan, German Commercial Association in, (224)
- Japanese Metal Industries, (477)
- Japanese Patent Law, A New, (508)
- Jessop and Sons, Wm., Directors’ Proposal in Regard to the American Works, (66)
- Johnson, Mr. W. Claude, Presentation to, 461
- KEYHAM, Engineering Students to be Entered by the Admiralty at, (653)
- Kinipple, W. R., 533
- Labour Questions, Strikes, and Trade Disputes:
- Abbott and Co., Messrs. John, Question of the Time Lost by a Section of their Workmen, (233)
- American Coal Trust, 179
- Attacks on British Workmen, 612
- Barcelona Metal Workers’ Strike, (600)
- Coal and Wages, 122, (160)
- Conference and Arbitration, 226
- Cumberland Coalowners ask for a Reduction in Wages, (120)
- Demonstration against the use of further Machinery in the Boot Trade in Northamp¬tonshire, (629)
- Dowlais and Patent Nut and Bolt Works, Change in the Medical Officer’s Arrange¬ments, (664)
- Eight-hour Day in French Mines, The Govern¬ment Refuses Support to the Proposition, (616)
- Employers and Workmen Engaged in the Metal Trades of Birmingham and District, Termina¬tion of the Alb'ance, (531)
- France, Proposals to Tax Foreign Labourers in, Free^rade and Protection, 412
- French Railways, Working Hours on, and the Government, (631)
- German Trade Depression, and its Effects, 582
- German Trade Unions, Gloomy Outlook, (556)
- Halsey, Mr., his Views as to the Strike of the National Cash Register Company’s Servants, 149
- Higher Plane, The, 149
- Industrial Crisis, An, 581, 613
- Iron Trade Wages, Birmingham, (120)
- Iron Trade Wages and Sales, 150, (159)
- June, 1901, Labour Gazette on the State of Employment, (66)
- Labour Returns for August, Board of Trade’s, (303)
- Limitation of Shipyard Apprentices, 656
- Miners’ Provident Fund, Quarterly Meeting of, (664)
- Platelayers for Natal, Wanted, (355)
- Premium System of Remunerating Labour, Mr. Rowan’s, 268
- Sheffield and Overtime, (139)
- Shipping Federation, Co-operation Agreements with Employers Entered into by the, (579)
- Sliding Scale, The, 359
- Steel Workers’ Wages, 633
- Strikes in Australia, (187)
- Blaenavon Company’s Colliery, (468)
- Chain Makers of the Pittsburgh Dis¬trict, (531)
- Hemsworth Colliery, (233)
- Ironworkers’ Assistants, New South Wales, (355)
- and Lock-outs of 1900, 335
- Millworkers, New York, (132), (161)
- National Cash Register Company, Dayton, U.S.A., 149
- Steel, United States, 176, (212), (234),
- (255), 307 United States, 67
- Tin-plate Conciliation Board, Criminal Folly of Colliers Smoking in Collieries, (78)
- Tin-plate Trade Wages Dispute Board’s Meet¬ing, (664)
- Trade, Free and Fair, 564 Trade, German, (556)
- Trade, Government Interference with, 533, 564
- Trade, Norwegian, (556)
- Trade with South Africa despite the War, (605)
- Trade, State of, 385
- Trade Unions in 1900, Board of Trade’s Report on,(508)
- Trade Unions of this Country, Last Year’s Income. Accumulated Funds, &c., (508)
- Trade Union Liability, The British Stee. Smelters’ Association on the House of Lords’ Decision on the Question of, (233)
- Trade Union Tyranny and Foreign Competition, 408, 462
- Trades Unions, Liability of, 95, (120), 124
- Wages Board, Accountants’ Statement, Bir¬mingham, (355)
- Wages, Effect of Machinery on, (605)
- Wages in the Iron and Coal Trades, 385
- Wages in 1900, Culminating Point of the
- Upward Movement which began 1896, (273)
- Wales, (212)
- Workmen’s Compensation in the United States, 411
- LACY, Mr. J. P.. on Foreign Competition, 160
- Laing, Sir Jas., 633
- Laird, Sir Wm., 186
- Lanarkshire Steel Company’s Works, Conveyors and Gas Producers, 606, 507
- Lanzi Copper and Lead Mines, The, 153
- Lathe (14in.) American, 194
- Automatic Screwing, Brass Finishers’, Pulley Turning, Selig, Sonnenthal and Co., 878, 379
- Big^Duplex, Hulse and Co., Limited, 617,
- Conioal Bearings for, 71, 130
- Engineer’s 25in., 254
- Sliding, Surfacing, and Screwcutting, G. Birch and Co.’s Works, 105
Launches and Trial Trips:
- 18, 63, 76, 107, 133, 184, 213, 235, 259, 319, 313, 369,393, 419, 443, 469, 495, 519, 562, 686, 617, 641, 664
- Lawson, Capt. John, (579)
- Lead Ore Output in Derbyshire, (508)
- America Cup Race, The, 42 ) American Shipping, 608
- Admiralty Committee on Torpodo Destroyers The, 558
- A-bitration, Experiment in, 607
- Bittleships, The New, 43
- Bj ler, The Gayst Da Tamalo. 510
- Bridges in Theory and Praotice, 631
- Bye-produots from Coke Ovens, 458
- Bye-products as a Source of Profit, 68
- Centrifugal Fans, Testing, 334
- Chief Inspectors of Machinery, Royal Navy, 306
- Chinose Coal and English Engineers, 150
- Coal Ring, South Wales, 305
- Cobra, Loss of the, 407
- Colliery Explosions, Causes of, 13
- Colliery Explosions, South Wales, 122
- Conference and Arbitration, 226
- Copper Steam Pipes and Superheaters, 4f8
- Cyfarthfa, Incorporation of, 249
- Economies, Ostensible, 96
- Education Again, 407
- Educational Theories, 333
- Efficiency of Fans, The, 176
- Electrio Lighting, 607
- Electric Lighting Affairs in London, 408
- Electric Tramways in London, 42
- Engineers in the United States Navy, 557
- Explosives, Mystery of, 250
- Fashions and Customs, 202
- Financial Policy, A New. 484
- Flight, 177
- French Naval Mamcuvres, The, 68
- German Electrical Engineering Trade, The, 632
- German Tariff, The New, 175
- German Tariff, Effects of the New, 558
- German Trade Depression and its Effect, 582
- Germany as an Example, 13
- Government Contracts, 457
- Guns, More, 275
- Higher Plane, The, 149
- Hydrogen as a Fuel, 334
- Industrial Crisis, Ao, 581
- Iron Trade Revival, 276
- Knottingley Explosion, The, 149
- Liability of Trades Unions, 95
- Locomotives, Balancing of, 534, 581, 631
- Locomotive Engines for India, 433
- Locomotives, English and American, 306, (462), 510
- Locomotives, Six-coupled Express, 202
- London Electric Tramway Plant Contract, 509
- London Water Supply, 510
- Maximum Production, 483
- Mercantile Marine, Our, 121
- Metric System, The, 276
- Minerva and the Hyacinth, The, 41, 95, 225, 249
- President of the United States, The, 276
- President McKinley, 305
- Professor and the Gas Engine, The, 484
- Railway Economics, 121
- Reciprocity, 383
- Royal Sovereign, Accident on Board the, 509
- Russian Iron Trade Crisis, The, 655
- Slip of Propellers, The, 225
- Speed and Form of Hulls, 333
- Standardising of Steel Sections, 534
- Steam Engine What is an Economical, 458
- Steel Strike, The, 175
- Steel Trust Profits, 384
- Strike in the United States, The, 67
- Submarines, Question of, 384
- Superheated Steam, 275
- Torpedo, The Orling, 434
- Torpedo Tubes Above Water, 483
- Trade and Education, 434
- Trade, Government Interference with, 533
- Trade Union Tyranny, 403
- Train Resistance, 558, 655
- Torpedo Boat Destroyers, 176
- Trusts in Germany, 201
- Tube Railways, 385
- United States Warships, The Now, 656
- Water for Steam Engines, 67
- Yacht Race, International, 334
- Sub-Leaders:
- Balloons, Navigable, 97
- Bridge Work for the Uganda Railway, 535
- Canadian Iron in England, 14
- Cana! System of Austria, Extension of the, 96
- Coal and Wages, 122
- Cobra, Loss of the, 307
- Copper, 202, 409, 559
- Defense de l'Angleterre, La, 559
- Electric Traction on Metropolitan Railways, 14
- Electrification of the Underground, 122
- French Shipping Bounties, 459
- German Competition, 335
- German Iron Trade, 409
- Gibraltar, 14
- Imperial Institute, Exit the, 656
- Indian Railways, 409
- Iron, 582
- Iron and Tariffs, 431
- Iron Trade Wages and Sales, 150
- London Water Supply, 535
- Motor Cars, Outcry against Racing. 250
- Motor Vehicles for Heavy Traffic, 458
- Nile, Utilisation of the, 14
- Railway Rates, 43
- Rating of Collieries, 335
- River Purification, 485
- Sheffield Water Famine, The, 511
- Shipbuilding on the Clyde, 582
- Shipyard Apprentices, Limitatinn of, 656
- Steel Plate Combination, The, 632
- Steel Strike, The, 307
- Steel Trade Improvement, The, 485
- Steelworkers’ Wages, 633
- Trade, State of, 385
- Wages in the Iron and Coal Trades, 385
- Wireless Telegraphy across the Atlantic, 633
- Works to Sea, From, 226
- Yorkshire Coalfisld, A New, 202
- Yorkshire Coa'ownors and the Railway Con¬tracts, 15
- Yorkshire Coke Trade, The, 150
- LSAF Arrestor, A, 326
- Leather, A New Artificial, (455)
Legal Intelligence:
- Metropolitan Railways Arbitration, 600, 609
- Pilkington v. The Yeakley Vacuum Hammer Company, 125
- Taff Vale Railway Company v. The Railway Servant? Union, (211)
Letters from our own Correspondents :
- America, Engineering Notes from, 22, 50, 101 210, 232, 288, 390, 416, 616
- America, Notes from, 25, 79, 106, 132, 161, 212, 234, 259, 286, 319, 369, 410, 469, 619, 566, 616
- Australia, Notes from, 133, 187, 319, 440, 560
- England, North of, 23, 62, 77, 105, 131, 159, 211, 233, 257, 287, 317, 341, 357, 391, 417, 411, 467, 493, 517, 641, 565, 691, 615, 639, 663
- Germany, 23, 53, 78, 106, 132, 161, 186, 213, 234 , 258, 289, 318, 343, 368, 392, 418, 442, 468, 494, 518, 512, 566, 592, 617, 610, 664
- Iron, Coal, and General Trades of Birming¬ham, Wolverhampton, and other Districts, 22, 51, 76, 101, 130, 159, 184, 211, 232, 257, 287, 317, 341, 366, 391, 416, 441, 466, 492, 517, 511, 561, 590, 615, 639, 662
- Lancashire, 22. 51, 77, 104, 130, 159, 184, 211, 257, 287, 317, 341, 367. 391, 416. 411, 493, 517, 541, 565, 590, 615, 639, 662
- Newport Harbour Commissioners’ Weekly Trade Reports, 24, 52, 106, 132, 160, 186, 212, 231, 258, 288, 318, 342, 363, 392, 413, 413, 468, 494, 516, 512, 566, 592, 616, 640
- Scotland, 21, 52, 78, 105, 132, 160, 186, 212, 234, 258, 288, 318, 312, 368, 392, 418, 442, 468, 494, 518, 512, 566, 592, 616, 640, 664
- Sheffield, 23, 51, 77, 105, 131, 159, 185, 211, 257, 286, 317, 341, 367, 391, 417, 441,
- 493, 517, 541, 565, 591, 615, 639, 653
- Wales and Adjoining Counties, 24 , 52, 78, 106, 132, 160, 186, 212, 233, 258, 288, 318, 342, 368, 392, 418, 442, 468, 494, 518, 542, 563, 592, 616, 610, 664
Letters to the Editor:
- American Locomotives in England, Mitla, 480 ; The Writer of the Articles, 513
- American Tariffs, Anthracite, 413
- Ancient Mariner of the Early Iron Ships, “Sharo,” 338
- Artesian Water Supply in Australia, H. G. McKinney, 338
- Balanced Slide Valves, Henry McLaren, 181
- Balancing of Locomotives—see Locomotives, Balancing
- Boiler, The Diirr, Dusseldorf-Ratinger Rohren- Kessel Fabrik, ICO
- Boilers, Water-tube (for J. Thornycroft and Co., Limited), H. Callaway, 513
- Boilers, Water-tube, Locomotive, Harold W. Boulton', 661
- Bridgework, English and American, A. Ricketts, 181; John Graham, 129
- Canal Relics, Rich. E. Prosser, 311
- Cast Iron Pipes in the United States, Clark, Harrison and Co., 101
- Catalogues, R. Gervase Elwes, 101
- Central London Railway, British Thomson-Houston Co., Limited, 229
- Centrifugal Fans, Testing, Wm. Gilbert, 388
- Centrifugal Force, Wm. Leighton Jordan, 130 ; Hamber WiIsod, 71
- Channel Steamers, Jas. A. Clarke, 413 ; A. G. S., 38
- Coal Consumption in Locomotives, Puzzled, 638
- Coal, Héraclée, C. A. Naville, 661
- Cobra, Loss of the, I. J. Leyland, 480; A. F. Yarrow, 427 ; N. D. Y., 462
- Colonial Patents, Patentee, 38
- Conical Bearings for Lathes, Hulse and Co., Limited, 71; A Turner, 130
- Contracts for Tools, A. R. E. T., 38
- Cylinder Lubrication, Experiments on, J. S. V, Bickford, 563 ; J. Veitch Wilson, 638
- Dalby’s Diagrams, Prof., R. H. Smith, £64
- Derailment of Tramcars, R. G. Randall, 888 ; Engineer, 310 ; Wheel Base, 513
- Driving Piles in Hard Sand, II. F. Donaldson, 427 ; F. F., 413
- Durr Boiler, The, Writer of the Article, 130
- Economy, New Source of, Dumbfounded, 101
- Electric Traction on Metropolitan Railways, Alf. Hanssen, 38
- Electric Tramway Extensions, J. J., 638
- Engineering in the Royal Navy, J. C. R. Okes, 310
- English v. German Manufacturers—the Other Side, Richard TaDgye, 586 ; X., 638
- Express Trains in Great Britain, B. E. Liddle, 413 ; Scrutator, 463
- Factory Legislation in Victoria, Ill Effects of, Fred Miller, 70
- Fire-box Stays, Hubert Henry, 19
- Fire-throwing from Locomotives, Jas. Baxter, 38, 129, 205, 427, 564 ; C. E. Cardow, 255 ; Alf. Cotton, 70, 181, 338, 413, 480, 637 ; K., 388 ; John Riekie, 613, 637; Tyro, 586, 637 ; J. C. Watson, 564, 661
- Fly-wheel Insurance, J. F. L. Crosland, 338
- Foreign Competition in the Iron and Engineering Trades, Gilbert Little, 564
- Free Trade and Fair Trade, Masbam, 564
- Free Trade and Protection, Harold Cox, 427
- Gas, Testing Power, Anthracite, 413
- Government Interference with Trade, An English Manufacturer, 564
- Graphic Statics, Practical, 539
- Great Western Locomotive Work, Karl Fitch, 229
- Gyroscope, Graphics of the, Wm. Leighton Jordan, 71, 229 ; Hamber Wilson, 19, 71, 205
- Héraclée Coal, C. A. Naville, 661
- Indian Locomotive Contracts, Fairplay, 427 ;
- Rolling Stock, 462 ; Kerr Stewart and Co., Limited, 426, 462
- Insanitary Angles, A. E. Parnacott, 661
- Iron, Colonial, A. B. Thomson, 539, 564
- Knottingley Boiler Explosion, W. Akhurst, 205 ; Wm. E. Borry, 229 ; Mernok, 181, 265
- Lagos Railway, The (for J. Westwood and Co., Limited), II. T. Rigby, 19
- Lathes, Conical Bearings for, Hulse and Co., Limited, 71 ; A. Turner, 130
- Leakage of Water-tube B diers, J. S. V. Biokford, 255
- Locomotives, American and English, W. Andrews, 100; Anglo American, 363 ; F. W. Brower, 38 ; W. A. D., 38 ; Enquirer, 130 ; L. H. F„ 100; R. Hope, 130; ü. M. L., 19 ; N. I). Macdonald, 146,181; John Riekie, 70, 100, 146 ; Chas. Rous-Marton, 146 ; Running Shed, 130
- Locomotives, Balancing of, B.Sc., 686
- Consumption of Coal in, Puzzled, 638
- Engineering in England and other Countries, On Recent Practice in, Rocket, 661
- Fire-throwing from — see Fire¬throwing from Locomotives for India, Britanniarum, 613
- Manufacturers, British Figures, 70
- Six-coupled Express, Edw. L. Coster, 229
- Six - coupled Passenger, Edw. Poultney, 256
- A Standard, John Riokie, 637
- “ Made in England for Germany,” “ Matthew C. Little," 130
- Metric System, Beechwood, 363, 413 ; J. B , 363 ; W. T. S. B., 413, 564 ; An Estimating Clerk, 480 ; Mining Clerk, 639 ; J. Johnston, 413; B. J., 388 ; Geo. T. McCaw, 480 ; W. Naylor, 388 ; Geo. T. Pardoe, 363, 427; H. W. S., 388
- Mining Machinery in South Africa, Anti-shoddy, 363
- Motor Car Design, Alf. J. Allen, 638
- Motor Car Expenses, John Hy. Knight, 38
- Munificent Salary, G. T. P., 311
- Niclausse Boilers, J. and A. Niclausse, 33, 180
- Normand-Segaudy Boiler, The, Augustin Normaud and Co., 564
- Oil Cars, Light, Chas. T. Crowden, 181
- Ostensible Economies, John Batey, 143
- Paris-Barlin Motor Car Race, S. F. Edge, 71
- Patents in Cyprus, Harris and Mills, 513
- South African, A. W. Ackermann, 539
- Pistons and Superheated Steam, J. B., 101; Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Limited, 146; David J. Smith, 146
- Propulsion of Rowing Boats, W. J. Blaxton, Railway Clerks and the Factories Bdl, J. E. S. Challener, 205
- Racing, F. C. Clayton, 38
- Speeds, A. Warburton, 71
- Traffic, Conduct of, Nil Desperandum, 101
- Refrigeration in the Navy, J. and E. Hall, Limited, 413
- R.H.S. Curves, Cassell and Co., Limited, 181
- Shipbuilders’ Tonnage, Annual Return of, for Wigham Richardson and Co., Limited, 463
- Sirocco Fan, Bnmsted and Chandler, 70, 181 ; Alf. Cotton, 100; S. C. Davidson, 70, 129, 146, 181, 228 ; Interested, 19,146 ; Marine, 181 : Miner, 100 ; Vortex, 101
- Spanish, Commercial, Manuel R. Amerigo, 205 Steamship Propulsion, Notes on the Theory of, Robt. Mansel, 143, 463
- Submarine Boats, Navalis, 228
- Trade Union Tyranny and Foreign Competition, A Non-union Mechanic, 462
- Trevithick, The Home of, (Rev ) E. Ambrose Crouch, 539
- Tunnelling by Compression in Clay, Jno. W. Branston, 255; Schemer, 229
- Turbines, Efficiency of, R. G. Morton, 205 ; Vortex, 205
- Valve Gear, G. Boner, 661
- Ventilation by Electricity, Henry Lea, 339
- Wagons, Large Mineral, Colliery Owner, 661 ;
- J. D. Twinberrow, 513, 586
- 30-Ton Railway, A Colliery Owner, 561
- LIBRARY, Mechanical Equipment of a Public, (211)
- Life-saving Apparatus, The Pollock Prize for, not Awarded, (303)
- Life-saving Apparatus, Shermuly’s, 59
- Lift Pump, Air, 119
- Light Rays from Porter-house Steaks, (653)
- Lighthouse on East Barnsness, noar Dunbar, Now, (173)
- Lighthouses in the Red Sea, (556)
- Lighting and Extinguishing Street Lamps, Automatic System, (381)
- Lightning Research, (288)
- Lightning Rock Drill, The, 340
- Lindsay, Mr. Jas., (303)
- Liquid Air Patents, Toe, (603)
- Liquid Fuel Burner, A Huge, 47
- Liquid Fuel at Sea, 414
- Liquid Hydrogen in Qianlities, Apparatus for Obtaining, (273)
- Liquids, Creeping of, Dr. F. T. Trouton on, (11)
- Literature:
- N.B.—Figures in brackets refer to Books Received and Short Notices.
