The Engineer 1907/02/08
1907 February 08th 13.3Mb PDF
Main Subjects
- A Comparison of Certain South African Coals
- Editorial
- Locomotive economy
- Route-ing
- The professional status of engineers
- The Treasury inquiry on the National Physical Laboratory
- High Pressure Scotch Marine Boiler
- Institution of Civil Engineers - Modern Motor Vehicles
- J. Johnston and H. W. Buddicom - Epicyclic Change-Speed Gear (Illustrated)
- Krupp - The Essen Steel Works (Illustrated)
- Los Angeles Water Supply
- Machine Tool Design - J. T. Nicolson and Dempster Smith
- New Stone Bridge at Orleans (Illustrated)
- Obituaries
- Peckett and Sons - Narrow Gauge Bogie Tank Engine (Illustrated)
- Pfeil and Co Full Automatic Bilgram Gear-Shaping Machine for Mitchell's Motor (Illustrated)
- Scottish Shipbuilding for January
- Shipbuilding and marine Engineering during 1906 (III)
- Thornycroft - Propelling Engines for a Ferry Steamer (Illustrated)
- The Art of Cutting metals (continued)
- Transit Facilities in New York (II) (Illustrated)
- Union Drawing Office and Print Co - A New Drawing Pen
- W. Gunther and Sons - 900 hp Pelton Wheel (Illustrated)