- Algebra adapted to the Requirements of the First Stage of the Directory of the Board of Elucation, E. M. Langley and S. R. N. Bradley, (477)
- Algebraical Examples Supplementary to Hall and Knight’s Algebra for Beginners (Chapters i.— xxvii ), H. S. Hall, (598)
- American Ethnology, Seventeenth and Eight¬eenth Annual Reports of, ta the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Part I., (205)
- American Mines Annual, 1902, (647)
- Arts and Handicrafts, Useful, Planned by
- C. G. Leland, Vol. iii., containing Books numbered 27 to 39 inclusive, (598)
- Banking, Notes on the Origin and Development of, A. D. Cochrane (638)
- Banks and their Customers, Henry Warren, (360)
- Boilers, Water-tube, Basod on a Course of Lectures delivered at University College, L-.s'ie S. Robertson, (548)
- Brassfounders* Alloys, John F. Buchanan, (477)
- Bridge Construction, Practical Treatise on, T. Claxton Fidler, (477), 548
- Bridges in Stone and B.-ick, Oblique, Theoretical and Practical Treatise on, Francis Campin, (360), 511
- Building Construction, First Stage, Brysson Cunningham, (435)
- Calculus, Elementary Treatise on the (Illus¬trated), Geo. A. Gibson, (698)
- Cement Users’ and Buyers’ Guide, by Calcare. (409)
- Centrifugal Pump, Turbines, and Water Motors : Including the Theory and Praotice of Hydraulics, C. H. Innes, (618)
- Chemical Analysis and Foundry Chemistry, Methods of, by Frank L. Crobaugb, (673)
- Chemin de Fer Metropolitain de Paris, par A Dumas, 598 ,
- Commercial French in Two Parts, W. M. Poole and Michel Becker. (638)
- Commercial Knowledge, by Algernon Warron, (435)
- Company Formation, Byrne’s Guide to, (435)
- Cost Accounts of an Engineer and Ironfounder, Paper by J. W. Best, (47)
- Cyanide Process of Gold Extraction, A Text- book by Jae. Park, (477)
- Daily Mail Year-book, 1902, (647)
- Dampfmaschine, Geschichte der, von Conrad Matschoss, (573)
- Duncan's Manual of Tramways, Omnibnsrs, and Electric Railways of the United Kingdom, and the Foreign and Colonial Companies Registered in England, T. J. Whiting and Sons, Limited, (63)
- Economic Disposal of Town’s Refuse, by W. Francis Goodrich, 63
- Electrical Engineering Formulae, Pocket-book of, by W. Geipel and M. Hamilton Kilgour, (68)
- Electrical Engineering Testing, G. D, Aspinall Parr, (435)
- Electrical Laboratory and Testing-room, Hand¬book for, J. A. Fleming, Vol. i., (205)
- Electrical Stations, Central, their Design, Organisation, and Management, by Chas. H. Wordingham, 572, 598
- Electrician’s Pocket-book for 1902, The Practi¬cal, (647)
- d’Electriciié, Recueil de Problt-mes, par A. Roudot, (435)
- Elementary Statics, Treatise on, for the Use of Schools and Colleges, W. J. Dobbs, (454)
- Engine, Boiler, and Employers’ Liability Insur¬ance Company, Limited, Report for 1900, 307
- Engineering Price List, The, Jas. Truscott and Son,(205)
- Euclid’s Elements and Geometry, Books I. to IV., VI., and XL, Edited by C. Smith and Sophie Bryant, 150
- Every Man’s Own Lawyer, by a Barrister, (598)
- Expertises et Arbitrages, par F. Rigand, (83)
- Field Manual for Engineers, Pniletus 11. Phillbick, 177
- Food, The Cost of, a Study in Dietaries, by Ellen H. Richards, (573)
- Foundry Patterns, Construction of, Elementary Manual, Herbert Aughtie, (638)
- Gas Manufacture, Modern Appliances in, Fletcher W. Stevenson, (360)
- Gas and Water, Michael and Will on the Law Relating to, (435)
- Gasworks’ Directory and Statistics, 1901-2, The Waterworks’ Directory and Statistics, 1901-2, (548)
- Geometry, Elementary, Plane, and Solid, Thos. F. Holgate, (177)
- Geometry, Plane and Solid, Arthur Schultzs and F. L. Sevenoak, (83)
- Geometry Primer, Comprising the Subject Matter of Euclid, I.—IV., Treated by the Methods of Pure Geometry, H. W. Croome, (435)
- Gesteinskunde fiir Techniker, Bergingenieure und Studierende der Naturwissenschaften, Professor Dr. F. Rinne, (435), 477
- Glasgow and the West of Scotland, Local Industries of, Edited by A. McClean, (409)
- Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College Calendar for. Session 1901-1902, (63), (205)
- Gold, Prospecting for, by D. J. Rankine, (598)
- Great Western Expresses, 1901, P. J. Vinter, 477
- Graphic Statics, Vo). II., G, F. Charnock, 476
- High Temperature Measurements, H. le Chatelier and O. Boudouard, (360), 477
- d’Histoire Contemporaine, Un Point. Le Voyage de l’Impératrice Frédéric a Paris, en 1891, by Gaston-Routier, (477)
- Hopkinson, John, Original Papers of the late, Edited, with Memoir, by B. Hopkinson, (177)
- House Drainage and Sanitary Fittings, By¬laws made by the London County Council as to, (177)
- Hydrauhc and other Tables for Purposes of Sewerage and Water Supply, Thos. Hennell, 150
- Hydraulics, Treatise on, Henry T. Bovey, (477)
- Indicator Hand-book, Practical Manual for
- Engineers, Chas, N. Pickworth, Part II., (3t0). (598)
- Institution of Civil Engineers, Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings, Session 1900-1901. (177), (360), (573)
- Institution of Junior Engineers, Record of “Transactions,” Vol. x., Edited by W. T. Dunn_, (47)
- Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, ‘1 Trans¬actions ” of the, Tenth Session, 1900-1901 Vol. ix., 511
- Institution of Naval Architects, “Transactions” of the, Vol, xliii., Edited by G. R. Dunell and R. W. Dana, (477)
- Knowledge Diary and Scientific Hand-book for 1902, (598)
- Konder.sation : Ein Lihr und Handbuch, von r F. J. Weiss, (648)
- Kriegsflotten, Taschenbuoh der Deutschen und der Fremden, Brung Weyer, (598), 646
- Laboratory Companion to Fats and Oils Industries, Dr. J. Lewkowitsoh, (598)
- Liverpool Engineering Society, Calendar of the, Vol. xxii., Edited by R. C. F. Annett. (205)
- L veipaol'I riah of Motor Vehicles for Heavy Trattic, June 3rd to 7th, 1901, (477)
- Logarithm®, Introduction to the Practical Use of, with Examples in Mensuration, F. Glan- ville Taylor, 150
- London, Local, Municipal Directory for Metro¬polis and Suburbs, 1901-1902, (177)
- London University Guide for the Year 1901- 19 )2, (598)
- Machines Marine Motrices ; dcs Machines Auxiliares ; des Machines A Pé’roleet A Osz, Traité Prati<1U0> Par J- Girard, (177),
- Manchester, Port or, Illustrated History of the Manchester Ship Canal, W. Burnett Tracy, (409,
- Map^of South Wales Coalfield, Goo. E. G irdon,
- Maps, Their Uses and Construction, G, Jas. Morrison, (177)
- Marine Boiler Management and Construction, being a Treatise on Boiler Troubles and Ro- pairs, &o., by C. E. Stromeyer, (63)
- Marino Engineers' Guide to Board of Trade Examinations, by A. C. and E. W. I. Wannan, (477)
- Mathematics for Beginners, Practical, Frank Castle, (360)
- Matriculation Directory, No. xxxM June, 1901, (63)
- Mechanical Drawing, for the Use of the Naval Cadets at the United States Naval Academy, F. W. Bartlett, (360)
- Mechanical Engineers' Pocket-book for 1902, Fowler’s, (598)
- Mechanical World Pocket Diary and Year-book for 1902, (454)
- Mechanics' Almanac and Workshop Com¬panion for 1902, Calvert’s, (598)
- Mesnres Electriquos Iodustrielles, Instruments et Méthodes de, H. Armagnat, (573)
- Metalliferous Minerals and Miniog, Treatise on, D. C. Davies, (177)
- Metal-working Tools and their Uses, Hand book for Amateur Mechanics, Percival Marshall, (360)
- Mineralogy Simplified, Easy Methods of Identi¬fying Mineria's, including Ores, by Means of the Blow-pipe, &c., by II. Erm, (598)
- Miners’ Pocket-book, C. G. Warnford Lock, (454)
- Mining Calculations for the Use of Students, T. AtO’Donahue, (598)
- Mining Manual for 1901, W. R. Skinner. 150
- Moteurs Asynchrones I’olyphasées, Méthode Pratique pour Calculer les, Roy de la Tour, (598)
- Motors in Principle and Practice, by T. H. Hawley, with Appendix by F. II. Bramley,
- Office Reckoner, The “ Ideal,” by J. G. Inglis, (573)
- Paper Folding, T. Sandara Low’s Geometric Exercises in, (477)
- Physical Determinations, by W. R. Kelsey, (409)
- Physics, Intermediate Practical, Manual for Students, J. B. Wilkinson, 646
- Practical Engineer Electrical Pocket-book for 1902, and the Practical Engineer Pocket¬book for 1902, Published by Technical Pub¬lishing Company, Manchester, (477)
- Process Year-book, The, 1901, (647)
- Protection, Views of a Manufacturer, G. Byng, (647)
- Public Health and Housing, John F. Sykes, (454)
- Railway Diary and Officials’ Directory, 1902, (647)
- Railway Medals and Tokens, by G. W. J. Potter, 63
- Railway Officials, Universal Directory of 1901, (177)
- Rhodes’ Steamship Guide, 1901-2, (177)
- Roads, Construction and Maintenance, with Special Reference to Road Materials, Allan Greenwell and J. V. Elsden, (477), 548
- Roads and Streets, Construction of, Henry Law and D. K. Clark, (360)
- Royal Navy List, Diary, and Naval Hand-book for 1902, (638)
- Sanitary Engineering, Colonel E. C. S. Moore, 376
- Sinitary Fitting and Plumbing, G. Lister Sut¬cliffe, (477)
- Sanitary Record Year-book and Diary for 1902, (647)
- Sanitation, Hand-book on, Geo. M. Price, (573)
- Scientific Research, a View from Within, by Stephen Smith, (477)
- Schweizerische Bergbabnen, Nos. 3 und 4 of Die Industrielle n. Commeizielle Schweiz beim Eintritt ins XX. Jahrhundert, 572
- Sewage and the Bacterial Purification of Sewage, by Sam. Rideal, 359
- Ships, All the World’s Fighting, Founded and Edited by F. T. Jane, 7
- Smithsonian Institution, Annual Report of the Board of Regents of, (638)
- Smoke, Prevention of, Combined with the Economical Combustion of Fuel, W. C. Popplewell, (409)
- Smokeless Powder, Nitro-cellulose, and Theory of the Cellulose Molecule, John B. Bernadon, (360)
- South Africa, Guide to, for the Use of Tourists, Sportsmen, Invalids, and Settlers, Edited by A. S. and G. G, Brown, (638)
- Statics, Treatise on Elementary, for the Use of Schools and Colleges, W. J. Dobbs, 511
- Steam Engineering, (360)
- Steel Ships, their Construction and Mainten¬ance, by Thos, Walton, (83), 360
- Submarine Navigation, Past and Present, A Scientific Quarterly, Alan H. Burgoyno, (83)
- Telephone System of the British Post-office, Practical Hand-book, T. E. Herbert, (83)
- Thermodynamics, Notes on, Part I., H. W. Spangler, (360)
- Torpedoes and Torpedo Vessels, Lieut. G. E. Armstrong, 150
- Traction Electrique, Production et Distribution de l’Energie pour la, par Henry Martin, (454)
- Valuers, Hints ta Young, Practical Treatise on the Valuation of Property, by Anthony R. Cragg, (47)
- Watch Calculator and the Slide R Je, The Use and Working of, (360)
- Workmen's Compensation Act, 1897 and 1900, with Notes and an Appendix, W. Addington Willis, (83)
- Year-book of theScientifioand Learned Societies of Great Britain and Ireland, Compiled from Official Sources, (698)
- LIVERPOOL Self-propelled Traffic Association, 172
- Locking-bar Pipes, Manufacture of, in Australia, by S. Ransome, 545, 655
- Lubrication, Cylinder, 563
- L'drmann, Herr, On Utilisation of Blast Furnace Gases for the Production of Power, 1
- " MACADAM ” a Misnomer, The Name, (653)
- Machine Grinding, Fine, Mr. Renold on, 513
- Machine Tools, Bar Sawing-off and Centering Machine, Carter and Wright, 228
- Machine Tools, Contracts for, 38
Machine Tools and thelp Use in Loco¬motive Shops Supplement:
- December 13th, 1901
- Machine Tools, Glasgow Exhibition, 113,193, 253, 378, 379
- Machine Tools, Glasgow Exhibition, Selig, Sonnenthal and Cr, s, 378, 379
- Machine Tools, Ni w, Cunliffeand Croom, Limited, 387
- Machine Toole, Screw Milling Machines (Liebert’s Patent), J. Holroyd and Co,, Limited, (257)
- Machinery, Effect of, on Wages, (605)
- Machines Exported from and Imported into Germany, Increase in the, (381)
- Machines Imported into and Exported from Germany last year, (303)
- McKinley, President, 305
- “ Made in England ” for Germany, 180
- Malachite, New South Walos, (219)
- Manchester's Industrial Developments, 156
- Manchester Sewage, and Bacterial Treatment of, (248), (413)
- Manchester Sewage Disposal Works, (256)
- Manganese Ore Production in Italy, 1899 and 1900,(579)
- Manufacturers, English v. German, The Other Side, 586, 638
- Manufacturer's View, The, 471, 498
- Map of Dominica, Plan, 48
- Map showing District of Electric Power Supply on the Tyne, 293
- Marine Works at Naples, 138
- Master Cutler, Mr. A. R. Ellin Installed as, (367)
- Mathematics, Teaching of, Prof. Perry on the, 325, (331), 833
- Mathematics, Warships and, 396
- Mathot Pressure Recorder, The, (447)
- May-Oatway Fire Alarms for the Ilford Town Hall, (629)
- Mechanical Equipment of a Public Library, (211)
- Mechanics in West Australia, Demand for, (355)
- Merchant Venturers' Technical College, 18
- Meldrum Breeze Furnace, The, 272
- Metal Industry, 1900, Swedish, 178
- Metallurgical Industries of Russia. (48), (50)
- Metals, Testing, M. Charpy’s Method, 609
- Metric System, 268, 276, 355, 363, 388, 413, 427, 480, 639, 564
- Metric System of Weights and Measures, Wall Diagram of, (355)
- Metric System in Workshops, Mr, Greenwood on the, 268, 276
- Mica, Yarmouth, N.S., (199)
- Micanite for Insulating Purposes, Substitute for, (199)
- Michigan College of Mines, Appropriation received from the Michigan Legislature, (22)
- Mill, Boring, Niles Tool Works Co., 576
- Mill, Boring and Turning, Geo. Richards and Co., Limited, 489
- Mill, Double Baring and Turning, 361, 362
- Mill, Portable Stamp, 152
- Mills, Rolling, Sheffield, 545
- Mills, Tide, 49
- Milling Machines, 193, 253, 254
- Milling Machines, Glasgow Exhibition, 193
- Milling Machines, Screw, J. Holroyd and Co , (257)
- Mineral Deposits which might be Utilised in Palestine, (405)
- Mineral Oils Exported from United States from 1876 to 1900, Value of, (173)
- Mineral Production, Indian Empire, (579)
- Minerals raised in the United Kingdom in 1900, Output and Value of, (455)
- Mineral Traffic, Goods and, 421
- Mines, Copper and Lead, Lanzi, Pisa, 153
- Mines, New Timbering Rules, (467)
- Mining Industry, Ontario, (147)
- Mining Industries in Russia, (39)
- Mining Machinery in South Africa, 363
- Mining and Metallurgy, Dividends Paid by American Companies interested in, (508)
- Mining and Metallurgy, Papers read at the Institution of, by Mr. Thomas, Mr. Truscott, and Mr. H. L. Short, 576
- Mining Section at tho Glasgow Congress, Papers read, 244, 298
- Mirlees Watson Co., Limited, Triple Crushing Plant, Indian Sugar Industry, 190 Morgan, Mr. Walter, (132)
- Morley Memorial College in need of Funds, (381)
Motor Cars:
- Alcohol, 358
- Alcohol, Show of and Trials of, in France in November, (303), 475, 535
- Aldershot Trials, 177, (355), 582, 601, 604, (629), (653)
- Automobile Club, Annual Dinner, (431); and Tour from London to Southsea, (531)
- Automobile Club, a 500 Miles’ Run, (119)
- Automobile Club, Prize Offered for Best Method of Preventing Dust (508)
- Automobile Club, The Irish, (69)
- Automobile Exhibition, Copenhagen, (579)
- Boilers of Steam, to be Subjected to Inspection in Chicago, (303)
- Builder Fined for Driving without Licence, (481)
- Car Design, 638
- Cars, to Convey the Russian Mails across the Caucasus, (381)
- Change-speed Gear for, (93)
- Competition for Self-propelled Lorries for Military Purposes, (355)
- Cost of Racing, 38
- Daimler, Ordered by the King, (659)
- Drives for Consumptive Patients, (331)
- Electric, Mr. E. A. Sperry on, (111
- Electric, in America, Run of 187
- Miles on One Battery Charge,(331)
- Electric, Record Run from London to Glasgow, (455)
- Experimented with as a Delivery Van, by the Caledonian Railway Company, (455)
- Fined, (248), (273), (303), (355), (405), (431), (508)
- German, at the Manrcuvres, (199), (303)
- Heavy Traffic, 172, (454), 458, (481)
- Import Duty on, in Franco, (629)
- Irish Automobile Club Tour, (69)
- Light Oil, by Capt. G. C. Longridge, 2, 28, 58, 81 ; Letter on, by C. T. Crowden, 111, (181)
- Light Steam Cars, Mr. T. J. B. Drayton on, (511)
- Liverpool Self-propelled Traffic Association, Trials and Awards, and Judges’ Report, (11), 172, 458, (481)
- “ Locomobile ” on Steam, 622
- London County Council on the Registration of, (11)
- Lorries for Military Parposes, 177, (355), 582, 601, 604, (629), (653)
- Oil-propelled Motor Wagons, Liverpool Trials, (11)
- Oil-propelled, M. Fournier’s Run in New York at a Rate of 70 Miles an Hour, (531)
- Postal Wagons in Australia and in Paris, (405), (455)
- Wagon Service for Goods between Manchester, Liverpool, and Blackburn, (653)
- Q ladricycles for use on Cape Lines, (579)
- Race, Paris-Berlin, 5, 44, 45, 55, 71
- Racer Rigal’s Record Mile, (605)
- Racing, Outcry against, 250
- Recommendations of the Main Roads Com¬mittee of the Lancashire Council with refer¬ence to, (120)
- Resolutions Passed by the County Council’s Association regarding, (579)
- Run made with One Charge on an Electric, (11)
- Service between Piccadilly and Putney, (331)
- Service in the German Manoeuvres, (199), (303)
- Speed Regulations, French Legislation with Regard to, (303)
- Steam, 622, (653)
- Steam and Petroleum, Competitive Speed, (531)
- Straker Steam Lorry, Driver of the, Fined at the Aldershot Trials, (629)
- Taxation of, in France, and other Regulations for, (39), (273)
- Tractors for Military Service, (451), (455)
- Trials under the Auspices of the Glasgow Exhibition, 221, 277, 435
- Utilisation of, for Carrying Parcels from London to Brighton, (405)
- Utilisation of, for Collection of Letters in Australia, (405)
- Vehicles for Heavy Traffic, Awards of the Third Trials of, 172
- Vebiclei for Military Purposes, 177, 355), 582, 601, 604, (629), 638, (653)
- Wagons, Oil-propelled, Liverpool Trials, (11)
- War-office Trials of, 177, (355), 582, 601, 604, (629), 634, (653)
- Wear of Roads by, Mr. W. Worby Beaumont on, 21
- MOULDING Machine, The Bryan Vacuum, (579)
- NAPHTHA Industry, South Russia, (39)
- Naphtha in the Urals, Successful Boring for, (173)
- National Gallery, Electric Light should be Intro¬duced, (455)
Naval Engineer Appointments:
- 3, 34, 78, 139. 186, 201, 235, 255, 272, 336, 377, 425, 470, 485, 538, 566, 583, 609, 633, 652
- Naval Engineers. Position of, 102
- Naval Gunnery, by Rear-Admiral S. Eirdly-Wil- mot, 448
- Naval Gunnery, Revolution in, 334
- Naval War Game, The, F. T. Jane, 197
- New York and the Great Lakes, 221
- New York Stock Exchange, New Building for, (431)
- Nickel, Chromium, and Platinum in the United States, (556)
- Nickel, Electrolytic Deposit of, Herr Kugel's Invention, (224)
- Nickel Production in Norway, (93)
- Nile, Utilisation of the, 14
- Norway, Population of, (93)
- Norwegian Imports and Exports, (556)
- Norwegian Trade, Important Feature of, (556)
- Notched Bars, M. Cnarpy’s Experiments upon,
- Nottingham, Electric Street-sweeping and Water¬ing, (579)
- Arnison, Mr. Geo. N., (248)
- Barclay, Mr. Hugh, (147)
- Baynes, Lieut. T. J., (597)
- Binnie, Lady, (331)
- Bunter, Mr. J. C., (39)
- Burrows, Mr. Abraham, (211)
- Caird, Mr. Geo. S., (431)
- Chadwick, Mr. John, (233)
- Colville, Mr. John, 221
- Cramp, Mr. H. W., (393)
- Dixon, Sir Raylton, 117
- Forsyth, Mr. R. A., (468)
- Foster, Mr. J. B., (38)
- Hall, Mr. John, (303)
- Hamilton, Mr. John, (147)
- Hanley, Mr. Sam, (11)
- Henderson, Mr. John, (93)
- Irvine, Mr. Robert, (131)
- Kinipple, Walter Robert, 583
- Laing, Sir James, 633
- Laird, Sir Wm., (186)
- Laurance, Mr. J. H., (494)
- Lawson, Captain, John, (579)
- Morgan, Mr. Walter, (132)
- Osbourne, Mr. James, (318)
- Palfreeman, Mr. John, (121)
- Phillips, Mr. Robt., (233)
- Pope, Mr. Sam., (106)
- President McKinley, 276, 305
- Rixson, Mr. Francis, (11)
- Rogers, Mr. Jacob S. (his Will), (39)
- Southan, Mr. John, (257)
- Starley, Mr. John Kemp, (451)
- Stefani, Dr., (199)
- Stewart, Mr. Andrew, 221
- Tait, Prof., 124
- Tessier, Mr. E. L., 583
- Thomas, Mr. Jas., (132)
- Viragh, Herr Joseph, (455)
- Wardell, Mr. F. Newby, (508)
- Weatherley, Mr. Thos., (342)
- Wilson, Mr Henry, 514
- OIL in Bulk, Carriage of, 585
- Oil Field, Beaumont, Texas, (519), (616)
- Oil Gas Generator, A New, 625
- Oil Industry, Baku, Development of, British Ma¬chinery Favoured,(273)
- Oil Industry in Florence, The Olive, (653)
- Oil Pipe Line from Baku to Baton m, (147)
- Oil, Russian Bulk Kerosene, The First Shipment to Australia, (187)
- Oils, Value of Mineral, Exported from United States, from 1876 to 1900, (173)
- Fortress Guns Round the whole Seaboard of Great Britain, (337)
- Gathmann Gun Tests at Sandy Hook, (331)
- Guns for American Warships, Plans before the United States Naval Board of Construction, (66)
- Guns, Ancient Chinese Bronze, brought to Ger¬many from Pekin, (481)
- Gun, Company Promoted by General Wheeler to Make a New, Invention by which the Recoil is Neutralised, (531)
- Gun Disposition, Various Systems of (M. Méchain’s), 609
- Gan Explosions, 327
- Guns, French Big, Commandant Guye, 179
- Gun, A New Dynamite, United States, (566)
- Gun, New 10-Pounder Mountain, adopted by the Government, (653)
- Guns, Old, Purchased by Mr. T. W. Ward, (508)
- Gun, 16in., at Watervleit Arsenal, Range and Projection of, (405)
- Guns, 6ir>. Mark VII., at Southsea Castle, The New, 47
- Gun, Trials at Woolwich with a New Austrian Field, (605)
- Ignition in Small Arms and Artillery, Develop¬ment of the Mode of, 74, 168, 230, 302, 379
- Machine Gun, Hotchkiss, 380
- More Guns, 275
- Naval, Lient. A. Trevor Dawson on, 116, 124
- Naval Gunnery, by Rear-Admiral S. Eardley-Wilmot, 448
- Naval Gunnery, A Revolution in, 334
- Naval Gunnery Trials at Portsmouth, (481)
- Pistol, Mauser, 380
- Rifles, Fiühwinh, and Spanish Mauser, 379, 380
- Telescope Gun Sight, Sir Howard Grubb’s, (199)
- ORE Crushed in Queensland in June, 1901, (156)
- Ore, Tungsten, in Arizona and Nevada, (531)
- Orling Torpedo, The, 434
- Osbourne, Mr. Jas., (318)
- Ostensible Economies, 96, 143
- Oxygen Content of Air, M. Mazza’s Machine for Increasing the, (199)
- PALFREEMAN, John, 124
- Paper and Cardboard Production, Roumania „ (147>
- Paper and Pulp Works in the United States, 661
- Passman’s Vertical Tubular Boiler, 310
- Pasteur Institute at Kasauli, Patients Treated at, (173)
- Patents for Coal- tar Products Taken out by English and German Firms, (629)
- Patents, Colonial, 38
- Patents in Germany, Applications for, (303)
- Patent Liw, New Japanese, (503)
- Patents, The Liquid Air, (603)
- Patent Nut and Bolt Company, Final Meeting of Shareholders, (24)
- Patent-office Library, (226)
- Patents, Ro-instatcment of (224)
Patents, Selected American:
- Air Compressor, G. S. Binkley, 134
- Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys, Welding, M. Schmidt. 214
- Ash Ejector, H. See, 260
- Billet-making Machines, W. B. Hughes, 290
- Boilers, Steam, J. B. Bender, 394
- Boiler, Water-tube, M. H. Robinson, 370
- Boiler, Water-tube, R. Schulz, 80
- Bolt, Flexible Stay, J. B. Barnes, 214
- Bosh of Blast Farnaces, A. Sahlio, 80
- Brick Carrier, J. H. Zirckel, 290
- Briquetting Machine, J. T. Davis, 544
- Burning Cement, Gypsum, &c., W. Lessing, 544
- Casting Metal, J. B. F. Herreshoff, 54
- Chain, Drive, L. Schildknecht, 666
- Coal Dust, Producing and Carrying into Fur¬naces, F. de Camp, 594
- Coil for Electro-magnets, E. F. Dyer, 496
- Compressor and Pump, A. G. Enock, 666
- Condenser, H. D. Baragwanath, 666
- Connecting-rod, C. H. Howland-Sherman, 290
- Cooling Pistons and Piston-rods of Gas or other Motors, H. E. Ebbs, 344
- Conplings, Three-ball Metallic Flexible Joint, G. W. Shields, 496
- Crane, Hoisting, J. Macbeth, 520
- Crosshead, H. C. Clay, 444
- Cylinder Head for Motors, E. Heirman, 441
- Door Knob and Bell, Combined, J. W. Free¬man, 444
- Driving Mechanism, Frictional, A. A. Carson. 108
- Electrio Lighting System, A. J. Wurts, 260
- Electro Dynamic Propulsion, System of Rosen¬feld, Zolenxy, and Dulait, 188
- Engines, Charge Mixer for Internal Combus¬tion, C, H. Bryant, 344
- Engine, Combined, Compound, and Somi- compound, M. L. Whitfield, 568
- Engines, Compound, S. M. Vauclain, 108
- Engines, Fluid-pressure, E. A. Stark, 103
- Engines, Gas, Petroleum, or like, H. Schwarz, 394
- Engine Governor, Explosion, C. R. Daellenbacb, 162
- Engines, Explosive, E. C. Birdsall, 612
- Engine, Rotary, F. G. Bates, 26
- Engine, S team-generating Explosion, L. Renault, 134
- Engines, Vaporising Device for Crude Oil Explosive, F. van Duzen, 188
- Excentric, C. Linstrom, 188
- Exnaust Valve Mechanism, A. B. de Bouvand, 290
- Explosives, Shells for High, L. Gathmann, 214
- Fan or Pump. Centrifugal, S. C. Davidson, 260
- Gas Barner, J. Franklin, 54
- Gas and Coke, Manufacture of Illuminating, E. R. Besenfelder, 188
- Gas, Process of Making, L. Mond, 134
- Gearing, I. H. Venn, 394
- Gearing, Worm. N. C. Bassett, 642
- Grating Bars, W. II. Larmore, 594
- Grinding or Crushing Rolls, T. A. Edison, 260
- Guns, Charging, Dawson and Horne, 54
- Guns, Support for Field, Meigs and Stout, 26
- Hammer, Pneumatic, M. A. Yeakley, 544
- Heat of Steam, Utilising, O. P. Ostergreu, 420
- Hinge, Double-acting Spring, F. D. Hammond, 108
- Hot-blast Stoves, Cleaning, Richards and Lewis, 320
- Hydraulic Controller for Gun Carriage, A. Kampf, 320
- Indicator, Steam Engine, J. L. Robertson, 444
- Injector, C. Priismann, 642
- Joint-pressure Balance Swivel Pipe, T. W. Moran, 260
- Lubricator, C. Slater, 54
- Meter, Fluid, H. H. Frost, 370
- Meter, Rotary Watsr, H. Reisert, 214
- Microscope, Binocular, J, Kroulik, 568
- Motor, Alternating-current, C. and M. T.
- Eickemeyer and R. Eickemeyer, jun.. 470
- Mould for Stoel Castings, W. Brinton, 80
- Nut-locks, S. S. Jamison, 108
- Ordnance, Limbering or Unlimbering Heavy, M. Paul and P. Sock, 314
- Ordnance, Shoulder-pointed, A. Normand, 162
- Ordnance. Wire-wound Guns, W. Crozier, 162
- Packing, Throttle-rod, T. G. Saxton, 290
- Pipe, Ribbed, W. B. Williams, 618
- Propeller Shaft Support, Parsons and Wass, 5 4
- Pump, Centrifugal, J. Richards, 520
- Pump, Direct-acting Air. F. M. Wheeler, 290
- Pump, Fuel Supply, L. H. Nash, 290
- Railway Rolling Stock, Draught Gear for, C, Vanderbilt, 541
- Riveting Machine, J. H. Allen, 260
- Riveter, Pneumatic, J. A. Carlisle, 370
- Sand-blasting Device, H. B Prosser, 162
- Sawing Iron Bars, R. B. Charlton, 594
- Scales, Perforated Mensuration, A. B. Johnson, 618
- Separator, T. Miller, 26
- Shafts, Means for Equalising Speed of, W. L. R. Emmet, 134
- Stay-bolt for Steam Boilers, J. II. Davenport, 320
- Steam Traps, Compound, T. P. Ford, 236
- Steel, Compressing Liquid, H. Ilarmet, 618
- Steel, Open-hearth, S. T. and C. H. Wellman, 420
- Steering Mechanism for Motor Vehicles, H. F. Shaw, 80
- Stoker, Mechanical, A. Hafmann, 134
- Superheater, W. Schmidt, 444
- Surveying Instrument, W. F. Widmayer, 320
- Switch and Signal Mechanism, Byers and Shafer, 260
- Terminal for Pneumatic Carriers, II. Bitner, 520
- Thrust Bearing. J. Holt, 236
- Tools, Edged, C. D. Zeigler, 420
- Tube Cutter, L. W. Siple, 666
- Tube Ends, Closing, II. Callaway, 290
- Turbine, A. Hendry, 162
- Type-casting, Metal Pump for, F. Wicks, 26
- Valve, Rotary Cut-off, C. Piquet, 470
- Valve, Steam-distributing Engine, We'ghton and Morrison, 594
- Vaporiser for Gas Engines, J. Eckhard, 260
- Water Module or Delivery Regulator, C. E. Livesay, 470
- Water Wheel, G. Gocher, 594
- PATENTS, South African, 539
- Pavement, Mr. S. Whinery’s Patent, (24)
- Paving Material, New, (173)
- Peat Beds of the German Empire, (531)
- Peat Briquettes, 228
- Peat Fibre, Wool Made from, (303)
- Peat Fuel in Canada, Manufacture of Gas from, (173)
- Peat Fuel in Germany, (331)
- Peat Fuel for Locomotives in Sweden, (601)
- Peat Fuel on Swedish Railways, Trials of, (508)
- Pemba, East Africa, Brick and Tile Factory Much Needed in, (93)
- Persia, High Road from Cazvin to Djulfa, Concession to Build Refused to Russian and Granted to Persian Company, (120)
- Petroleum Company, The Shell Company’s Guffery, Reported Purchaser of, (605)
- Petroleum Institute, The, 489
- Petroleum in the United States in 1900, Total Production of Crude, (508)
- Peru, Artificial Irrigation Needed, 110
- Peru, Copper Industry in, (93)
- Peru, Monetary System of, (93)
- Phillips, Mr. Robert, (233)
- Photographic Dry Plates Cut with a Diamond on the Side Opposite the Film, Effect Produced, (381)
- Photographs, Geometric Interpretation of, Mr. J. B. Lee on the, 609
- Phthisis, Electric Treatment of, Mr. Chisholm Williams on, (248)
- Physical Laboratory, The National, (111)
- Pipe, Cast Iron, in the United States, 10
- Pipes, Locking-bar, The Manufacture of, in West Australia, by Stafford Ransome, 545, 555
- Pipes, Subways for, 34
- Piston, Corliss and Double-beat Valves, Mr. Vanderstegen on, 588, 661
- Pistol, A New Automatic, 678
- Pistons for Superheated Steam, 101, 146
- Planing Machine, 16ft., Electrically-driven, J. Butler and Co., 153
- Platelayers Wanted in Natal, (355)
- Plate Mills in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, Company to Unite many, (556)
- Platinum, Demand, Supply, and Price of, (381)
- Plough, Antiquity of the, (531)
- Ploughs, Light Iron, Openings for in Egyptian Soudan, (405)
- Plywel Horse Gear, The, (538)
- Pneumatic Tools, Portable, (101)
- Polytechnic, South-west, (255)
- Portland Cement, (69)
- Portland Cemont Factories, German and American, (93)
- Post-office Boxes in Germany, Introduction of, (303)
- Post-office London Directory, (633)
- Power Hammers, 125
- President of the United States, 276
- Press and Progress, 430
- Production, Maximum, 483
- Professor and the Gas Engine, The, (184)
- Propeller Fan, The Wing, 649
- Prussia, Population of, (481)
- Pomp, Air Lift, 119
- Pump, Automatic Receiver and Feed, Dowson, Taylor and Co., (185)
- Pamp, Bore Tube, 657
- Pump, Electric Air, 614
- Pump and Engine, Air, 613, 614
- Pump, Rope-driven, Joseph Evans and Sons, 20
- Pumping Engine at Lindal Mines, 141
- Pumping Machinery for Gainsborough, New, 92
- Pumping Plants, 515
- Pumps, Electro-motor Driven, Mather and Platt, 215
- Pumps for Sheerness Dockyard, (472)
- Purdie, Dr., Offer to Build and Equip a Chemical
- Research Department at St. Andrew’s Uni¬versity, (579)
- Queensland, Ore Crushed in June, 1901, (147), (156)
- RAILWAYS, British and Colonial: Electric: Foreign: Light: News, Various : Locomotives: Permanent Way : Rolling Stock.
Railway Accidents:
- Ashton-under-Lyne, Derailment at, (199)
- Bilbao, (381)
- Board of Trade’s Rsturn, (120), (331), (455)
- Burma, Embankments Injured by Heavy Rains, (199)
- Chester-le-Street, Block on Main Line at, (199)
- Darlington Station, Collision at, (93)
- Flying Scotchman, Narrow Escape, (481)
- Germany, Employés Killed by Leaning Out of Trains, (39)
- Highland Scotch Express, Brake Van on Fire, (381)
- India, Collision near Cawnpore, (199)
- Kilmarnock, Major Pringle’s Report on, (273)
- Lanarkshire and Ayrshire Line, (224)
- Lancashire and Yorkshire Express, Collision
- with Pilot Engine at Todmorden, (481)
- Lancashire and Yorkshire, Victoria Station,
- Manchester, G. Grocott’s Claim, (147)
- Level Railway Crossing, Last Year’s due to, (120)
- Landon and North-Western, Adventurous Run of the Flyer, (303)
- London and North-Western, Serious Goods Accident, Llanrindrod, (556)
- Landon and North-Western, High Ptak Branch, Mr. S. Hanley Killed, (11)
- London and North-Western, Rhymney Bridge Station, (199)
- London and North-Western, Wigan Station, (531)
- St. Pancras Station, Major Pringle’s Report on, (31)
- Scarborough, (224) ’ ”*
- Scotch Express, Narrow Escape at Shap Fells, (579)
- South-Western Express, Narrow Escape at Eastleigh, (531)
- Train Collides with Elephants, (139)
- United States, 1900-1, Number and Classifica¬tion, (93), (147), (173), (199), (556)
- United States, Coupling and Uncoupling, (147);
- Accident Record in, (605)
Railways, British, Colonial, and Indian :
- Africa, West, Abeokuta to Aro, (699)
- Australian, (187)
- Australian Mileage, and Working Expenditure, and Extensions, (455), (560)
- Baker-street and Waterloo, Boric g of the Second Tunnel, (405)
- Barry Rhymney Railway Extensions, (147), (160), (173)
- Brighton Railway, Suburban Widening, 460
- British Central Africa, Line from Cbironio to Blantyre (455)
- British Columbia, (39), (653)
- Burma, Mandalay-Kunlon Extension, (147)
- Cambrian, Directors’ Report, (186)
- Canada, Duke and Duchess of Cornwall’s Train, (355)
- Canada, Montreal, Amalgamation of Two Pro¬jected Lines, (39)
- Canadian Northern, Wheat Shipped from Manitoba along their Lines, (245)
- Canadian Pacific, (147), (248), (679)
- Branch Line C «meeting Toronto and Ottawa, (299)
- Earnings of the, (566)
- Engines on its Western Division, (381)
- New Route for Passengers from Europe for Australia, (455)
- Directors’ Scheme of Irri¬gation for the North-West, (465)
- Cape Contracts, (516)
- Difficulties Connected with the Provision of Coal, (39)
- Railway Contracts, (516)
- Total Mileage. 1900, (11)
- Central London, (93), (699)
- City and South London, Traffio on, (93); Islington Extension of, (516)
- Drainage of London, Difficulties Attending the,
- EsOTndian, Extension to Agra by a New Bridge, (681)
- East and West Coast, Barrow to Middlesbrough (405), (417)
- Egyptian Administration, False Economy, 609
- Egyptian Protectorate, (355), (508)
- English Railway Results, 169
- English, Tabulated Statement of the Expendi¬ture in the Locomotive, (Yrriage, and Wagon Departments of, 412, 421
- Great Central, Acceleration of Speed on, (355)
- Re-laying of Line near Mexboro', (331)
- Great Eastern, Locomotives of the 1150 C.ass, (579)
- Receipts in the First Half-year, 1901,(93)
- Service of Steamers between Harwich and Bruges, (653)
- Great Northern, Arrangement Relative to Super¬annuation, (431)
- Cascade Division, Heavy Elec¬tric Motors to be used through Stampede-Pass Tunnel, (273)
- and City, (232), (248)
- Line between Skegby and Shire-brook Opened, (467)
- Water Troughs on, (579) of Scotland, New Shops, In¬verurie, (405)
- Great Western, Leased by, Locomotives and Second -class Carriages, added to the Stock, (248)
- New Line from Bristol to London, (508)
- NewShort Route from London to Weymouth, (11)
- New Station, Stourbridge Junction, (405)
- Notes of Four Runs, 229
- Rhos and Wrexham Exten¬sion (66)
- Shortened Route from South Wales to London, (472)
- India, 409
- Baluchistan, Quetta to Nishki, (579)
- Ceylon, Mileage and Receipts, (431)
- East Indian and Bengal-Nagpur Lines and the Coalfields of the North- West Provinces, (273)
- Expenditure Sanctioned for New Lines, (699)
- Extension Policy of Lord Curzon, (303)
- Financial Conditions, (66)
- Guaranteed, State and Assisted, (66)
- Kashmir, (248)
- Madras, Total Length of, (634)
- Mileage of New, Opened, (173)
- Peninsular Railway, Great, Bombay Terminus, 178
- Ireland, Donegal Railway Extension Contem¬plated, (303)
- Ireland, Fishguard and Ro3slare, Pier to be Erected at Rosslare, (699)
- Lancashire, Derbyshire, and East Coast, Coal Traffic to Grimsby, (120)
- Lancashire, Derbyshire, and East Coast, Ob¬tains Running Powers for Coal Traffic over the Great Central, (273)
- Lancashire and Yorkshire, Dearne Valley Ex¬tensions, (66)
- Lancashire and Yorkshire, High - capacity Wagons under Construction at Newton Heath, (663)
- Lancashire and Yorkshire, Intended Purchase of Steamers, (508)
- London, An Early, 652
- London, Brighton, and South Coast Company, Major Cardew and Mr. P. Dawson Engaged as Consulting Electric Engineers, (508)
- London, Brighton, and South Coast Company, New Works at Lancing, (405)
- London, Chatham, and Dover, Half-year’s Re¬port, (120)
- London, Drainage of, Difficulties Attending the, (248)
- London and North-Western, Decision as to the Load of Passenger Trains, (631)
- London and North-Western, Extension, (248)
- London and North-Western, The Flyer’s Ad¬venturous Run, (303)
- London and North-Western, Lord Stalbridge’s Speech as Chairman, 169
- London and North-Western, New Stations, (173)
- Landon and North-Western, White Linen Caps for the Outdoor Staff, (93)
- London and South - Western, Drummond’s Spark Arrester on, 336
- London and South-Western, Water-tube Loco¬motive Boiler, Mr. D. Drummond, 603
- Mersey Railway, Electrification of, (120), (303)
- Metropolitan, 609
- Appointment of Mr. A. C. Ellis as General Manager, (455)
- Coal Bill, Working Expenses, Receipts, in the June Half this Year and Last, (93)
- Arbitration, 490, 491, 492, 504, 505, 540, 600
- Electrification of, 122, (381), 460, 490, 491,492,504,505,540
- Flooding^, (120)
- Loss Entailed on, by the Low
- Fares on the Central London, (93)
- Midland, Appointment of Mr. R. M. Deeley as Works Manager, (659)
- Creation of Eight Districts on its System, (331)
- Fast Run on, (224)
- Great Western of Ireland, 95 lb. Steel Rails on, (273)
- New Cheshire Line of, (355)
- New Mills and Heaton Mersey Ex¬tension, 173, (331)
- and the Sheffield, District, (242), (467)
- and South-Western Junction Line,
- Doubled Portion of Opened, (273)
- Traffic Report, (147)
- Wirksworth to Rowsley Extension, (381)
- Natal, New Rolling Stock and Locomotives Ordered for, (517), (518)
- New South Wales, 400
- Mileage open for Traffic.
- and Capital Cost, (466) (468)
- New South Wales, Financial Report and Mile¬age, 331 ; Number of Persons Employed in June last on, (455)
- Twelve-chain Curves on, (455)
- New Zealand, (187)
- Capital Cost of Lines open for Traffic, (508); Mileage, (481) Midland, Total Expenditure, (93)
- North-Eastern, Alterations in the Permanent Way on the High - level Bridge at Newcastle - on -Tyne, (212)
- Branch, Line to Ponteland, (5G6)
- Doubling of Lines from Ousten Junction to Low Fell, Contract let to T. D. Ridley and Sons, (494)
- Gosforth to Ponteland, (405)
- Leeds to Harrogate Loop Line, (381)
- New Bill, a Comprehensive Measure, (531)
- Wagon to Carry 15 Tons for the Mineral Traffic, (542), (616)
- Riverside Line from Greatham Creek to Stockton, (185)
- Scarcity of Wagons for the Carrying Trade, (467)
- Visit of Officials to America and Results, (331), 633
- Widening of Main Line between Low Fell and Chester-le-street,
- North London, Workmen’s Prams on, (455)
- Queensland, (187)
- Rhodesia and Beira, (147)
- Scotland, Anstrutber Station and Anstruther Junction, New Line Opened, (303)
- Caledonian Railway, American
- Locomotives on, (303)
- ComrieSt. Fillansand Lochearnhead, (303)
- Proposed Midlothian Line Aban¬doned, (653)
- Sheffield District and the Midland, Arrange¬ments between, (273)
- South African, Line to Port Shepstone Opened, (120)
- Field Force, Rolling Stock for, (120)
- South-Eastern and Chatham and Dover’s Ex¬tensions Bill, (11)
- South-Eastern and Chatham and Dover, Exten¬sion into Sheerness Dockyard, (523)
- South-Eastern and Chatham and Dover, Re¬building of Queenborough Pier, (481)
- South-Eastern and Chatham and Dover, Through First-class Carriage from Calais to Cannes and Nice, (355)
- Stratford and Moreton Railway, The Old, 300 Taff Vale, (120)
- Tasmanian, Report for 1900, (440)
- Trans-Australian, Proposed, 645
- Tube, Report on, 385
- Uganda, Colonel Gracey’s Report on Kikuyu Inclines, (93), 167, 460, 462
- Uganda, Sir G. Molesworth on, Rails Laid to the Victoria Nyanzi, 243, (653)
- Underground, Electric Traction on the, 450, 490, 491, 492, 504, 505
- Underground for London, Bills for New, (120),
- United Kingdom, Board of Trade’s Annual Report, (355)
- Victorian, 578
- Wales, Barry and Glamorgan Vale, (592)
- Wales, Rhymney Branch of the Barry Railway Opened, (66)
- Yorkshire Dales Line, Progress of, (331)
Railways, Electric:
- Berlin, Experiments made by the Society for the Study of Electric Rapid Railways, Speed Attained, (508)
- Berlin, Underground, (173)
- Berlin, Wannsee, 573
- Boston, Elevated, American, 97
- Canada, Buckingham to the Original Rapids, (39) _
- Canadian Pacific, Electric Power on, (199)
- Chicago, Great Western, (248)
- Darwen and Hoddlesden, (405)
- Florence, Mixed System of Trolleys and Accumulators to be used on, (653)
- France, The First, (531)
- French, Grenoble and Chapareillan, (120)
- Granite as an Insulator on, (248)
- Great Northern and City, 232, (248)
- Havana, (224)
- High-speed Railway Car of the Allgemeine Elektricitiits Gesellschaft, Berlin, 0. Lasche on, 217, 284, 314
- Liverpool and Manchester Express, (63), (120)
- London and Brighton, (381), (647)
- London, Central, Letter from the British . Thomson-Houston Company, 229 ; Change of Fuel at the Power Station and Consequent 11 Delay, (248); Fines for Black Smoke Imposed on,(653)
- London, Central, Loss Entailed on the Metropolitan by the Low Fares on the, (93)
- London, Central, Train and New Locomotives liesets (>Jo3^Ir‘ Mall°Ck With Satisfactory
- London, Central, The Vibration Lessened by the Locomotives now in Use on, 198
- London, City and South, Extension, and Traffic on, (248), (881), (581)
- London, Metropolitan District Electric Traction Company Registered at Somerset House, (93)
- London, Metropolitan, Alfred Hanssen’s Letter on Electrio Traction on, 38
- London, Underground, Board of Trade Arbitra¬tion, 490, 491, 492, 504, 605, 640
- London, Waterloo and Baker-street. (224)
- Melbourne, (653) ’ 1 '
- M^12oJ’ Electrl° Traotion to be Adopted, Milan and Varese, (224)
- New York Underground, (405). 488
- Prussian Railway Administration's Report on Experiments in, (365)
- Russian, The First, (120)
- Salford, (381)
- Solent, (11)
- Swiss, Fayet and Chamounix, (173)
- United States, Street Railways and Inter-urban Trolley Lines, Scheme for a Combine of, (303)
- United States, Toronto and Brookville, (531)
Railways, Foreign:
- Africa, South, Projected Line beyond the Victoria Falls, (93)
- American—
- Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fé System, (661)
- Baltimore and Ohio, Change of Route into Chicago, (579)
- Baltimore and Ohio, Trainmen to be Paid Overtime after Ten Hours, (605)
- Chicago, Great Western, Electric Working Contemplated, (248)
- Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway, Increase in the Damage to Draught Rigging and its Cause, (653)
- Chicago and North-Western, Speed Tests on, (66)
- Chicago to Toledo, (273)
- Chicago, Track Elevation in, (531)
- Cincinnati, Hamilton, and Dayton, Coke Fuel Tried on, (653)
- Development. Poor’s Manual of American Railways, (531), 537
- Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Steel Ties Made from old Rails, (455)
- Lehigh Valley Line, Freight Locomotives in Use on, (147)
- Manhattan, Traffic and Income, (579)
- Missouri, Kansas, and Texas, Extension of Mileage, (381)
- New Mileage, (147)
- New York Central, Mileage Made by Passen¬ger Engines every D ly, (248); Ten-hour Day for Drivers and Firemen on, (531)
- New York Underground, (405)
- Panama, Working Agreement between, and the American Hawaiian Steamship Company, (579)
- Pennsylvania, (39)
- Pennsylvanian, Bald win Locomotives for, (331)
- Pennsylvanian, Four - mile Tunnel under Brooklyn, (25)
- Pennsylvania and Long Island Railways, Tunnels through New York City and under the East and Hudson Rivers and through the Allegheny Mountains, (653)
- Pennsylvania to Toledo Extension, (173)
- Pennsylvania, Stone Arch Bridge over the
- San Francisco, Market-street Line, Oil to be Used as Fuel, (331)
- Slipway on “ Marine Railway," (232)
- Texas, Fort Worth to Spring, (303)
- Total Mileage, (405)
- Union Pacific, (250)
- Union Pacific, Aspen Tunnel Opened, (556)
- United States, 231
- Argentine Mileage, (531)
- Argentine, The Rosario and Central, Fusion of Interests, (579)
- Austrian, Boilers of the Kaiser Ferdinands
- Nord Bahn and the Hungarian State Rail¬ways, (653)
- Austrian State, Speed Attained on, (653)
- Austrian, Vienna Metropolitan, Completed, (248)
- Bavarian, Saxon, and Prussian, Central Station at Leipzig, (147)
- Bavarian State, School for Employés at Munich, (66)
- Belgian, Financial Condition of, (331)
- Belgian State, Maximum Speed Authorised on, (629)
- Bokhara and New Bokhara, Line between, (381)
- Bohemian, Only Austrian Firms to be Employed, (199)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina, Direct Communication with the Adriatic, (431)
- Brazilian, British Capital Invested in, (481)
- Extensions and Scheme for Expro¬priation and Conversion, (481)
- Trial of American Coal on, (481)
- Bulgarian State, Compound Locomotive, 432,435
- Chinese, East Chinese Railway Company's Line of Steamers, (455)
- China, Lu-Han, (531)
- Shanghai to Soochow, (405)
- Work on the Shantung Line, (199)
- Yunnan Line Authorised, (579)
- C'orlorado atid Southern Railway, Electric Working on, (199)
- Congo, Projected Line in Upper Congo, (556)
- Season Tickets issued by the Congo Railway Company, (556)
- Corea, Seoul-Furan Line, (539)
- Crete, 202
- Crete, Candia to Messara, (331)
- Cuba, Mileage Owned by British Companies, (224)
- Danish State, Steam Ferry Service between Germany and Denmark, (481)
- Donetz District, Extensions, (605)
- Dutch East Indies, 648 Egypt, Cairo to Port Said, (224)
- Egyp‘, Nyassaland, Chiromo and Blantyre, (508)
- Egyptian State, Supply of Coal to, (355)
- Finnish, Line between St. Petersburg and Wiborg to be Rebuilt, (605)
- Franco, The Eastern of, Report for 1900, (93)
- Train Service on, (653)
- Eastern Lines of, Receipts, (355)
- Midi of, Use of MaDganese Bronze Stay-bolts, (653)
- Northern of, Changes in the Service, (H)
- Paris, Lyons, Mediterranean, La Fayet St. Gervais to Chamounix, (66)
- German Africa, Dar-es-Salaam to Mrogoro, (556)
- German State, June Receipts, (106)
- Grand Trunk, Line between Montreal and Toronto to be Double-Tracked, Mr. Hay’s Re-appointment as Manager, (556)
- Hungarian, Electric Working on, (173)
- Hungarian State, Manganese Bronze Stay-bolts tried on, (653)
- Italy, Adriatic Co.’s Workshops, (653)
- Kashmir, (248)
- Lago? Government (11), 19
- Manchurian, (273)
- Manila, Ill-used Locomotives, 476, 482
- Mexican, Automatic Couplers Ordered on all, (579)
- Ecuador Line Opened, (605)
- Line from San Geronimo to the Guatemala Frontier, (481)
- National, Change from Narrow to Standard Gauge, (431)
- Projected Line across, (355)
- Netherlands State, Speed Attained by Express Trains, (653)
- Peru,(93)
- Poland, Lodz and Rolyusch Kama, (199)
- Portugal, Santa Comba Dao to Viscu, (653)
- Ru'sian, Briansk to Knotop, Projected Line, (455)
- Kieff and Kovel Extension, (173)
- Moscow and Kazan, Projected Line to Join, (431)
- Mo3oow to Kreuzburg, Riga, (355), (431)
- Moscow to Port Arthur, (66)
- Moscow, Projected New Line from, (303)
- Oldest Main Line, 575
- St. Petersburg to the Imatra Fall, Projected Line from, (653)
- Sevastopcl- Balaclava-Yalta, (381)
- Siberian, (199), (508), (605), 614, (653), 657
- State, Earning3 and Traffic, 19C0, (199)
- Tashkent to Orenburg. (579)
- Total Mileage, (39). (355), (455)
- Trans-Baikal, (11), (147), (331)
- Trans-Caspian Line to be Connected with Khorasan, (381)
- Vladicaucas, Employé) to be Fur¬nished with Firearms, (122)
- M. Yugovitch's Proposals to the Government, (531)
- Russo-German Goods Traffic, 336
- Russo-Persian Railway from Julfa to Tabriz (331)
- Servian, Timok L'ne, (132)
- Spanish, Narrow-gauge Line from Oviedo. (147)
- Swedish, Electric Traction on, under Considera¬tion, (147)
- Swiss, Commercial Season Tickets on, (653)
- La Fayet St. Gervais to Chamounix, (66)
- Mont Blanc, Project for Continuing the Chamounix Line to, (39)
- The North-Eastern, Acquired by Govern¬ment, (579)
- Semmeriog, 10-Wheeled Locomotives on, (556)
- Sweden, New Lines to be Opened, (199)
- Turkish, Damascus to Mecca, German Engi¬neers Asked for, (605)
- Hedjiz Line Opened, (331)
- Salonique-Monastir, Receipts and Expenditure, (24)
- Warsaw-Vienna, Receipts, (186)
Railways, Light:
- Abery8twitb, (431)
- Automobile Railway, The First, (331)
- Bill, 1901, Additions or Amendments to be
- Considered by the Board of Trade, (629)
- Canterbury, Herne Bay, and Whitstable, Re-acted, (147)
- Crewe, Objections to the Construction of, (273), (331)
- Electric, (343)
- Gifford District of the Lotbians and the Ormiston Branch of the North British, to Edin¬burgh, (405)
- Glamorganshire, (331)
- Gloucester and Worcester, (405)
- Holmfield, Halifax, and So ithowram, (355)
- Isle of Sheppey, Opened, (147)
- Lauderdale, (11)
- Lizard, Level Crossings instead of Bridges, (431)
- Middlesex and Essex, (4S1)
- Orders Confirmed by the Board of Trade, (106),
- (202), (218), (419), (430), (431), (481), (640)
- Rother Valley Company, Extension of their System, (455)
- Suffolk, (579)
- Sunderland to South Shields, (405)
- Upper Holloway to Whetstone, (248)
Railway Locomotives:
- American, Decrease in the N umber Exported, (405)
- American, in England, 43, 139, 220, 237, 480, 613, 619
- American and English, 19, 38, 70, 100, 130,146, 181, 303, 306, 363, 462, 466, 610
- American, in England, Chas. Rous-Marten on, 619
- American, Falling to Pieces of an, (173)
- American, for India, (303), 462, 466
- American, for France, 488
- American Freight, with Heating Surface of 4105
- Square Feet, (147)
- American, for South Africa, 211, (405), 426, 435, 455, 457, 462, 513
- American, said to have been Ordered by the North-Eastern, No Truth in the Report, (556)
- American—see also Baldwin
- Automatic Signals od, 340
- Balancing of, 523, 534, (581), (586). 612, 631
- Baldwin, for the Pennsylvania Railway, (331)
- Baldwin, Four-cylinder Compound Ten-wheel, (431)
- Baldwin, with Steel Frames, (405)
- Baldwin Works, Average of Locomotives Turned out Daily, (331)
- Benzine, at the Bais d’Avroy Colliery, instead of Ponies, (605)
- Bogie Express with Four-coupled Wheels, No. 19, Cambrian Railway, (248)
- Bailers, The Heating Surface of, (357)
- Boiler, Water-tube, Mr. D. Drummond, London and South-Western, 603
- British Manufacturers, 70
- Canadian Pacific Railway, Number of, on, (331)
- Cape, Government Orders, (405), 426, 435, 455, i 457, 462
- Coal, Railway Contracts for, 571
- Compound, Bulgarian State Railways, Mallet System (Supplement, November 15M, 1901), 432, 435, 500, 501
- Compound Express. Hungarian State, 144. 145, 265
- Compressed Air, Rome Locomotive Works, Rome, New York, (355)
- Contracts, Indian Locomotive Engine Contracts, Correspondence between Lord Geo. Hamilton and Mr. J. G. A. Baird, 435
- " Coppernob,” The Oldest in Active Service,
- Dubs and Co., Orders Secured by, for Natal, (518)
- Eight-coupled Coal, Great Northern Railway, Mr. H. A. Ivatt, (Supplement, September Gtht 1901), 251, 252
- Eight-coupled Coal, North-Eastern Railway, Mr. Wilson Worsdell (Supplement, November 29rA, 1901), 569
- Electric, at the Glasgow Exhibition, 397
- Engineering in England and other Countries, Recent Practice in, 612, 661
- Engineering, Some Modern Tendencies of, Chas. Rous-Marten on, 291
- Explosions of Historical, 117
- Express, South-Eastern and Chatham Railway, Mr. Wainwright (Supplement, July 19th, 1901), 71, 72, 73
- Feed-water Heaters for, 125 Fire-box Stays, 19
- Fire-throwing from. 38, 70, 129, 181, 205, 255, 338, 388, 413, 427, 480, 513, 564, 586, 613, 637
- First, Constructed in Japan, (556)
- Four-coupled Express, Great Western Railway, Mr. W. Dean, 115
- Four-cylinder Compound Ten-wheel, with Van¬derbilt Boiler and Tender, Baldwin Works, (431)
- Frames, Welding Cracked, in Place, Southern Pacific Railway Shops, (147)
- Freaks and Curiosities, by Mr. G. F. Gairns, at the Railway Club, (426)
- Geared, now in Use on the Central London Railway, 198
- German, for French Railways, (161)
- Goods, with Cylindrical Fire-box and Tender, Illinois Central Railway, (22)
- Goods, of a New Type, The North-Eastern Rail¬way Company’s, 131
- Great Northern, Mr. G. M. Waitt on the Record of a, (248)
- Great Western, Chas. Rous-Marten on the, 82, 115
- Great Western, of the Atbara Class, Names of the New, (405)
- Great Western, Increase in the Stock of, (248)
- Great Western Locomotive Work, 229 Heavy Goods, 101
- Ill-used. 476. 482 India, 433, 435, 513
- Italian, Trials of an, on a French Railway, 46
- L'ghting with Acetylene Gas, Experiments on the Chicago and North-Western, (431)
- Lubricating Material for, Experiments in Prussia as to tho Best, (303)
- Maximum Speed for L’ght, to be Raised in Scotland, (224)
- Mileage made Every Day by Passenger, on the New York Central, (248)
- New York Central’s New, Good Work Done by, (173)
- North-Eastern, Eight-coupled Mineral, (287)
- Northern Pacific Freight, Demand for Two Fire¬men on each, (381)
- Northern Pacific, Tandem Compound, (390)
- Number Built in Leeds for India, (629)
- Oil-burning, on the Southern Pacific, (355)
- Oil Fuel for, on the Market-street Railway, San Francisco, (331)
- Output, Mr. A. T. Reid on British. (605)
- Peat Fuel for, Trials in Sweden, (508), (601)
- Petroleum Fuel for, io Roumania, (531)
- Portfolio, (298)
- Power on the Railways of the United Kingdom, Cost of, (93)
- Records of Prolonged Capacity of, (431)
- Roumania, Proportion of, in, Burning Petroleum Fuel, (531)
- Russian and American, Relative Cost of, (303)
- Russian, their Cost and their Speed, 165, (273), (303)
- Russian, Three Kinds of, (273)
- Side/Tank (Alexandra), Andrew Barclay, Sons and Co., 449, 461
- Siegl, for French Railways, (161)
- Sigl Works, in Austria, Year’s Profits, (508)
- Signals on, Chicago and Eastern Illinois Rail¬way, (288)
- Six-coupled Express, Leader on, 202, 229, 255
- Six-coupled Express, North-Eastern Railway, Mr. Chas. Rous-Marten on (Supplement, October 4ih. 1901), 82, 83, 345
- Six-coupled Tank, Andrew Barclay, Sons and Co., Limited, at the Glasgow Exhibition, 198, 200
- Standard, John Riekie on, 637
- Standardisation of British-made, for India, (629)
- Tandem Compound, North Pacific, (390)
- Temperature of Feed-water and its Relation to Fuel Consumption, (39)
- Ten-wheeled, with all Wheels Coupled, on the Sommering Railway, (556)
- Test of English and American, Kingston, Jamaica, (248)
- Tractive Power of, Discussion in the Railroad Gazette, (431)
- Trade of the United Kingdom for 19C0 and 1201, (629)
- Two-cylinder Compound, in the United States with Low-pressure Cylinders 36in. Diameter, (455)
- Using Alcohol as Fuel, (120)
- Vulcan Foundry Company, for West Australian Government Railways, (211)
- Water Gauge, Chas. Winn and Co., 117
- Water Tank and Coal-box for, Invented by Mr. C. Vanderbilt, (605)
- Working Model of an Early German, (39)
Railways, Permanent Way:
- Beech Sleepers, their Long Life, 181
- Finishing Temperature for Steel, Mr. R. W. Hunt on, 50
- Illinois Central, Collision near Perryville, (629)
- Price of Steel, for Coming Year, (66)
- Steel, on the Midland Great Western of Ireland, (273)
- Steel Ties Made from Old Rails in the United States, (455)
- Steel Works for Manufacture of, io Russia, (173)
Railways, Rolling Stock :
- American Wagons for the Caledonian Railway, (273)
- Belgian State Riilways, (78)
- Canadian Royal Train, The, 478, 479
- Cape Government Railways, First and Second-class Composite Saloon Carriages, Ashbury Railway and Iron Co., Limited, for, (493)
- Cape and South African, Reports and Contra¬dictions respecting Orders Placed in America by Sir C. B. Elliott, (211), (531)
- Four-axled Passenger Coaches to Supersede Three-axled on German Railways, (66)
- Goods and Mineral Traffic, 421, 513
- Heating, 330
- Labelling Railway Wagons, 575
- Natal Government Orders for, (517), (590)
- New, for the Danish Government, Orders Secured by German Firms, (531)
- New and Improved, Bristol Wagon Company’s, for the City and South London Railway, (381)
- North - Eastern, Carriage Fitted with New Alarm Signalling Apparatus, (185)
- Pressed Steel Curs. Pressed Steel Cat Com¬pany's Works, (355)
- Standard Trains, 526
- Train Resistance, Mr. J. A. F. Aspinall of, 558, 560, 655
- Trucks Wanted on Teesside, (494)
- Wagon Brake, Either-side, 387
- Wagons, Large. 421, (455), (493), 513, (542),
- 564, (615), 638, (663)
- Wagons and Passenger Cars, Prussian Purchases and Orders for, (494)
- Wsgons, Steel, for South African Field Force Railway, (120), (248), (317)
- Wagon, 30-Ton, Caledonian Railway, 354
- Wagons, 30-Ton, for English Riilways, Trial of, (455), (493)
- Wagons, 30-Ton Steel, for Home Lines, (493)
- Wagons, 25-Ton, for German Railways, (331)
Railway News, Various :
- American and English Methods of Conducting Traffic, 169
- American Railways, Issue of Free Passes to be Discontinued on, (629)
- American System of Handling Goods and Material, 421
- Apprentices in Railroad Shops, Mr. A. M. Waitt on, (93)
- Automatic Couplings for Railway Vehicles, Com- petition for ths Best, Organised in Russia, (181)
- Automobile Riilway, The First, (331)
- Automatic Signals on the Locomotive, Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railway, 340
- Average Number of First, Second, and Third- class and Season-ticket Passengers per train, and total Passenger Train-load. (508)
- Berlin and Naple®, Accelerated Winter Service between, (405)
- Biologists, Interesting to, Fossilised Nautilus Found in the Workings of the Waterloo Rail¬way, (221,
- Bombay Terminus, 178
- Box Car (Standard) for United States, Canada, and Mexico Railways, (508)
- Brakes, Continuous. British Railways, (224)
- Brake, Eitber-side Wagon, 387
- Brakes, Vacuum, on Indian Railways, (303)
- Breach of Railway By-Laws, Tried at Watford, (381)
- Breakdown Cranes on American Railway, (163)
- Bridge Work for the Uganda Railway, 535
- Canadian Royal Train, The. 478, 479
- Cape Railway Contracts, (516)
- Chicago, Central Railway Station, Goods Yards, (22), (50)
- Clerks and the Factories Bi.l, 205 Club, The, (625)
- Clob, Locomotive Freaks and CurioJtier, by Mr. G. F. Glims, 426
- Club, Visits cf the, 112, (242)
- Call Rites Increase, (66)
- Coke for Locomotive Fuel on the Baston and Maioe Railway, Use of, (405)
- Collection at South Kensingtop, 212
- Compensation for Damage to Bow Church, Central London Railway, (118)
- Compulsory Scheme of Retirement of Responsible Officials and Stationmasters, (381)
- Continuous Brake Returns, British Railways, (224)
- Contracts for Locomotive Coal, 570
- Earnings, (308)
- Economics, 121
- Egyptian Railway Administration, False Eco¬nomy, 609
- Electric Lifts for the Great Northern and City Railway, Elston and Co., L'mited, (481)
- Electric Power on the Canadian Pacific System, Experimenting with, (199)
- Electric Traction on the Underground Railway, Board of Trade Arbitration, 122, 381, 450, 490, 491, 492, 504, 505, 510
- Electrification of the Underground, 122
- English Railway Results, 169
- Express Trains in Great Britain, 413, 463
- Fast Run on the Lake Shore and Michigau Southern Railway. (199)
- Fast Run on the Midland Railway, (224)
- Fog Signalling in Chicago, Defective System,
- Foggy Weather a Boon to Tube Railways in Landon, (531)
- Foggy Weather, Shareholders of the Great Railway Companies and the, (£31)
- Fossilised Nautilus found in the Workings of the Waterloo and Baker-street Railway, (224)
- Geological Expeditions for Discovery of Coal, East China Railway Administration, Grant for Fitting out, (221)
- Goods and Mineral Traffic, 421
- Goods Yards, Chicago, 50
- Great Central, Retirement of Sir Wm. Pollitt, Mr. 8. Fay Succeeds him, (508)
- Great Eastern Railway Company, New Steamer Ordered for it Harwich -Antworp Route, (11)
- Great Northern, Reported Retirement of Mr. Chas. Steel, (508)
- Great Northern, Vacancy in the Assistant Seiretaryahip, Candidates Invited Outside their own Employment, (11)
- Harwood Spikes or Spike Plugs on French Railways, Trial of, (605)
- Heating Railway Carriages, 380
- Holiday Traffic of the Cambrian Railways, (186)
- India and Burma, Limited, Amalgamated
- Sooiety of Railway Servants of, Branches and Membership, (199)
- India, Shortening of Main Routes in, Stafford Rinsome on the, 178
- Indian Government will ask for Statement of Districts, Number and Pay of Engineering Appointments in connection with Upkeep of Rulway8, (331)
- Indian Railway Earnings for April, May and June, (199)
- Indian Railway Engineers’ Conference, Sub¬jects Considered at, (629)
- International Sleeping Car Company, Opening of Winter Services to the Riviera, (431)
- Lancashire and Yorkshire, Retirement of Mr. B. Shaw, (629)
- Leipzig, Great Central Station at, (147)
- Lighting Purposes, Experiments made in Ger¬many as to Use of Spirit for, (248)
- Loading Goods and Coal Trains, New System of, Lancashire and Yorkshire Company, (11)
- London, Brighton, and South Coast Railway Company, Consulting Electric Engineers En¬gaged, (508)
- London and South-Western, Mr. Fay, Traffic Manager of, his Visit to the United States, 421
- Landon and South-Western, Mr. Holmes’ Ap¬pointment, (605)
- Long-distance Run by Fast Train between Paris and Bordeaux, (629)
- Lothians, Mineral Line for the Collieries in, (508)
- Lubricating Materials for Locomotives, Prus¬sian Railway Administration, Experiments with, (303)
- Manhattan, Elevated, Heating Apparatus for Cars on, (173)
- Marseilles, Admission of Third-class Passen¬gers into Second-class Carriages, (405)
- Merthyr Station, Passenger Traffic during Eisteddfod Week, (186)
- Metropolitan Railways, Arbitration, Board of Trade’s Award, 609
- Mineral Line for the Lotbians, and Harbour at Cookenzie, Scheme for a, (508)
- Mono Railway, Conversation in a Carriage on a, Impossible, (93)
- Newton, Mr. G. Bolland, Retirement of, (11)
- North-Eastern, Inquiries into the Question of
- Passenger and Ton Mileage and Train Load, Results of, (629)
- Paris, Proposed Underground Junction between the Northern and Lyons Termini, (605)
- Passes to be Discontinued on American Railways, Issue of, (629)
- Peat Fnel for Locomotives, Trials on Swedish Railways of, (508)
- Printed Matter Issued by the Pennsylvania Railway, Weight of, (224)
- Prizs Offered by the Russian Ministry of Ways of Communications for Best Plan of Large Railway Station, (331)
- Railway Race,” The Alleged, by Chas. R>ns- Marten, 15, 38
- Railway Section, Glasgow Congress, Papers Read, 243
- Ransoms, Mr. Stafford, on the Shortening of Main Routes in India, 178
- R itea Question, The, 43
- Refrigerator Cars Wanted on Indian Railways, (481)
- Riekie, Mr., Appointment to Eastern Bengal State Railway, (93)
- Robertson, Mr. T,, Investigation of the Railway Systems in India and America to be Under¬taken by, (303)
- Rope Railway in Ireland, (556)
- Russian, Female Employés on, (173)
- Russian, Slow Service on, not Due to the Loco¬motives, (273)
- Rosso-German Goods Traffic, General von Wenndrich's Scheme, 336
- Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge. Double-track, over the Cuyahoga at Ohio, (508)
- Season Tickets Issued by the Congo Railway Co., Expensive, (556)
- Signal and Interlocking Plant, Taylor System, Chicago, (186)
- Signal, Tho Semaphore, made Available, at Night, Mr. Thos. Goldie's Contrivance. (455)
- Signalling, Alarm, for Passengers, North- Eastern Railway, (185)
- Signalling System, A New, 340
- Signalling on the Sykes’ Principle, Electro¬
- mechanical System of, Installed near Glasgow, (481)
- Signals, Pneumatically-worked, 124, 151
- Signals, Question of the Best Colour for, (508)
- Simplon Tunnel, M. Almond’s Suggestion to the French Commission in View of its Com¬pletion, (605)
- Simplon Tunnel, Serious Obstacle Encountered, (481)
- South-Eastern and Chatham, Special Train Service, December 23rd, (605)
- Solent Tunnel Scheme, The, (605)
- South Yorkshire Steam Coal Owners and the
- Locomotive Coal Contracts for Supplies, (11)
- Spark Arrester, The Drummond, 336
- Speeds, 71
- Speed Attained by Express Trains on Austrian and Netherlands State Lines, (653)
- Station Roofs, 112
- Stationmaster in Russia A Female, (173)
- Stay-bolts, Use of Manganese Bronze, on French and Hungarian Railways, (653)
- Suburban Railway Traffic, Unpunctuality of, (355)
- Sunday Work on Railway Bridges, 261
- Superannuation Scheme, Great Northern, (431)
- Survey Parties Returned from West Africa, (H)
- Tabulated Statement of the Expenditure in the Locomotive, Carriage, and Wagon Depart¬ments of English Railways, 412, 421
- Taff Vale Case, Meeting of Officials to Disunss, (556)
- Tariff Systom of Prussian and Hessian Rail¬ways, Alterations, (11)
- Temperature of Feed-water for Locomotive
- Tenders, in Relation to Fuel Consumption, (39)
- Ten-hour Day for Drivers and Firemen on the New York Central, (531)
- Ticket Scalping Business in America, The, (181)
- Traffic, The Conduct of, 101
- Train de Luxe between Ostend and Lucerne, I New, (2)
- Train Resistance, 558, 560, 655
- Train Resistance, Mr. J. A. F. Aspinall on, 558
- Trains, Standard, 526
- Tube Railways, Report on, 385 ; Tunnel on the Albula Line, Collapse of, (173)
- Tunnel, The Aspen, on the Union Pacific, Opened, (556)
- Tunnel, New York, Rapid Transit, Progress of, Tunnels to be Constructed by the Pennsylvania and Long Island Railways, (653)
- Tunnelling near St. Paul’s Cathedral Opposed by the Corporation of the City of London, (431)
- Underground Tubular, for Birmingham and District, (605)
- Uniform System of International Railway Traffic, Trial of General von Wenndrich’s
- Scheme, 336
- United States, Number of Employés on, (173)
- United States Railroad Combination, (566)
- Unpunctuality of Suburban Traffic, (355)
- Working Hours of Locomotive Drivers and Firemen in France and the Government, (531)
- World’s, 16
- RAIN at Oxford, Serious Deficiency of, (531
- Rainfall, Average in the Pastoral Sections of Anstralia, (556)
- Rainfall, The Cycle of Precipitation, Mr. W. E. Plummer on, 34
- Rainfall of the Pyrenees, Scheme for Utilisation of, (653)
- Rating of Collieries, 335
- Rating, New Point io, Arisen in Norwich, (381)
- Receiver and Feed Pump, Automatic, Dowson, Taylor and Co., (185)
- Reciprocity, 383
- Reciprocity Convention in Washington, The, (616)
- Reflective Power, F. Paschen’s Tests of, (147)
- Refrigerating Machinery Imported to New Zealand, (199)
- Refrigerating Plant to Dry the Air, Carnegie Steel Company’s Furnaces, Pittsburgh, (147)
- Refrigeration and the Navy, 413
- Refuse Destructor, North Daan Railway Station, Prescribed Height, (331)
- Reid, Mr. A. T., on British Locomotive Output, (605)
- Removal of Stone House in Pennsylvania, (173)
- Renold, Mr., rn Fine Machine Grinding, 513
- Renold, Mr. Hans, his Factory, 18
- Research Scholarship, The Andrew Carnegie, 604
- Rhineland, Mr. P. Lindley’s Pamphlet, (93)
- Ribs, Calculating the Stresses in Hinged Arched,
- Chas. Lean on, 323, 334
- Rifle Mechanism, A New Magaz'De, 502
- RiHes in Use, Captain de Montbrison’s Ilaport on the Military, (199)
- River Purification, 485
- Riveting, Comprersed Air, 661
- Road, Dominica, Toe Interior, 48
- Roads’ Improvement Association, on the Control of the Highways of this Country, (629)
- Roads, Wear of, by Horse Haulage and Motor Traffic, 21
- Robben Island, Zleed of Fog Signals on, 63
- Rogers, Mr. Jacob S , his Will, (39)
- Rolling Loads on Railway Bridges, 191
- Rolling Mills, Sheffield, The Neepsend, 515
- Röntgen Rays directly in Air, Production of, (381)
- Rouen, Cost of Works Forecasted by Govern¬ment, (431)
- Roumania, Total Imports into, 1899, 1898, and Average for Five Years, (173)
- Royal Agricultural Society’s Show:
- Agricultural Implements, 10
- Dibbling Machino, Ransomes, Sims, and Jefferies, Limited, 10
- Engines, Oil, Crossley’s, Cnndall and Son’s, Nayler and Co.’s, Humphries’, and Gwynne’s, Ruston and Proctor’s, 8, 9, 16
- Oil Engine Exhibits, 8, 9, 16
- Total Attendance of the Public at, (11)
- Turnip Hoe, Parmiter’s, 10
- Royal Commission on Sewage, 83
- R. H. S. Curves, 126, 181
- Royal Institution:
- Lecture Arrangements before Easter, (598)
- Royal Meteorological:
- Atmospheric Transparency, Further Observa¬tions and Conclusions in Relation to, by the Hon. Rollo Russell, 640
- Royal Naval College, Keyham, Engineering Students to be Entered by the Admiralty at, (653)
- Royal Navy, Machinery Inspectors, 306
- Runemede Ride Range, not Purchased by the War-office, (508)
- Russian Customs Duties, Reported Reductions in, (653)
- Foreign Trade, January and February, 1901, (78)
- Language, German Schools for Teach¬ing Railway Officials, (273)
- Mineral and Metallurgical Industries, (48), (50)
- Produce Exports, (355)
- SAFETY, Factors of, Mr. Robert Henry Smith, 388
- St. Petersburg, Census Returns, (355)
- Port of, (172)
- Salary, Munificont, 311
- Santos Dnmont, M., at the Aöro Club, (556)
- Santos Dumont, M., and tho Deutsch Prize, (481) ; bis Balloon, 89, 90. (147), 177 ; Brazilian Con¬gress’ Award to, (508)
- Scarborough Marino Drive, (93), (431)
- Screwing and Tapping Apparatus, Mr. J, H, Widdowson, (131)
- Screw Propellers, M. Orzewieoki on, 32, 75
- Screw Threads, Standardisation of, 540
- qf Aflov, deepening the,
- Sea, Inroads of the, at New Romney and Little- stone-on-Sea, (508)
- Sequin, Marc, Statue to his Memory, (120)
- Seino BasiD, Improvement of the, (431)
- Severn Bore, Cinematograph Picture of the, (556)
- Sewage Disposal, Ilfracombe, (405)
- Leper Hospital, 371 Manchester, (405), (443)
- Newark Works, (431)
- Vienna, (224)
- Sewage Purification, Batley, (331)
- Stoddart’s Improved Filter for, Mr. Yabbicom on, 21
- Withington and Swinton and Pendlebury Works, V1)
- Sewage, Royal Commission on, 83
- Sewage Sludge Deposited Daily in the Clyde, (531)
- Sewage Treatment, Lieut.-Col. A. S. Jones, 245, 316
- Sewing Machines Imported into Germany, In¬creased Duty Levied on, (531)
- Sheffield Manufacturers and Overtime, (24), 139
- Steel Manufacturers and the United States, 34
- Technical College, 569
- University College, Enlargement of, (531)
- Sbermuly's Life-saving Apparatus, 59
Shipbuilding, British and Colonial Naval and Mercantile:
- Admiralty, Engineering Students to be Entered at Keyham by the, (653)
- Admiralty Orders to be given to Private Builders, (653)
- Arrangement and Equipment of Shipbuilding Works, Mr. Jas. Dunn, 364
- Associated Society of Shipwrights, Quarterly Report, (481)
- Barrow, Four Submarines, Approaching Launch of, (531)
- Boat-lowering Gear, The Welin, 337
- British Builders, Orders for about Fifty Steamers Placed with, (66)
- Building Slip at Devonport Dockyard, (481)
- Clyde, 582
- Clyde, British India Steam Navigation Com¬pany’s Orders, (120)
- Clyde, Record Established by Shipbuilders on the, (629)
- Clyde, Tonnage Launched into the, during the Year, (605)
- Denny and Brothers, Turbine Steamer, (224)
- Earle’s Shipbuilding Company, Sale of, (405)
- English, for the Hamburg-American Company, (173), (185)
- English, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, 1901, (39), (147), (248), (355), (495), (605)
- Government Orders to be Given to Private Builders, (653)
- Hulls, Speed and Form of, 333 Lloyd’s Register of, 1901, (39), (405)
- Marine Engineering duriDg the Last Ten Years,
- Review of Mr. James McKechnie, 140, 157, 182
- Mersey, Vessels Launched hy Laird Brothers during 1901, (662)
- Modernising Ironclads, Rear-Admiral S. Eardley-Wilmot, 11
- Naval Architecture, The ,Ethetic Principals of, 595
- Naval Architecture, Glasgow Congress, Paper by Mr. Normand, 244 and 311 ; Papers by Sir N. Barnaby, Mr. E. C. Krupp, Prof. Biles, Mr. G. Bowles, 295, 296, 297
- Naval Construction, M. Hauser on the Adop¬tion of a Rational System of Units in Ques¬tions of, 32
- Returns, Annual, 463
- Sootch, May, June. August, September, Novem¬ber, (39), (355), (605),
- Screw Propellers, M. Orzewieoki on, 32, 75
- Shipyard Apprentices, Limitation of, 656
- Slip of Screw Propellers, The, 225
- Warships under Construction on September 30th, 1901, (405)
- Tonnage, BuildiDg Returns of, (431), 463, 481
- Works, Arrangement and Equipment of, by Mr. James Dudd, 116
Shipbuilding, Foreign; Naval, and Mercantile:
- American, 210, (661)
- Cableways or Trolleys over the Pacific Liners Building at the Eastern Shipbuilding Com¬pany’s Works, New London, Conn., (481)
- Gorman, Projects for, 1902, (355)
- German, Statistics of, (653)
- German, Steel Fire-master, (93)
- Germany, 445
- Italy, The Cantirer Navale at Palermo, (431)
- Marine Notes, American, (661)
- New York, 50
- Norddeutsoher Lloyd, Six New Twin-screw Steamers for, (11)
- Norway, Tonnage in Course of Construction, 1900, (120)
- Submarine Vessel Deriving its Motive Power from a Cable, to Convey Passengers from France to Eogland (579)
- Turret Controversy, United Statos, (653)
- United States New Battleships and Cruisers, Armament of, (66)
- United States Returns, (508), (531)
- United States, San Francisco, Great Activity, (226), (248)
- United States Steamers for the Eastern Trade, (52)
Shipping Accidents:
- Alonzo and Refulgent, Collision between the s.s., (405)
- Apollo, Cruiser, Machinery Breakdown, 114
- Cobra, Loss of the. 307, (327), (355), 377, 407, 424, 427, (431), (467), 480
- Crane and Vulture, The, 404
- Creasy, The, 19, (392)
- Daring, The Destroyer, (24)
- Frenoh Mail Steamer Nord, (427)
- German Cruiser Ariadne, Boiler Explosion on, 69
- Glory, (198), 583
- Hyacinth, Tho Destroyer, Breaks Loose at Yarmouth, 485
- Porcupine, The Destroyer, Run into by a Collier, 485
- Repulse, Causq of Mishap, 606
- Royal Sovereign Disaster, Tho, 500, 509
- Sanspareil, Curious Accident to the, 608
- Tantallon Castle, Board of Trade’s Report on the Wreck of, 63
- Torpedo Boat 81, (198)
- Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Collision of the Angler and the Salmon (381)
- Torpedo Boat Destroyer and Hyde Packet, Collision between, 310
- Viper, (147), (198), (224)
Shipping News, Various, British and Foreign:
- Admiralty Committee on Torpedo Destroyers, 558
- Admiralty’s Decision relative to Above-water Torpedo Tubes, (431), 483
- Admiralty’s Instructions with regard to the Valves of Belleville Boilers, (224)
- Admiralty, Orders for Battleships and Cruisers to be given to Private Builders, (653)
- Admiralty Surveys, Recent, 659
- America Cup Race, The, 42
- American, 608, (661)
- American Armour-plate Fiasco Explained, 19
- American Line, Improved Service to New York, (481)
- Antwerp, Number of Vessels Arriving in the Port of, in Nine Months of 1901, (405)
- Atlantic Liners, Three Famous, 638
- British Ships Detained as Unsafe by Order of the Board of Trade, Official Report of, (224)
- Channel Fleet, Mobilisation of, 47
- Channel Squadron, Annual Prizs Firing in, (579) •
- Chief Inspectors of Machinery, Royal Navy, 306
- City of Rome, The, (431)
- CoaliDg Experiments at Portsmouth, 19
- Cold Storage Capacity of the Various Steam¬ship Lines, (199)
- Columbia, The, (431)
- Devonport Instructional Flotilla of Destroyers, The, 506
- Discovery, Departure of, (147)
- Dutch East Indian Fleet, Unsatisfactory Con¬dition of, (,138)
- Engineering in the Royal Navy, 220, 237
- Engineers in the United States Navy, 557
- Eog Hom, A New, 485
- Foreign Trade of the United Kingdom and Tonnage of her Merchant Navies, (248) Foreign Vessels Carrying Coal Arriving at Leg¬horn in 1900,(147)
- Freeboard, Mr. Archibald Denny od, 6
- French Bounties, 459
- French Combined Naval aDd Military Western Manoeuvres, 299
- French Mediterranean and Channel Fleet Reconstituted, (198), 252
- French Naval Mantvuvres, Mediterranean, 68
- French Squadron in Turkish Waters, The, 485
- German Army Officers Serving Afloat, A Wise Step we might Imitate, 19
- German Navy List for 1901, (66)
- German South Polar Expedition, Departure of the, (173)
- Government Dockyards, Pressure in, (653)
- Great Western Railway Company’s Steamers, Appliances for Lubricating Tail Shafts Fitted to, (579)
- Gun Trials of the Formidable, 19
- Hamburg-American Company, Steamers to be Built in North of England for, (173) Hamburg-American Line and the Gorman Levant Line, Joint Schemes of, (653)
- Hamburg's Maritime Trade, (39)
- Harwich-Antwerp Route, Great Eastern Rail¬way Company Orders a New Steamer for, (11)
- Harwich and Bruges, Service of Steamers between,(653)
- Ice-making Machine on the Centurion, Failure of, (303)
- International Yacht Race, Tbo, 384
- Japan and the Black Sea Ports, Project for Direct Line of Steamers between, (11)
- Marine Engineering during the Past Ten Years, Review of, by Mr. Jas. McKechnie, 140, 157, 183, 206, 225
- Marine Notes, American, 210, 223. 661
- Maximum Draught Allowed for Vessels in the Suez Canal, (199)
- Mediterranean Fleet Scare, The, 19
- Modernising Ironclads, Rear-Admiral S. Eard¬ley-Wilmot on, 111
- Naval Manoeuvres and the Naval War Game, 19, 47, 352, 353, 485
- Naval Manoeuvres, French, Lessons of, 68, 204
- Naval Manoeuvres of the Russian Baltic Fleet, (147)
- Naval Matters, M.l’.’s on, 69
- Naval Needs, Our, 657
- Naval News from America, 19
- Navigation Congress, International, 364
- Navy League’s Pamphlet, “ Messages from the Fleet,” 69
- Oceanic Steamship Company, Trans-American Route for the Australasian Mails instead of the Suez Canal, (531)
- Oil Fuel Trials, 47
- Pacific Coast, Development of Shipping Facilities on, (566)
- Pacific Ocean Lanes Planned out by United States Navy Department, (11)
- Parliamentary Paper on, (248)
- Pelorus, Overtime to Cease on the Cruiser. (224)
- Position of Naval Engineors, 102
- Progress of Warships and Machinery Building in England, 647
- Propulsion of Rowing Boats, 638
- Russian Fleet, Rapid Growth of, and the Problem of Supplying Sufficient Officers to
- Man the Ships, (508)
- Ruesian Naval Budget for 1902, (431)
- Russian Naval Manoeuvres, 487
- Service of Boats on the Elbe between Prague and Hamburg, (579)
- Shell that Gives a Cloud of Smoke, A New, 485
- Shipping Federation, Co-operation Agreements with Employers Entered into by, (579)
- Slip of Screw Propellers, 225
- Speed of Ships, On the Limits of Economical, Mr. Tennyson d’Eynoourt, 6 Steam Navigation, Wm. Symington and the Centenary of, 488
- Steam Raising on Steamships, Economy Effected in Cost of, in Thirty Years, (248)
- Steamship Propulsion, Notes on the Theory of, by R. Mansel, 143, 463
- Stern Lights to be Used in the Manoeuvres, 47
- Submarine Navigation, Problem Solved again, 47
- Submarines, Two New Types Evolved in the United States, 19
- Temperley Coaling-at-sea-under-weigh Experi¬ments, 430, (506)
- Tonnage of all Nationalities Visiting Danube, Statistics of, (173)
- Tonnage of Vessels Transferred from, and Added to the British Register during 1900, (629)
- Trade of Marseilles, 485
- Turkish Navy, Not “All Beer and Skittles” in, 69
- United States Navy Estimates, for the Year ending June, 1903, and Construction of Six Large Sailing Ships, Recommended by Rear- Admiral Bowles, (481)
- Valves of Belleville Boilers to be of Forged Bronze with Spindles, (224)
- Vibration Problem, A Solution of the, Mr. Macalpine, 6
- Vickers and Sons’ Appliances for Preserving and Lubricating Tail Shafts Fitted to the Great Western Railway Company’s Steamers, (579)
- Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Company, Conversion of the Shell Liner Trocas from Coal to Oil-burning, (355)
- Warships and Mathematics, 396
- White, Sir Wm., his Resignation, 485
- Wreck Statistics for 1900, 205
Battleships, British:
- Albion, 47
- Cornwallis, 69
- Cressy, 19, (392), 404
- Edward VII., (531)
- Formidable, Differences between the Canopus and the, 327 ; her Gun Trials, 19 ; the Admiral’s Objections to her, 279 ; Manned by the Crew of the Resolution, 377
- Glory, Bad Breakdown, 198
- Implacable, (39), 280, 327, 359, 404
- Indexible, 404
- Leander, 527
- London, The, 327
- Magnificent, Re-armament, 377
- Majestic, (579)
- Mars, Shooting Record Made by, 430, (579)
- Nelson, The Old, (608)
- New, 43
- Polyphemus, 404
- Powerful, 327
- Queen, (487)
- Repulse, (455), 506, (579)
- Resolution, The, 327, 377, 430, (579)
- Royal Sovereign, 506
- Terrible, The, 327
- Venerable, Belt Armour of, 204
- Vengeance, 47
Battleships, Foreign:
- American, see United States French, Devastation, (66)
- Dupuy de LOme, 506
- Henri IV., 430 Indomptable, 608
- Requin, 430, 608
- German, Mecklenburg, Marked F in the Naval Programme, Launch of, (508), 527, 562
- German, Schwahen, of the Wittelsbach Class. 198
- Italian Benedetto Brin, 506
- Japanese, Mikasa, 47, 404, (467), (517), 583, (615), (663)
- Russian, Five New, Projected, 377
- Canet Guns Ordered for, 430
- Kniaz Potemkin Tavritchesky, 551, 553
- Meenin, 377
- Peresviet, 527, 583, 608 Polreda, 527
- Princo Potemkin Taurique, (39),
- Retvisan, 377, 430
- Swodish, Aran, Vasa, and Tapporheten, 652
- Turkish, Messoudiyeh, 430
- United States, Illinois, (39)
- Maine, (120)
- Missouri, 583
- The New, 19, 656
- Ohio, 22 Wisconsin, (39)
Cruisers, British:
- Apollo, 114
- Arrogant, Experiments with Liquid Fuel, 608. (629)
- County Class, The Berwick, Cornwall, Cumberland, Donegal, Lancaster, and Suffolk, Armour Plates for, (341)
- Diadem, 252
- Essex, Launch of, (248)
- Euryalus, (105), (185), (211)
- Hermes, 252
- Hogue, (185). (211), 652
- Hyacinth and Minerva, 40, 41, 47, 52, 61, 63. 95, (101), 225, 234, 249, 333, (531), (629)
- Isis, 631
- King Alfred, Engines of, and Launch of, 207, (257), (362), (441), 451, (455), (467)
- Leviathan, 19, (39), 40, 46
- Medea and Medusa, Steam Trials of. (273)
- Minerva and Hyacinth, 40, 41, 47, 52, 61, 63, 95, (101), 225, 234, 249, 333
- Monmonth, Launch of, (508), 537
- New Armoured, to be Laid Down at Pembroke Dockyard, (468)
- Pelorus, Overtime to Cease on, (224); Question of Re-boilering, 327
- I wo of the Novik Type to Figure in the next Naval Estimates, 5g7
Cruisers, Foreign:
- French, Jurien de la Gravifere, 503
- Leon Gambetta, 327, (481), 527
- Montcalm, 583
- German, Ariadne, Boiler Explosion on, 69
- Catting and Lengthening of Eight, (66)
- Kiinig Wilhelm Ersatz, 650, 651
- A New Type of Small, (629)
- Japanese, Nütaka, (413), 430
- Tsushima, (413), 430
- Russian, Novik, 223, 377, 382, 583
- Sister to the Novik, 19, (66)
- United States, Charleston, 87, 95, 198
- Georgia, 198
- New Protected, 87, 95
Torpedo Craft, Gunboats, &c. British:
- Cobra, Torpedo Boat Destroyer, 307, 327, 355, 377, 424, 427, 431, 462
- Crane, Torpedo Boat Destroyer, Damage to, (381), 451
- Cynthia, Destroyer, 180
- Daring, Torpedo Boat Destroyer, Ex¬plosion on,(24)
- Desperate, Destroyer, 180
- Express, Torpedo Boat Destroyer, Trials of, (11)
- Flirt, Destroyer, Fitted with High Bridge, 583
- Hazard, Destroyer, 180
- Jason, Torpedo Gunboat, 608
- Kangaroo, Destroyer, 180
- Medway, Destroyer, Steam Trials of, and Collision of the Angler and the Salmon, (381)
- Moorhen, Gunboat, Launched, (173)
- Myrmidon, Destioyer, 180
- Rinaldo, The Sloop, (355)
- Starfish, Torpedo Boat Destroyer, 47
- Surly, Torpedo Boat Destroyer, 47
- Syren, Torpedo Boat Destroyer, (273), (303)
- Tborn, Torpedo Boat Destroyer, 527
- Viper, Torpedo Boat Destroyer, 47, (147), (198), (224)
- Vulture, (405)
- Destroyers, Four, to be Commissioned to Mediterranean, 180
- Devonport Instructional Flotilla of De¬stroyers, 506
- Submarine Boats, 228
- Submarines, The Five New, Admiralty’s Call for Volunteers to Man them, (248)
- Preliminary Experiments with, and Lengthening of the Tank at Horsea Island, (405)
- Submarine, Launch of the First British, (361)
- Submarines, Launch of Four, at Barrow, (531)
- Submarine, Morse, Attack on the Gun¬boat Cocyte, 179
- Torpedo Boats, Four Ordered by the Admiralty of Thornycroft and Co., (579)
- Torpedo Boat No. 81 after her Immer¬sion, 198
- Torpedo Boat No. 107, (173), (330)
- Torpedo Boat, Trials of, 330
- Torpedo Boat Destroyers to be Attached to Warships, 176
Torpedo Craft, Gunboats, &c., Foreign:
- Argentina’s Home-made Submarine, 223
- Brazilian Submarine Boat. (355)
- Danish Gunboat Moën, (430)
- Dutch Torpedo Boat Rindjani, Yarrow and Co., Limited, (11), 49, (78)
- French Submarine Espadon Launched, (248), (272); First Trials, (431)
- French Submarine Triton, (126)
- French Submarine Gustav Zédé, Stories Concerning, 69
- French Submarines, (255), 634
- French Torpedo Boat Trom be, Trial of. 179
- French Twin-screw Torpedo Boats Siroco and Mistral, 459
- German Torpedo Boat G. 108, (273)
- German Torpedo Boat Destroyer Fitted with Parson’s Turbine, (331)
- Japanese Torpedo Boat Destroyer Akut- suki, Dawn, (508); Particulars of the Trial Trip, 545
- Russian Destroyer Boyarin Launched, 179
- Russian Destroyer Kefal, 608
- Russian Submarine, (120)
- Swedish 31-Knot Torpedo Boat De¬stroyer, Messrs Yarrow and Co., (455)
- United States Submarine Fulton’s Per¬formance, (605)
- United States Submarines, New TvDes of, 19
Mercantile, Passenger, and other. British:
- Assistance, The, A Sea going Workshop, Built for the Admiralty, (417)
- Cable Steamer Faraday, (579)
- Californian, Launch of the Screw Steamer, by the Caledon Company, (556)
- Cargo Steamers Volta and Sokoto, Engines of, 206
- Channel Steamers, 38, 413
- Clvde-New York, The City of Rome, (431)
- Cross - Channel Passenger Steamship Services, 114, 210, 345, 459, 524, 532, 599,602
- Four-masted Wooden Schooner Launched on Paget Sound, 199
- King El ward, The First Commercial Vessel Fitted with the Parsons Steam Turbine Method of Propulsion. (11) (273)
- Launch Fitted with Quadruple-expansion Engines, 137
- Mercedes, The, Finest Collier AHoat, Started by a Cardiff firm, (629)
- Oil-carrying Boats, The Shell Transport and Trading Company’s, 585
- Our Mercantile Marine, 121
- Pacific Liner Ortona, Engines of, 206
- Railway Ferry Steamer and Icebreaker Scotia, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whit¬worth and Co., 308
- Royal Yacht Victoria and Albert, (39), (93), (120), (173). (234), 279, (405)
- Steam Cutter, A Fast, Simpson, Strick¬land and Co., Limited, 479, 486
- Steam Launch for Liquid Fuel, Vosper and Co., 102
- Trocas, s.s., The Shell Transport Com¬pany, Liquid Fuel-burning Arrange¬ment on, 414
- Turbine Steamer King Edward, Official Trials of Denny and Brothers, (11)
- Union-Castle Line, New Vessels Launched into the Clyde, (605)
- White Star Liner Celtic, Trial Run of the New, (66)
- Yachts, Shamrock I. and H. Trials, (66)
Mercantile, Passenger, and other, Foreign:
- American Liner Philadelphia, Her His¬tory, (248), 302, 304
- America, Seven-masted Schooner under Construction in, (481)
- American, Steamers for the East Trade, (52)
- Anchor Liner Columbia, (431)
- Atlantic Liners. Three Famous, (638)
- Cunard Liner Lucania, Use of Wireless Telegraphy on, (39), (199)
- Danish Merchant Steamer Oscar IL, 539
- East Chinese Railway Company’s Line of Steamers between Vladivostock and Petropaulowski-Kamtschatk8, (455)
- French Mail Steamer Nord, (427)
- French Mercantile Marine, 569
- Hamburg-American Line Deutschland, New Atlantic Speed Record Esta¬blished by, (66), (273)
- Japan, Merchant Fleet in 1872 and 1900, (331)
- North German Lloyd’s s.s. Krcnprinz Wilhelm, (224), 309
- North German Lloyd’s Steamers Home¬ward to Call at Plymouth, (331)
- Ocean Rapid Transit Company, The, (455)
- Pacific Mail s.s. Company, San Fran¬cisco, U.S.A., Korea and Siberia, 12, 18
- Pacific Ocean Liners, (565)
- Russia’s Mercantile Marine, 649
- Steam Schooners for Carrying Timber, American, 50
- Siberia, Development of, 614
- Signals at Sea, Fog, (640)
- Simplon Tunnel, The, 328
- Sinope, The Battle of, November 30th, 1853, by Rear-Admiral S. Eardley- Wilmot, 497
- SIROCCO Fan, The, 19, 70, 100,101,129,180, 228
- Sliding Scale, 359
- Small Arms and Artillery, Development of Mode of Ignition in, 74, 168, 230, 302, 379
- Small Arms, a New Automatic Pistol, 578
- Smethwick Engineering Works, (66)
- Smithfield Show, The : 610, 638
- Smoke Consuming Apparatus, Committee for the Trial of, in Germany, (331)
- Smoke Preventer, Lowe’s Patent, (211)
- Smokeless Chimney Company, Limited, “British” Smoke Preventer, (211)
- Société Technique de l’lndnstrie du Gaz en France Entertained at the Hotel Cecil, (93)
Society of Arts:
- Conversazione at the Botanic Society’s Garder s Regent’s Park, (11)
- Aluminium Solder, Professor E. Wilson on the Constituents of a Good, (629)
- Arrangements for the Session 1901-1902, (664)
- Presidency Accepted by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, (629)
Society of Chemical Industry:
- Number of Members on Register, (120)
Society, Crystal Palace Engineering:
- Awards, (648)
Society, Civil and Mechanical Engineers’:
- Address, New, (355)
- Factors of Safety, Mr. Robert Hy. Smith, 388
- Geometric Interpretation of Photographs as Applied to Surveying, &c., Mr. J. B. L9e, 609
Society of Engineers:
- Forty-eighth Annual General Meeting, 609
Society of Engineers, Amalgamated :
- Monthly Returns, and Mr. G. N. Barnes’ Preface to the same, (77), (211)
- Operations of the Society during the Past Year, (663)
- Quinquennial Delegate Meeting, 37
- Unemployed List, Rise in the Total, (541)
- Society of Engineers and Metallur¬gists :
- Opening of Session, Lectureon Silver Alloys, by Mr. E. A. Smith, (474)
Society, Glasgow University Engineering:
- Dynamo Design, Influence of Commercial Con¬siderations on, Mr. W. B, Hird, (559)
- Physics and Engineering, Professor Gray, (542)
- Utilisation of Electricity in Chemical Manu¬facture, Mr. T. Ewan, (611)
- Visits to the Parkhead Forge, to Messrs. D. Bruce Peebles and Co.’s Works, and to the Dalzell Steeland Ironworks, (542)
- Workshop Management, Mr. J. Rowan, (628)
Society, Manchester Geological:
- Barqes, Mr. Jonathan, Elected President, (391)
- Society, Manchester Literary and Philosophical:
- Explosions of Steam Pipes due to Water Hammer, Mr. C. E. Stromeyer, (480)
- Society of Mechanical Engineers, American:
- Superheated Steam, Mr. E. II. Foster, 589
- Westinghouse Gas Engine, Results of Efficiency Tests of Mr. C. H. Robinson, (93)
Society of Model Engineers:
- Third Annual Conversazione, Lectures on Perpetual Motion and Shipwrecks and Ship Raising, Messrs. Tennant and Hepworth, 589
Society, Yorkshire College Engineering, Leeds:
- Electrical Power for Traction, Development and Utilisation of, Mr. Wilson, 589
- Exact Measurement of Length, Mr. A. 0. Allen, (610) .
- Life and Work of John Ericsson, Prof. Good¬man, 401
- SOFTENING Water, Two Apparatuses for, 415
- Sound in Hot Air, Velocity of, Mr. E. H. Stevens' Experiments on, (556)
- Southan, Mr. John, (257)
- Spanish, Commercial, 205
- Spark Arresters for Locomotives, 255
- Speed Counter, O. Berend and Co.’s, 658
- Spies at Portsmouth, 47
- Sponge Fishiog Industry in Cuba, (199)
- Stamp Mill, Portable, 152
- Standardisation of Extra Heavy Pipe and Valve Flanges, 400
- of Screw Threads, 540 of Steel Sections, 534
- Stanley Works, Newark-on-Trent, A. Ransome and Co., 626, 627, 628, 630
- Starley, John Kemp Starley, (454)
- Steam, Mr. H. A do Clark on, (535)
- Steam Ferries at Elsinore and Elbing, (579)
- Steam Generator, The Braby, 611
- Steam, Heating Capacity of, Saturated v. Super¬heated, (199)
- Steam Lorries and Motors for South Africa, (303)
- Steam as a Medium for Heating Purposes, Rela¬tive Merits of Superheated and Saturated, (147)
- Steam, Superheated, 147, 181, 199, 221, 268, 275, 429, 430
- Belgian, Competes with British for the Indian Market, (66)
- Castings, Scrap, (210)
- Copper in, Anti-corrosive Effect of a certain Amount of, (481)
- Correct Treatment of, Mr. C. H. Ridsdale on 269
- Corporation, United States, Enormous Dividend Declared by, (440)
- Frame Rolling Mill, (210)
- Furnace at New Castle, Pa., Large Capacity, (66)
- Industry in the United States, Development of, owing to Substitution of Steel for Wood in Construction of Agricultural Machines, (531)
- Ingots, Process for Compressing Fluid, (579)
- New Process of Manufacturing, Herr D. Giebler’s, (629)
- Output, Carnegie Works, October Rate of, (605)
- Plate Combination, The, 632
- Production in the Different Countries of Europe,
- Annual Account of, (442)
- Profits, 384
- Rails and Plates, Influence of Copper on, (39)
- Railway Axles, (210)
- Rail Pool, United States, (66)
- Sections, Standardising of, 534
- Strike, 175, (212), (234), (255), 307
- Swedish Industry, 1900, 178
- Trade Improvement in the, 485
- Trust, (lei)
- United States Steel Corporation, Quarterly Meeting of the, (416)
- Wire Nails, United States Production, (66)
- Wire Rods, United States Production, (66)
- Workers’ Wages, 633
- Works, American, in England, (442)
- Works, Barrow Hematite, 140, 148
- Works and Collieries Amalgamation, Merthyr and Dowlais, (232), (418)
- Works in Nova Scotia, (210)
- STEFANI, Dr., (199)
- Stewart, Mr. John, 221
- Stockall Time Recorder, The, 658
- Stoking Plant, Large Boiler, 584, 585, (608)
- Street Sweeping by Trolley, (224)
- Street Sweeping and Watering in Nottingham. (579)
- Stresses in Hinged Arched Ribs, Calculating the, Chas. Lean on, 323, 334
- Structural Work, Colonial, 621
- Students at Prussian Universities in 1897, Pro¬position of Foreign, (224)
- Subways for Pipes, 34
- Sugar Industry, The Indian (Supplement, Au'/tul 30th, 1901). 110, 189, 217-219, 222, (255) Sulphur in Iron and Steel, Determination of (579)
- Sunday Work on Railway Bridges, 261
- Superheated Steam, 181, 199
- Heating by, 221 Mr. Leoke on, 268, 275
- Superheated and Saturated Steam for Heating Purposes, Prof. Carpenter’s Teste with, (199)
- Superheater Charts, 430
- Superheater, Steam, 429
- Locomotive, Compound Swivelling, Bulgarian State Railways, November 15th, 1901 Locomotive Eight-wheo’s Coupled Coal, North-
- Eastern Railway, Mr. Wilson Worsdell, November 29th, 1901
- Locomotive, Eight-wheels Coupled Coal, Great Northern Railway, Mr. H. A. Ivatt, Septem¬ber 6th, 1901
- Locomotive, Express Passenger, Mr. Wilson Worsdell, October 4th, 1901
- Locomotive, Express, South - Eastern and Chatham Railway, Mr. Wainwright, Julv 19 th, 1901
- Machine Tools and their Use in Locomotive I Shops, December 13th, 1901
- Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company, Pumping Engines at Hampton, Mr. J. W. Restler, November 1st, 1901
- Sugar, Manufacture in India, Charcoal Plant, August 30th, 1901
- Traction Engine, Cross-compound Tramway Davey Paxman and Co., December 27th, 1901
- Triple-expansion Pumping Engines, Mr. J. W. Resler, Hampton, Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company, August 2nd, 1901
- Sweden, Available Energy of Waterfalls in, (93)
- Swedish Iron, Steel, Metal, and Coal Industries in 1900, 178
- Symington, Wm., and the Centenary of Steam Navigation, 488
- TAIT, Prof., 124 Tariff, German, 175, 558
- Tariffs, Iron and, 434
- Tarquah Goldfield, The, (431)
- Technical College for the South of Scotland, (508)
- Telegraph Conference, International, (196)
- System in Switzerland, Statistics of the, (173)
- Telegraphy, Optical, France, (273)
- Simultaneous Telegrams on Single-wire, M. Menadier's System, (455)
- Submarine, Jubilee of, 530
- Wireless, at a Distance of 287
- Miles from Sandy Hook, (199)
- Wireless, Across the Ocean, (455), 633, 634
- Wireless, Danger Attending Stations of, (147)
- Wireless, West Indies, (93)
- Telephone Cable through the Gotthard Tunnel, (199)
- Telephone Cables in Serios, Tests with Anglo- French, (199)
- Telephone Line between Paris and London, (199)
- Telephone, The London-Brussels, (355)
- Telephone System, Liverpool Municipal, (273)
- London, (120), (556) Manchester, Projected Muni¬cipal, (199)
- Sheffield Municipal, (331) Tunbridge Wells, Extension of, (120), 125, (629)
- Telephone Transmitter, Apparatus tor Measuring Vibration of, (11)
- Bridge over Sydney Harbour, Government of New South Wales Invites, for, (83), (133)
- Calais, Lock Gate and Aqueduct, &c., (248)
- Electrical Plant for the London County Council Tramways, 516, 527
- Havana, Sewerage System and Street Paving, (93)
- Norwegian State Railways Administration Invite, for Rolling Stock, (39); Lamps for Passenger Coaches and Turntables, (258)
- Spain, Port of Gijon, Steam Cranes and Tipping Ruckets, (579)
- S:eel Rails, New South Wales, (133)
- for Warships, The Admiralty’s Decision as to, (508)
- Tennessee Farmer’s Complaint against the Ten¬nessee Copper Company, (431,
- Tesiier, E. L., 583
- Testing House for Chains and Anchors at Cradley Heath, (257)
- Machine in the Glasgow University, Mr. H. Wicksteed, 269, 285
- of Material in Technics, International Congress for the, at Buda Pesth, (273)
- THERMOMETERS, Tempering, A Convenient Method of, (405)
- “They Send for the Newspaper Man,” 160
- Thomas, Mr. Jas., (132)
- Tide Mills, 49
- Tides, Machine for Calculating, (11), (173)
- Timbering Rules, The Home Secretary’s Now, (467)
- Timbers of the Philippines, Tests on the, (405)
- Time Recorder, A Workmen’s, 658
- Tin-plate Industry, South Wales, (455)
- Tips. Coal, Penarth, Mr. T. H. Riches, 91, 92, 118, 132, (160)
- Tires on an Electric Cab, M. Michelin’s Experi¬ments with, (93)
- Tools, Machine—.see Machine Tools
- Tools, Pneumatic, (101)
- Torpedoes—tie Explosives
- Towing Tank and the Deep Sea, 400
- Tractors for Military Purposes, (451), (455)
- Trade, British, with the African Continent, Its Value, (147)
- Trade and Business Announcements:
- 25, 79, 107, 161, 187, 213, 258, 319, 343, 369, 419, 443, 469, 495, 519, 542, 566, 592, 617, 641, 665
- Trade and Education, 434
- Trade, Government Interference with, 533, 564
- Trade, State of, 385
- Trades Unions, Liability of, 95, 124
- Trades Union Tyranny, 408
- Tramways, Electric and other:
- Acquisition of, by the London County Council, Negotiations for the, (381)
- Adelaide, (440)
- Auckland, (481)
- Bangkok, (331)Barrow, 116, 119, (583)
- Batavia, (224)
- Belgium, Mileage of Narrow and Standard Gauge, (248)
- Barlin, Prize Offered by the Company for the Best Speed Indicator for Electric Cars, (199)
- Berlin, Proportion of Horse Traction to Electric on,(93)
- Birmingham, (120), (605)
- Blackburn, Charges on, 28
- Boston Shadow Underground, Standard Height of Roof and Number of Cars Running on, (629)
- Bradford to Idle, Electrio, (199)
- Bradford, Plan for Watering the Streets by Means of the Car Lines, 224
- Brighton, (553)
- Brussels, Electric. 506 Cardiff, (160) (592), (605)
- Cheltenham to Cleeve Hill, Accident on, (120)
- Compressed Air Tramcars, 76
- Croydon, 169, (173), (234), (300), (302), (311), (355)
- Cumberland, West, (66)
- Derailment of Cars, 310, 513
- Derailment of Tramcars, 388
- Devonport, Accident on, (173)
- Dudley, (211)
- Dutch East Indies, 648
- East Ham, (93)
- Edinburgh, Cabling the, 27, 57
- Electric Plant for the London County Council's, List of Tenders for, 616, 527
- Exeter, (605)
- Fender to Pick up Fallen Persons, (147)
- Glasgow, Gross Revenue, 1900, (39)
- Greenock, Sunday Traffic Suspended, (431)
- Halifax, Damaged by Thunderstorm, (224)
- Haslemere and Farnham, (381)
- Havana, (2241
- Henley and Fenton, Collision between (556)
- India, Baroda State, (173)
- Leicester, (120)
- Liverpool, (173), (431)
- London County Council’s, J. G. White and Co.'s Tenders, (481)
- London, Electric, 42, 47, 62, 64, 65, (120), 152, 509
- London Extensions. 584, 638
- London, Shallow Underground Electric, 506, (579)
- London United, (120), 152, (224), (311)
- Manchester and Suburban, (556)
- Manchester, Traffic Returns, (224)
- Margate, Accident on, (173), (224), (405)
- Marseilles, Haulage for Goods between Docks, Warehouses, and Factories on, (273)
- Melbourne, (440)
- Methods of Safety for Overhead Electric Trolley System, Mr. Edward Manville on, 21
- Metropolitan, Electrification of, the Finsbury Park to Wood Green Line, (120), 152, (605)
- Milan and Varese Electric, (224)
- Munich Sorface Contact, 423, 445, 472
- Naples to Vesuvius, (224)
- New York, Metropolitan Street Railway Co. of, Operating Expenses of, (508)
- New South Wales, (331), (629)
- Norbury to Croydon, (173)
- Northampton, (120), (355), (431)
- Nottingham, 327
- Permanent Way for, Mr. W. Howard Smith on, 20
- Portsmouth, (355)
- Prague, Electric, (199)
- Reading, (355)
- Southend, Electric, (92)
- South Shields, (273), (405)
- Spain, San Sebastian and Tolosa, (579)
- Stockport, (224), (273), (381)
- Submarine Tunnel, Baston, G.S.A., 196
- Sydney, Electric Traction for, (187)
- Teneriffe, (653)
- Torquay, (431)
- Tramcara, New, Danger in Connection with, (303)
- Tynesido Tramways and Tramroad Company’s Lines, (467)
- U.S.A., Baltimore, Large Central Boiler Plant, (662,
- U.S.A, Electric Tamway Operation, (682)
- U.S.A., St. Louis, (661)
- Vigo and Bayona, Electric, (199)
- Wakefield, (381)
- Wales, Treherbert and Ferndale, (592)
- Wembley to Harrow Scheme Rejected, (508)
- Westinghouse Electric Tramway Brake, 102
- Wheel for, Patented by Messrs. Thorpe and Fox, (257)
- Wimbledon and Croydon, (300), (302)
- Wolverhampton, (517)
- TRAVEL in Air, L. Lancaster on, 623
- Travers, Mr. M. W., Apparatus for Obtaining Liquid Hydrogen in Quantities, (273, Trevithick, The Home of, 539
- Trusts in Germany, 201
- Tube Expander, Plastic Pressure, The Newall Engineering Company, 461
- Tudhce Works, Closing of the, (455), (467)
- Tunnel, Brooklyn, Four-mile, (25)
- Lining a, (211)
- Niagara Falls, Contract for, (405)
- Solent, (273)
- Submarine Tramway, Boston, U.S.A., 196
- Tunnelling by Compression in Clay, 228, 255
- Tunner, Peter von, Memorial to the Late, 193
- Turbine Machinery, Mr. Jas. McKechnie, 140, 157, 183, 206, 225, 310
- Turbines, Efficiency of, 205
- Turbines, Inward-How, 163,161
- Turf Wool, (303)
- Tunnel, SirapluD, 328
- Tyne, Improved Ferry Service, (653)
- UNITED STATES, Foundries and Foundry Practice in the. 321, 332. 348, 371, 401, 421
- 446, 473, 499, 521, 549, 570, 595, 620, 643
- United States Steel Corporation, Quarterly Meet¬ing of, 416
- Valve Gear, 588, 661
- Valves, Balanced Slide, 181
- Valves, Piston, Corliss, and Double-beat, Mr. Vanderstegen on 588,661
- Vanadium, Find of, in South Australia, (440)
- Ventilation by Electricity, 312, 338
- Ventilation of the Houses of Parliament, (39)
- Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Limited, Creation of New Shares, (23)
- Vickers, Sons and Maxim, Limited, Weekly Wage Sheet, Number of Hands Employed, Annual Excursion, Work in Hand, (105)
- Victoria University, Liverpool, Syllabus of Papers, (447)
- Viragh, Herr Joseph, Inventor of the Multiplex Telegraph, his Death and Destitution, (455)
- WASTE, Utilisation of, Mr. D. McColl on, (554)
- Water, Influence of Pressure on the Viscosity of, M. L. Hauser's Study of the, (556) Waterproofing B’ue Prints, (224)
- Water Softening, Continuous, 415
Water Supply:
- Artesian Boring Plant, Australia, 135, 338
- Artesian Well in Crenelle, France. (556)
- Artesian Well Scheme, Gainsborough, (120)
- Australia, Average Rainfall in Pastoral Sec¬tions of, (556). (562)
- Mr. W. Gibbons Cox on the Irrigation of Bore Water in, (556)
- Belfast, 410
- Birmingham, Elan Valley, (381)
- Birmingham Waterworks, Progress at Rbyader, (168)
- Bradford, (381), (605)
- Bristol, Bursting of Trunk Main, (93)
- Calcutta, (199)
- Chicago, Consumption of Water per Head per Day, (218)
- for the Condensing Plant of the Edison ComPany, Experiment in Connection with the, 1 11)
- Dayton, U.S A , Pumpei from Driven Wells, (383)
- Detecting and Proventing Pollution of Public, Mr. Wm. Watte on, 31
- Gainsborough, Artesian Well Scheme, (120)
- Glasgow, Aqueduct from Loch Katrine to, (556)
- Hampton, Southwark and Vauxhall Water Company, Pumping Engines (Supplements,
- .1 uijusl 2nd, 1901, and November 1»Z, 1901), 123, 452
- Huddersfield, Defect in the Butterley Reservoir, (248)
- Hull, (431)
- India, Borings for Artesian Water Projected by Government, (224)
- Jerusalem, (629)
- Lancashire, Boring in the IEstriot of Colney, Leeds"? Reduction of, The Water Sprinkled on the Streets, (199)
- Lincoln, 184
- Liverpool Waterworks, Increase in Quantity of Water Distributed Daily, (248)
- London, 510, (531), 535
- London, Average Daily Supply from the Thames, (455)
- London Companies, Net Profits Earned by the Eight, (381)
- London County Council, Bill for the Purchase of the Eight Water Companies, (481), 510
- Manchester, (173), (273), (481)
- Manchester, Rainstorms a Boon, (508)
- Merthyr Tydvil New Waterworks, 239
- Metropolitan, Report on its Condition during May, Juno, July and September, (66), (147), (273). (481), (531)
- Ncatb, (629)
- New York, (147)
- Notes on Village, 192
- Padstow, (331)
- (Plymouth), (331)
- Portsmouth, (120)
- Price of, in Seventy English Boroughs, 62
- Pumped from Driven Wells, (383)
- Queensland, (556)
- Sheffield Famine, 511
- Spain, Paterna, Drinking Water from the Fuente, (481)
- For Steam Engines, 67
- Swansea, Cray Reservoir, (368)
- Tees Valley, Water Board, New Reservoirs for the, (248)
- Teignmouth, Devon, (303), (331)
- Valparaiso, (455)
- Village, 192
- Well-boriog Machinery in Australia, W. G. Cox on, 135
- West Riding of Yorkshire, Threatened with Water Famine, (303)
- Witwatererand, Joint Commission Appointed to Examine, (455)
- Yorkshire, Scarcity of, Cost of Water in Batley, (355)
- WEAR of Roads by Horse Haulage and Motor Traffic, Mr. W. Worby Beaumont on, 21
- Welin’8 Boat-lowering Gear, 337
- Well-boring Machinery in Australia, by W. G. Cox, 135
- Westinghouse Company’s New Town Site and Foundry Plant, (455)
- Wheel for Electric Tramways, Thorpe and Fox’s Patent, (267)
- White, Sir Wm., His Resignation, 485
- Wilson, Mr. Henry, 514
- Wing Propeller Fan, F. W. Potter and Co., 649
- Wire Rope Works at Wakefield, 35, 36, 37, 98, 99
- Wolframite, or Oxide of Tungsten in Arizona and Nevada, (531)
- Wood Paving in Toronto, Cedar Treated with Creosote the Best, (653)
- Wood Pulp Industry on the North Shore of the St. Lawrence Gulf, (355)
- Woods, Australian Hard, Tests of, by the British Fire Prevention Committee, (629)
- Wordingham, Mr. C. H., His Inaugural Address at the Institution of Electrical Engineers, 586
- Work in Compressed Air, 121
Workmen’s Compensation Act:
- Statements by Mr. Jae. Haslam and Mr. W. E. Harvey on, (441)
- Workmen's Dwellings, the Berlin Municipal Council and the Proposal to Build Suitable, (508)
- Workmen’s Timo Recorder, 658
- Works to Sea, From, 226
- Workshop Methods, Messrs. Weiraud Richmond, 339
- Wreck Statistics for 1900, 205
- Yacht Race, International, 384
- Yorkshire Coal Mining in 1900, 49
- Yorkshire Coalowners and the Railway Contracts, Zuider Z .e, 322
See Also
Sources of Information